Chapter 179 - Kara's Wedding Dress

It's now a few days later, and over the last few days, Lena has had a complete mix of emotions. On the one side of things, Lena is so very happy that Morgan is now calling her 'momma'. It means so much to Lena that her second daughter actually is in a place, and comfortable, to call her that. Of course, nothing really changed from before, Lena still loves Morgan just as much as she did prior to her calling her momma, but there is just something special about being referred to as such. But on the other side of Lena's emotions, she has still been sad about the news that she can't have a baby, or at least give birth to one.

One of Lena's first instincts after sort of processing everything, was to dive straight into finding a way that she and Kara could mix their DNA, and have Kara give birth to the baby, or, if that isn't possible, have Kara carry her baby, using one of her eggs. However, in regards to the latter, Lena found up, upon doing further tests, both with Alex, and with actual top doctors in hospitals, that her 'condition' means that it is unlikely that she would be able to have a baby through surrogate either. So, this has just led to Lena being sad and upset again. It's not because Lena is so desperate to have her own baby, that shares her DNA. It's just that Lena doesn't want that option, or possibility, to be taken away from her. Lena still wants to be able to do everything that any other woman can do. It's just a very hard, and emotional, pill to swallow to know that isn't the case for her.

Despite Lena's emotional state about the news, her family have given her a lot of love and affection, which has helped immensely. Morgan has been continuing to give Lena hugs around her belly, and telling her she loves her, to the point where Lena is confident Morgan thinks the problem is with Lena's belly, and that maybe her hugs and kisses can make it better. Alura, for her part, has been giving Lena a lot of hugs too, and requesting to spend a lot more time than usual with her momma. Then, as for Kara, she has really been Lena's absolute rock. During the day, where Lena tries to limit her emotions, and not cry in front of her daughters, Kara has stood by Lena's side and supported her, giving her the love, affection, and reassurances she needs. Then at night, Kara holds Lena in her arms, as the CEO softly cries, sometimes even crying herself to sleep.

Outside of Kara, Alura and Morgan, the rest of Lena's friends and family have been very supportive too. Sam has been constantly checking in with Lena, sending her texts and everything, almost as if she thinks Lena is so fragile she could break at any second. Alex has been trying to give Lena hope, telling her about the options she has medically, and the tests that they can run to actually further figure out if Lena can't have a baby or not. Lena's mom has been very supportive, and spent several hours of one day, when Lena was at The Tower, just sitting with her daughter, talking to her, and comforting her like a mother should. Then finally, even Eliza has been supporting Lena, with the Danvers matriarch phoning Lena personally, in the middle of a work day, just to talk with her future daughter for almost half an hour, and tell her how amazing she thinks she is, and how much she loves her, like she is already her own daughter. All of this support did really help, but Lena has still been sad at times, which is completely to be expected.


Presently it is a Friday, and today Lena has meetings all over National City trying to agree certain deals with other tech companies. Admittedly, Kara was a bit apprehensive at the prospect of Lena doing all these meetings for several hours, by herself, but thankfully Lena let her know that Sam, as her CFO, would also be accompanying her. Kara wasn't worried because she doesn't think Lena can do the business deals herself, even in her current emotional state. Kara just wanted Lena to have some continued support, and have someone be there that makes it feel like Lena has less of a weight on her shoulders, and is thereby less stressed.

Due to Lena only going to L-Corp for about an hour today, Lena and Kara have cancelled Morgan's private tutoring at L-Corp for the day, and instead she is going to spend the day with Kara, who has taken the day off work, just for this occasion. Admittedly, Kara does think that this might be a good chance for her to continue to bond with Morgan one on one, because she knows that right now Morgan is much more affectionate with Lena. This is seen in circumstances such as when Morgan gets upset, she goes straight to Lena for comfort, or when they are all sitting on the couch at night, cuddling up, Morgan mostly gravitates towards Lena. Then there is the final, more recent, development, that has sort of hurt Kara a little bit, of Morgan still referring to her as 'Kara', even though she calls Lena momma now. Of course, Morgan is still affectionate with Kara though, and tells her she loves her, and gives her hugs and everything, but it's pretty clear that right now Lena is her favourite. So, Kara hopes that maybe today will give them a chance to strengthen their bond, and let Morgan know that she is her mom too, as well as Lena.

Even though Morgan referring to Lena as momma, and Kara still as Kara, has hurt the blonde's feelings a little bit, Kara doesn't blame the alien 4-year-old, and is very much trying not to take it personally. Kara just thinks that this is likely the case because Morgan has spent a lot more time with Lena, as Lena has been the one taking her to work with her every day, even though Morgan spends a few hours with a private tutor. Then outside of that, Lena has also been the one spending a lot of time with Morgan running tests, just to try and figure out more about Morgan's powers. So, Kara tries to tell herself that it's only natural for Morgan to refer to Lena as momma first, before calling her mommy, or something else, because she has spent a lot more time with Lena.

Right now, Kara and Morgan have just dropped Alura off at school for the day, and the duo are walking back to their penthouse, holding hands as they do. It is a nice day today in National City, and Kara does have a few things planned for her and Morgan to do, and she hopes that her plans will help her to continue to grow her bond with Morgan.

"Kara? What are we doing today?" Morgan asks, "Because I'm not going to work with momma."

Kara bites her lip to hide her emotions of Morgan calling her Kara and Lena momma in the same breath.

"Well.... I have a few things planned for us today, but it really all depends on what you would like to do." Kara says.

"What are they?" Morgan asks.

"Well, even though I did take the day off work today, I do still have a few tasks I need to complete over the next couple of hours. So, I thought we could go back home, and I'll finish my work on my laptop, and you can do some coloring, or watch some TV or something?" Kara suggests.

"Yes, okay." Morgan nods, with a small smile, "But what are we doing after that?"

"Well, it depends what the time is, but at 12 we are going to be meeting up with Alex, and then going to a wedding tailor's shop, where I will be trying on my wedding dress, which I have had designed especially for me." Kara says.

Morgan's eyes light up at Kara saying this to her.

"I get to see your wedding dress before anyone else?" Morgan asks, with some clear excitement in her voice.

Kara chuckles.

"Well, along with me and Alex, yes." Kara smiles, "I knew you would like that. You can give me advice, and let me know if you think I need to make any changes to it."

"Yes, okay." Morgan smiles, happily, "But, shouldn't Alura be with us too? As you and momma promised to show us both your wedding dresses before you get married."

"Yes." Kara nods, "And I'm sure we both will. But today is just a fitting. The wedding dress itself isn't complete yet. It is.... in a few different pieces, just to make sure that they have all the dimensions of my body correct. As they don't want to make a wedding dress, sew it all together, and then realise it's too big, or too small. So today I'm trying it on, and the tailor will be making detailed notes of everything that needs to be adjusted."

"Oh, okay." Morgan nods, now with a slight understanding look on her face.

Kara and Morgan then continue to walk down the street, still holding hands, and Morgan even begins to happily skip along the street, which makes Kara very happy to see. However, Morgan does eventually grow another intrigued look on her face. A look Kara knows means Morgan wants to ask her another question.

"Kara?" Morgan says.

"Yes, baby?" Kara replies.

"What am I going to be wearing at your wedding?" Morgan asks.