Chapter 172 - 6th Birthday Part Part 1

It is now about a week later since Kara and Lena made the decision to officially adopt Morgan, and things have been going pretty well. The only issue has been that Morgan has still had a few moments where she has got sad or upset, obviously about everything that has happened to her. But when these moments have happened, all of Morgan's new family have surrounded her, and given her all the love and support that they can muster. This, in turn, has made Morgan a little clingy to Lena particularly, not to say she doesn't show affection to both Kara and Alura also. It's just clear that right now Lena is Morgan's favourite, and that's perfectly fine. Although, one of the reasons for this may be that Morgan has been coming to work with Lena every day of the week, because Kara and Lena have decided that with everything that has happened to Morgan, and with the fact that the little alien girl is just settling into her new family, the parents think Morgan shouldn't go to school just yet. So, instead of Morgan going to school, Kara and Lena have employed a private tutor who works with Morgan in a free room at L-Corp for a few hours of the day, and Morgan seems pretty happy with the arrangement.

Currently, it is Friday afternoon, and Lena and Morgan are just about to leave Lena's office at L-Corp, and head back home to their penthouse, where Kara and Alura will be waiting for them, as Kara picked Alura up from school today. This weekend is going to be very special for the family, because tomorrow is Alura's birthday, and they are going to be doing a bunch of fun things, both as a family, just them, and with their other friends and family too. This includes them going out for a nice lunch tomorrow, along with Alex, Sam, Ruby, J'onn, Winn, Jess and Eliza, who is visiting from Midvale, staying at Sam and Alex's home. After their lunch, the group are going to all go off to play mini-golf together, before then going to a local arcade, all of which has been chosen by Alura. Then once they are all finished with those activities, Kara, Lena, Alura and Morgan are going to say goodbye to everyone, and head off to a nice place just outside the city, where they will be able to ride horses, and even have a late-night picnic.

"Lena?" Morgan asks, as the CEO packs away her things.

"Yes, darling?" Lena replies, turning to look at Morgan with a smile.

Right now, Morgan is sitting on the couch in Lena's office, while Lena is packing things away at her desk, which is on the other side of the office.

"It's Alura's birthday tomorrow." Morgan says.

"Yes. I know." Lena nods, with a smile.

There is then a brief silence.

"I haven't got Alura a present." Morgan eventually says.

"Oh...." Lena replies, not expecting Morgan to say that.

"I want to get Alura a present, because we are a family now." Morgan says, cutely.

Lena's heart literally skips a beat at Morgan referring to them as a 'family now'.

"Okay." Lena nods, grabbing her bag and walking over to Morgan, "Then how about before we head home, the two of us go shopping, and get Alura a present from you?"

"Okay." Morgan smiles, but then grows a hesitant look on her face, "But.... I don't know what I should get her."

"Hmmm.... Well.... how about I give you some ideas, and then you can choose from them?" Lena suggests.

"Yes." Morgan nods, happily.

"Good." Lena smiles, holding out her hand for Morgan to take, "Let's go down to my car, and we'll drive to a mall nearby."

"Okay." Morgan nods again, with a big smile on her face, taking Lena's hand.

Morgan and Lena then leave Lena's office, passing by Lena's assistant Eve as they do.

"Have a good afternoon and weekend, Eve." Lena smiles.

"Thank you." Eve smiles back, "I hope you both have a good evening too. And tell Alura I wish her a happy birthday."

"I will." Lena replies, "Thank you, Eve."

Lena and Morgan then get into the elevator, and once the doors close, Lena feels Morgan come out from basically hiding herself behind her legs. It is just one of the little quirks Morgan has at the moment, as the little girl is fine with some people, but with some other people, like Eve, she gets a bit timid around. Lena though, makes an effort not to say anything about it, as she doesn't want to cause the young alien girl any more distress, and hopes that as she acclimatises more to everything, she will get more comfortable, and less scared and timid.

About a minute later, Lena and Morgan arrive in the basement car park of L-Corp, where the two walk over to Lena's car. Once they arrive at the car, Lena helps strap Morgan into her car seat in the back, giving her a kiss on one of her cheeks once she finishes, before getting into the driver's seat herself. As they drive away, Lena glances in the mirror, looking at her new daughter, and her heart beats so fast from how happy she is. Lena loves Morgan, so very much. She just hopes she will be able to do Morgan's parents proud, even though an afterlife isn't something she believe in or anything.


It is now about an hour and a bit later, and Morgan and Lena are just arriving back home at the penthouse. During their shopping trip, the mother and daughter went to a bunch of different stores, where Lena gave Morgan several options of presents that she could get Alura. Eventually, Morgan settled on getting Alura a Disney Beauty and the Beast kid's tea set, as Morgan already knows how much Alura loves all things Disney. Morgan then got Alura a birthday card too, that she chose out herself, which made Lena smile widely, because the 4-year-old alien chose one that said 'sister' on it.

"Momma, Morgan!" Alura says, running towards Lena and Morgan as they enter the penthouse.

"Hello, darling." Lena smiles, as she gives Alura a greeting hug.

"Hello, Alura." Morgan says, sounding a bit like Lena, which is something Kara and Lena have also noticed.

Alura then proceeds to hug Morgan for a little while, with the 4-year-old alien girl hugging Alura back. The hug ends when Kara comes and joins them.

"Hey guys, did you both have a good day today?" Kara asks, with a smile.

"Yes." Morgan nods, and wordlessly walks over to Kara, and takes her in for a hug.

"Hey." Kara says, hugging Morgan back, and placing a kiss on one of her cheeks.

Kara and Morgan continue to hug for a few more moments, before Lena then approaches and places a hand on one of Morgan's shoulders.

"Morgan, we should go upstairs and.... make sure we prepare the things we bought." Lena says, with a certain look on her face.

"Oh, yes!" Morgan nods, eagerly, with a big smile.

"What did you buy?" Alura asks, "Can I help?"

"No." Lena says, and then hesitates, because she doesn't want to spoil anything for Alura, but at the same time she doesn't want Alura to get the wrong idea and think she's hiding something from her, or wants to spend more time with Morgan, "It's for your birthday."

"Oh, okay." Alura nods, accepting the answer.

"Come on, my darling." Lena smiles at Morgan, holding out her hand.

Morgan smiles back at Lena, and then takes the CEO's hand, and the two of them head upstairs, and make their way into Kara and Lena's bedroom. Once they are inside, Lena closes the door behind them, and places the bag she was holding in one of her hands on the bed.