Chapter 117 Let me Introduce You, This is The Sage of The Six Paths

Tobirama's Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tagsare quite powerful, but unfortunately, he is the only one who blows up in the end. Madara does not even need to defend now, as except for Sage Art, any tricks are useless against him because of the existence of Truth-Seeking Ball.

So just now, Tobirama just blasted himself to pieces. After he recovered again, he was directly hit by one Truth-Seeking Ball. It's a good thing he managed to dodge quickly, otherwise, his head would be blown off.

"Brother, be careful, that guy is weird, and after being hit by that black ball, my arm won't recover!"

Seeing his broken arm, Tobirama was a little shocked. He should be immortal in Impure World Reincarnation state, but against the opponent in front of him now, this immortal is more like a joke.

"I'll let you go for now. You kid over there, now, I will let you know the price of playing with the soul of the dead!"

Madara hadn't forgotten the bastard who even got his brother out just now, so he pointed the finger at Asahi, and at the same time, the Hokage also looked at Asahi.

"I can't perceive anything from that Iwagakure's Shinobi, Saru, do you know him?"

Tobirama asked. They all died too early, and looking at the other party's age, he felt that Hiruzen should know the other party.

"I don't know, there are only a few strong people in Iwagakure, and now, there is only one Onoki left, but that guy seems to be an ordinary person!"

Hiruzen is also confused. As for Minato, he died early, so he must not know anything.

"It's my turn so soon. I thought you would continue to play with each other for a while, but don't worry, I won't fight you personally, and I'll have someone else fight against you. Now that the Biju are here, do you know that the memory of the Biju is much longer than you humans?"

Asahi showed a smirk, but Madara felt a little fear in his heart, and then he saw that beside Asahi, there is a figure similar to himself, with a Shakujo in his hand, and a Truth-Seeking Balls behind him. It's just that he looked even less normal than him, and he also has Rinnegan, but it's not just one, but two.

"Let me intruduce, this is Otsutsuki Hagoromo, Uchiha Madara, you should be familiar with this name, after all, this is the famous Sage of Six Paths. I'll let him fight with you, it should be enough to give you face, right? After all, the opponent is the founder of Ninshu!"

Asahi said jokingly. In the memory of the Biju, Kaguya is already seal, so he can't get Kaguya, but it is still possible to use the Historia of the Dead to create Hagoromo and Hamura. These two brothers are the super existences that sealed off Kaguya in her heyday.

And now that one of them has been summoned by Asahi, it can only be said that Asahi is very amazing.

"I didn't expect the stone tablet left by this old man would cause this situation to happen now!"

Looking at Madara in the sky, Sage of Six Paths also spoke at this moment. It must be known that he has all the memories of Sage of Six Paths, moreover, Asahi manifested Sage of Six Paths when he was still the Jubi's Jinchuriki, which means that he is stronger than the Sage of Six Paths that sealed Kaguya, but it is unknown how many times stronger.

"Now is not the time to chat. That person wants to use Infinite Tsukuyomi, so please go and beat him up, besides, don't say it so righteously, it's as if you didn't think carefully!"

Asahi directly issued an order. Sage of Six Paths still wanted to say something, but he is helpless. He has no choice but to listen to Asahi's order, so he can only rush towards Madara. To defeat the Historia of the Dead, they can only kill the person the memory comes from, or defeats the caster.

But Madara can't do any of these, so he can only bite the bullet and fight against Sage of Six Paths. Madara does not believe that this Sage of Six Paths is the real Sage of Six Paths, 'As if it can be so simple to create a Sage of Six Paths.' However, after the two Shakujo collided, he fell silent.

He couldn't help but believe it. After the Shakujo collided, he found that his strength was not as good as that of the Sage of Six Paths, and he was even directly suppressed back. But thinking about it, it was not wrong. Compared with Sage of Six Paths, Madara had the problem of blood purity first, secondly, he is still missing one Rinnegan, thirdly, his Jubi is not in complete state, as half of Kyubi is missing, and finally, Sage of Six Paths is proficient in Sage Art, a local training method in this world. After training it to an extremely high level, his power won't be not small.

Sage of Six Paths was relying on this to defeat Kaguya, so Madara is so much worse than Sage of Six Paths.

"Limbo: Border Jail!"

In desperation, Madara can only get his clone to help.

"Against someone possessing Rinnegan, such a clone is not desirable. Is this your Rinnegan's pupil technique? This pupil technique is really not good!"

Sage of Six Paths shook his head. Compared to Shadow Clone Technique, the biggest advantage of Limbo is that it can be invisible, but against someone possessing Rinnegan like Sage of Six Paths, that advantage disappears.

And the Truth-Seeking Balls behind Sage of Six Paths also moved quickly, no matter whether it is the volume, the quantity, or the speed of the control, it all crushes Madara, and it crushes Uchiha Madara to death.

'I still haven't summoned Hamura yet, otherwise, Madara will be even worse state. Well, I should keep Hamura for Kaguya!'

The Kaguya of this world has nothing to do with Asahi, so he chose to be more straightforward and harvest the experience from Kaguya of this world. Before, he thought that the collection of his magic's mastery was too slow, but now that he looked at the effect, he doesn't feel it is slow at all.

This slowness makes sense. After all, as long as he has enough energy, the Historia of the Dead is simply a super cheat, it even surpassed a large number of other magics.

Of course, it has different effect on different people.

Soon, Madara, who was fiercely fighting with Sage of Six Paths, fell into a disadvantage, and after another ten minutes, Madara was directly knocked on the head by Sage of Six Paths' Shakujo, and immediately fell into daze.

This daze was caught by Sage of Six Paths, and he used a large number of Truth-Seeking Balls to beat Madara miserably.

After all, Sage of Six Paths' attack power is much higher than Madara. Although Yin-Yang Release can restrain Yin-Yang Release, but with the addition of Sage Art, its power is even greater, so Madara was directly beaten by Sage of Six Paths on the ground.

And Asahi quickly received a prompt of percentage increasing, from 21% to 26%, which means that Six-Paths existence value is 5%, which very good. Moreover, he can still get some from Kaguya later. That's right, Naruto and Sasuke can also be harvested, so there's at least 15% waiting to be harvested, but unfortunately, Madara is no longer in Impure World Reincarnation state, so he can't harvest him again in a short time, at least, it will have to wait for a while. This was already tested by Asahi with the snake from Ryuchi Cave.