Chapter 183 - Leviathan's Lesson

"Vira? What.... what is going on?" Sam asks, in a frightened voice, now standing up and backing away from the computer, even though there is nowhere to go.

Nyssa steps forward and approaches Sam.

"Stay away from me!" Sam yells.

Nyssa continues to approach Sam, and soon the CFO attempts to throw a punch at Nyssa. However, Nyssa easily evades the punch, and pushes Sam up against the wall.

"Get off me!" Sam yells.

"Shush now." Nyssa purrs, "You needn't worry. You won't remember any of this."

Nyssa then pulls something out of one of her pockets, and places something that looks like a crystal in front of Sam's face. Nyssa breaks the crystal, which causes purple dust to come out of it. Sam breathes in the purple dust, her eyes roll into the back of her head, and her head tilts back, before she then falls to the ground, unconscious.


Back at the DEO, the fighting in the main area is still occurring, however, slowly, but surely, the Leviathan agents are beginning to pick off the DEO agents, with the DEO forces getting smaller and smaller. J'onn, for his part, is putting up the best fight of everyone, obviously due to his alien powers.

Soon J'onn sees Lillian, and the woman who must be Talia Al Ghul walking towards him. Talia has a very confident look on her face.

"You come in here and attack my agents!" J'onn roars, "You may have halted Supergirl, for now, but now I will show you what a Green Martian can do."

J'onn goes running towards Talia, who is slowly walking towards the Martian. Once J'onn gets close, Talia shoves Lillian aside, before then evading J'onn, with the Martian stumbling to the side. J'onn quickly regains his footing, and turns to look at Talia again.

"This will be interesting." Talia smirks, as she cocks her head from side to said.

J'onn grows a sneer on his face, before then launching towards Talia again.

Talia, once more, evades J'onn, before then fighting him in hand to hands combat, using her bow as a weapon. Once this fighting begins, J'onn is surprised, because he knows that he should be more powerful, and stronger, than Talia, but he doesn't seem to be. Talia is strong, and she is also fast, faster than J'onn.

J'onn and Talia continue to fight for several more moments, with all the other DEO agents and members of Leviathan fighting around them. While this is happening, Lillian watches on, before reaching into her pocket, and holding the item the Leviathan agent gave her tightly.

Meanwhile, on the outside of the DEO, Kara is continuing to pound away at the nth metal shield, trying to get in. Kara's comms still does not work, but the shield does not block her from being able to use her superhearing to hear what is going on inside. Kara can hear all the fighting, and she can hear that J'onn is fighting the Leviathan leader right now. Kara desperately wants to get in there and help her friends.

As Talia and J'onn continue to fight, J'onn starts to get the upper hand over the Leviathan leader. Talia may be strong, but he now sees that he is stronger than her, and with the use of his phasing ability, he's able to avoid all of her blows. Soon, J'onn punches Talia right in the centre of her torso, which sends her flying across the room, landing at the bottom of the stairs. J'onn then proceeds to march towards Talia, however, he is soon stopped by two largely built Leviathan agents. J'onn begins the fight the two of them, and they are very strong, maybe even stronger than he is. However, despite their strength, they are very slow, so J'onn uses this to his advantage, and deflects all their blows, making them use up a lot of their energy, and they soon both don't react fast enough so that J'onn has a chance to use his mind abilities to delve into their minds, and make them go to sleep.

Once the two large Leviathan agents fall to the ground, unconscious, J'onn's attention is then caught by the yelling of someone he knows. J'onn turns to look in that direction, and he sees that multiple Leviathan agents are dragging Winn, Lena and Alex into the main room, with Lena being the only one conscious, and yelling.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!!" Lena growls, as she tries to struggle free from the Leviathan agent who is dragging her.

On the outside of the DEO, Kara now hears Lena yell, and she grows even more worried, with her heart beating faster and faster. Kara knows that Lena is not safe now, so she picks up her speed, and starts punching the nth metal even harder. Kara doesn't notice, but as she does this, a very tiny crack, unseeable to the naked eye, begins to appear.


Back in Sam's office at L-Corp, the Leviathan agents are all still standing over the CFO, clearly waiting for something.

"Did it work?" Vira asks, "Or did you kill her."

"Shut up!" Nyssa snaps, turning to look at Vira with an angry look on her face, "You have been useful, but remember your place!"

"Yes, of course, ma'am." Vira replies, bowing her head in an act of submission.

Nyssa turns back to look at the unconscious Sam, with the shadow woman still standing to the side of Nyssa. Soon, Sam begins to move on the floor.

"Step back, give her space." Nyssa orders.

The shadow woman steps back, but Nyssa remains in the same spot. Vira moves so far back she is almost by the entry to the office.

"Gghmhhmmm." Sam hums.

Nyssa continues to watch for a few moments, waiting to see what happens. However, suddenly, the next thing Nyssa knows, she is pressed up against a wall, with the body of Samantha Arias choking her with a hand around her neck.

"Who are you? And tell me why I should not kill you?" The body of Sam asks, with an angry look on her face, and laser red eyes.

Nyssa chokes, unable to speak, while Vira basically cowers at the entrance to the office. The shadow woman then makes a move to attack the body of Sam, but the body of Sam acts faster, and punches the shadow woman, sending her crashing into the wall, falling unconscious.

"I'll ask you again." The body of Sam says, turning back to look at Nyssa once more, "Who are you? And why should I not kill you?"

"I.... I...." Nyssa begins, still unable to fully speak, but then the body of Sam releases her grip around Nyssa's neck slightly, "I'm Nyssa..... al Ghul...... I am a member of Leviathan...... an.... organisation.... that seeks to bring order..... to a world without order....... We know who you are..... We know what the children of juru made you for....... We set you free...... We want you to join us..... so we can help each other."

There is then a silence as the body of Sam just looks at Nyssa for a few moments.

"Why would I need your help?" The body of Sam eventually asks, "I need the help of no one. The children of juru designed me to be all powerful."

"Because.... you are not the only kryptonian.... or even alien... on this planet.... You can't do this alone.... even if you wanted to..... Reign." Nyssa replies.

"You speak my name, that is a dangerous thing." Reign says.

"I represent a dangerous organisation." Nyssa replies.

Reign looks at Nyssa for a few moments, still holding a hand around her neck, pining her to the wall, before she finally grows a smirk on her face, and releases the Leviathan member.