Chapter 164 - Lillian's Second Message

It is now a few days after New Year's, and Sam and Alex are just arriving at Kara and Lena's penthouse to come and pick up Ruby. After the New Year, where Alex and Sam got engaged, Kara and Lena offered to allow Ruby to spend a few days with them, so that the newly engaged couple could have some alone time to 'celebrate'. Ruby didn't seem to mind this one bit at all, because she got to spend a couple of days with Alura and Eliza, while also being in Kara and Lena's penthouse, with a swimming pool, which she absolutely loves.

"Hey, how are you guys?" Kara smiles, as she and Lena greet Sam and Alex.

"We're great." Sam smiles happily, her wedding ring sparkling in the sunlight.

"Yeah, we are." Alex nods, with a big smile too.

"I'm happy for both of you." Lena smiles herself.

"So, how as Ruby been these last few days?" Sam asks, "I hope she hasn't been too much trouble?"

"No. Not at all." Kara replies.

"Yeah." Lena agrees, "She has been having a great time with Alura. Although, admittedly it has been a bit of a challenge to get Alura and Ruby to actually go to bed, as they have both been staying up most nights, chatting with each other instead of falling asleep."

"Awwww.... That's nice." Alex smiles.

"Yeah.... I guess so." Lena says.

"Ruby was a bit sad when Eliza had to leave yesterday. But Eliza gave her a big hug and kiss, and promised to call her soon, and that seemed to help." Kara says.

"Yeah, well, Ruby really does like your mom." Sam smiles.

"Well, it probably didn't help that Eliza consistently kept calling Ruby her future granddaughter." Kara says, "Which likely gave Ruby a bigger attachment to Eliza."

"Awww that's really nice." Sam says, feeling very touched that Eliza said that to Ruby.

"Anyway, I'll go get the two trouble makers, and let Ruby know that you guys are here to pick her up." Kara says, "I'm sure the three of you want to talk about.... whatever.... you guys have been up to."

"Yeah, we want to gossip about how your sister railed me good with a strap these last few days." Sam smirks.

"AHHH GROSS!!" Kara groans, putting her fingers in her ears.

Kara then uses a limited amount of her super speed to leave the living room area, and heads upstairs where Ruby and Alura are. This leaves Sam, Alex and Lena down in the living room to talk.

"So... did you guys have fun?" Lena smirks.

"Yeah. We did." Sam nods, with a smile, "Let's just say.... we took full advantage of not having Ruby in the house with us."

"Uhuh." Alex nods, looking at Sam with a smile, "In fact, I'm pretty sure this is the first time either of us have worn any clothes in almost 3 days."

Lena chuckles upon hearing that.

"Well, I'm glad the two of you clearly had a very good time together." Lena smiles, happy for her best friend, and her future sister.

"Yes, and we are thankful that you and Kara were so kind as to take care of Ruby for a few days so we could do this." Sam says.

"Of course." Lena replies, "I know you two would do the exact same for me and Kara. In fact, we'll probably have to talk about it later, but for the first week of Kara and I's honeymoon, Alura is going to need someone to watch her for a week."

"And we'd love to have her." Sam smiles.

"Yeah." Alex agrees, "And I'm sure Alura and Ruby will get into all sorts of trouble together."

"Hmmm... I can only imagine." Lena smirks.

Lena, Alex and Sam are then interrupted by Kara, Alura and Ruby coming down the stairs, and entering the living room.

"Mom! Alex!" Ruby says, with a big smile, going running over towards Sam and Alex, and taking them in for a hug each.

"Hello, honey." Sam smiles, as she hugs her daughter.

"Hey, Rubes." Alex says.

"Are we going to go home now?" Ruby asks.

"Uhhh.... yeah..." Sam says, "Unless you and Alura are in the middle of something."

"No. We were just playing." Ruby smiles.

Alex and Sam both smile at Ruby, as they are so happy that the 13-year-old gets on so well, and is happy to play, with Alura, who is 8 years her junior.

"Alright. I guess that means we are heading home then." Alex smiles.

"Okay." Ruby nods, "Did you guys talk about when you are going to get married?"

Alex and Sam both chuckle at Ruby asking them that.

"No. We didn't." Sam says, "We only just got engaged."

"Yeah. Plus, I think we have to let aunt Kara and aunt Lena get married first. We don't want to step on their toes." Alex says.

"Damn right." Lena says.

After this, Kara, Lena and Alura say their goodbyes to Sam, Alex and Ruby, with Alura being pretty upset that Ruby had to go. However, Lena and Kara soon made sure that Alura was put back in a good mood, by the three of them spending some quality time together, cuddled on one of their couches, watching a bunch of different movies, having a great time.

Later that evening, once Lena, Kara and Alura are all in their respective beds, with Kara and Lena being cuddled together, the two future wives chat to each other for a little while. The two are mostly talking about nothing, just something to fill the quietness, as neither of them are that tired yet, and nor are the two that interested in filling this moment with a bunch of sex. However, eventually Kara has a thought that she knows she has to talk to Lena about.

"Lee?" Kara says, being the one cuddled to Lena, and resting her head on the CEO's chest this evening, whereas usually things are the other way around.

"Yes, darling?" Lena purrs, glancing down to look at Kara, who has moved her head to look up at her, in her eyes.

"I know that we have been really busy with our wedding planning and everything, but Alura's birthday is in a few weeks' time, and I know we won't forget about it or anything, but I want to make sure Alura knows that we are thinking of that too, and we can plan something special." Kara says.

"Of course." Lena nods, "I've actually been thinking the same. We should probably discuss with Alura what she would like to do for her birthday."

"She'll probably say she wants to go to Disneyland." Kara chuckles.

"Hmmm... yeah." Lena agrees, "Maybe we should come up with some options or something for what we can do?"

"Yeah.... well.... obviously we could do something like everyone coming over here for Alura's birthday, and I'm sure she'd be fine with that.... but we can do that anytime.... I think we should do something special." Kara says.

"Agreed." Lena nods, and then falls silent, growing a thoughtful look on her face, "How about.... we do a bunch of small things... like.... we could go play mini golf together, or go to the arcade, and then we could go to a petting zoo, and then finish off the day, in the afternoon, all going horseback riding?"