Chapter 193 - Helping Nia

It is now the weekend, a week away from Kara and Lena's bachelorette party, and only 2 weeks away from the couple's wedding. However, today Kara and Lena are actually not doing anything wedding focused. Instead, Kara, Lena, Morgan and Alura are all heading to The Tower with Nia for the first time. The plan is for Kara and Lena to introduce Nia to everyone, including J'onn and Winn, who Nia hasn't met yet, and they will then be able to help the young reporter understand her powers better, and gain more control over them. So far, Kara and Lena haven't even attempted any training with Nia, because they knew they'd need to do it in a safe facility where things can be monitored and controlled, without the risk of things being damaged if anything were to occur. So instead, Kara and Lena have simply just asked Nia a bunch of questions about her powers, including how and when they first manifested, and the types of dreams she has had. This has just given them a sort of baseline to work from. But ultimately, even with that baseline, Kara and Lena do think that the best person who might be able to help Nia is J'onn. Kara and Lena hope that J'onn might be able to connect his mind with Nia's, and maybe help guide her to better understand her dreams or something.

Even though today Kara and Lena are taking Nia to The Tower to help her train, and better understand her powers, that is not the only reason why they're here. Kara and Lena have also finally made the decision that they will allow Lillian to meet Alura and Morgan, and that is what they will be doing today. Kara and Lena did ask both Morgan and Alura if they are okay with it, and they each agreed to it, so Kara and Lena are just nervously awaiting what that meeting will be like. Lillian is still in a wheelchair, despite having begun her rehab, so they have told their daughters that they do need to be careful, and can't jump on Lillian or anything, not that they expect them to do that. Both Kara and Lena expect Morgan and Alura to be a bit shy around Lillian this first time. But they hope that they'll warm up to her, just like they have with both Eliza and Elizabeth. Although, admittedly, if Kara and Lena were to rank which grandma Alura and Morgan clearly liked the most, it would be Eliza, no contest.

Kara, Lena, Nia, Morgan and Alura walk out from the elevator, and into the main floor of The Tower. Inside the elevator, Alura has been holding Kara's hand, while she has been standing in between both Kara and Lena. Then Morgan and Nia have been standing behind Kara, Lena and Alura, with the 4-year-old holding Nia's hand. It has been very clear how much Morgan particularly loves Nia, so it's not surprising to Kara and Lena that the 4-year-old is holding Nia's hand right now. Kara and Lena just think that their youngest daughter, despite what she has been through, has the biggest heart ever, and just wants to love everyone.

"Oh my god. This is amazing!" Nia exclaims, as they all step out of the elevator.

Kara and Lena both chuckle upon hearing that.

Standing in the main room of The Tower, ready to greet Kara, Alura, Morgan, Lena and Nia, are J'onn, Alex, Sam, Ruby and Winn. So far, Nia has not met Ruby, Winn or J'onn, but she has briefly met Sam when she and Kara went to have lunch with Lena at L-Corp another time this past week.

"Hey guys." Kara smiles.

"Some of you have already met her, but we would like you all to meet Nia Nal." Lena says, "Nia, this is Alex, who you already know, Sam, Ruby, Sam and Alex's daughter, Winn, and J'onn."

"Hello, it's..... nice to meet all of you." Nia says, with a little nervous wave.

The group all then greet Nia, welcoming her, and just generally being warm to her and everything. As they do this, Alex tugs Lena over to the side for a moment, to give the CEO an update on both Elizabeth and Lillian's current health, as the DEO agent has just preformed some medical tests on them today, prior to Lena's arrival.

"Oh, that sounds all good." Lena says, in response to hearing the results.

"Yeah." Alex nods, "I think that your mom honestly doesn't need to be medically monitored anymore, and Lillian, well, for her it's just going to be a long road of rehab, and it will mostly just be about her own willpower with doing that rehab. But so far the sessions she has done have been encouraging. Elizabeth has even told me that Lillian has asked for her to help her with some of her exercises on multiple occasions now."

"Hmmm..... It's so weird. I would have never thought Lillian would ask anyone for help, especially the woman Lionel cheated on her with." Lena says.

"Well.... she has changed." Alex replies.

"Yeah." Lena nods.

"By the way, I did notice that you called Ruby both Sam and I's daughter." Alex comments.

"I did." Lena nods, "You basically are."

"Yeah.... I mean.... of course I feel that way.... But.... it's not like I've adopted Ruby or anything.... Has.... has Sam said something about it?" Alex asks, nervously.

Lena chuckles, amused by Alex being nervous about all this.

"No. She hasn't. But maybe you should mention something?" Lena suggests, with a smirk, and then walks away.

"Lena!" Alex says, under her breath, wanting to call Lena back to talk to her, as she doesn't like how Lena just left her with so many questions. However, Lena just continues to walk away, and back over to the group, "Asshole."

Alex then walks over to the rest of the group as well, who are all talking.

"Okay." Kara smiles, "Now that all the introductions are out of the way, I think we can get right down to it."

"Yes." Lena nods.

Kara and Lena then look in Nia's direction, waiting for her to speak next. Kara and Lena have already discussed this with Nia, and they decided that the young woman would tell everyone about herself, and her powers, on her own accord, without the two of them telling everyone, as it's not their place to say. All Kara and Lena have told everyone is that Nia has powers, and she needs their help to learn how to control them, and better understand them.

"Okay." Nia says, nodding at both Kara and Lena, before turning to look at the rest of the group, "So, Kara and Lena.... they.... they have told me that you all might be able to help me.... because.... I have powers."

"What type of powers?" J'onn asks, curiously.

"Oneiromancy." Nia replies, "My mom, she is from a planet called Naltor, and I am thereby half-Naltorian. I have inherited these powers from her, but I really don't know how to control, or understand them. The dreams I have, they are not clear, and are mostly symbolic, and sometimes I can't even control when I have my dreams. There are occasions when I have fallen asleep randomly and had these weird dreams, I can't control when it happens. I just get suddenly very tired, and fall asleep wherever I am. Kara has already seen this happen to me."

"What are some of the examples of the dreams you have had?" J'onn asks, still curiously.

Nia looks again at Kara and Lena, who just both give her another reassuring nod of their heads, with smiles on their faces.

"There have been a few dreams.... But..... most recently...... I had fallen asleep in Kara and Lena's living room.... and I had a dream of a toy falling down the stairs, with there being a girl's scream. The toy then lost a limb after. That toy just so happened to be a toy Morgan was playing with the other day, along with Alura and I." Nia explains.

"Nia saved Morgan from getting hurt." Lena explains, "She woke up from the dream, quickly ran up the stairs, and then caught Morgan before she could hurt herself, as she'd already started to fall."

Alex, Sam and Winn's eyes all widen upon hearing that.

"So..... if I'm understanding this right.... you.... you can see the future?" Alex asks.

"Yes." Nia nods, "Sort of. That is what oneiromancy entails. However, like I said, I have no control over it, and the dreams are usually very obscure. I have trouble interpreting them most of the time."