Chapter 119 Who Said There Is No Hamura?

"It looks like I can only fight!"

Sage of Six Paths glared. In the past, he needed Hamura's help, and that's because he was not Jubi's Jinchuriki, but after becoming Jubi's Jinchuriki, he didn't feel that he was much weaker than Kaguya. Although Kaguya's fighting power was above him, but in terms of combat experience, Kaguya can't be compared to him at all.

"Since you are facing Kaguya, then I will find you a helper, but unfortunately, in Kaguya's memory, there is no Hamura in the Tenseigan stage, so I can only bring out the Hamura at the Byakugan level, but I belived Hamura with Byakugan is already enough!"

Asahi once again launched the Historia of the Dead and brought out Hamura. Although Hamura went to the moon with her in the later period, Ōtsutsuki was in a completely sealed state at the time, so she didn't see Hamura at all.

And Hamura also awakened Tenseigan in the later period, so the one Asahi manifested now only has Byakugan, but this Hamura, who is also proficient in Yin-Yang Release, can also use Truth-Seeking Ball.

"Big brother, we meet again, but when we meet again, it turned out to be against mother. Do we really have to fight?"

Hamura asked helplessly. He felt that his mother was very pitiful. They had already sealed her once, and now, they would seal her again. "Isn't that nonsense? Aren't I manifested you here just for Kaguya?"

Asahi couldn't help but complained, and then he controlled Hamura. A thousand years later, Hagoromo and Hamura met Kaguya again, and all of this was because of the so-called Historia of the Dead. As this ability is really awesome.

"How could Hamura appear too? He is dead like Hagoromo. I have gone to the moon before, and knew about his situation. Damn it, what is going on? Is it related to that guy? Mother, let's move the battlefield first."

Black Zetsu also felt that he couldn't understand what's going on. He had confirmed that both Hagoromo and Hamura had already died, but now, they all appeared in front of him, which is a bit strange, as this thing shouldn't happen.

After listening to Black Zetsu's words, Kaguya directly used Amenominaka. To be honest, Kaguya actually has a lot of methods, and they are all ruthless, but the only bad thing is that she has no combat experience. If Black Zetsu hadn't helped her, it is estimated she will be defeated by Naruto and Sasuke easily, as the experience gap is too big.

"Amenominaka: Supergravity Dimension!"

Because everyone can fly, it's useless to go to other dimensions, so Kaguya simply transferred everyone to the supergravity dimension. The gravity here is quite terrifying, as even for Six-Paths existences, it is difficult to move here.

However, after being transferred to this dimension, Asahi felt that although gravity was terrifying, he could still move easily. In fact, Asahi found it strange that including Naruto and Sasuke, Kakashi and Obito were also transferred there.

But at that time Naruto and Sasuke couldn't move. But how did Kakashi and Obito move and directly helped them block the All-Killing Ash Bones. Anyway, he didn't understand about that plot hole, and he is too lazy to talk nonsense. After someone is pulled into a supergravity space, it is difficult for them to move. Except for Asahi, Kaguya directly used the old trick of using All-Killing Ash Bones at Hagoromo and Hamura.

"At any rate, it took my strength to manifest them. If you kill them, I need to re-manifest them, so don't think about it!"

Asahi directly took the two and used the space magic to move away from their previous place, dodging the All-Killing Ash Bones, but the result was attracting Kaguya's anger.

"That guy actually has space abilities. This supergravity dimension is not very useful against them, Mother, transfer them again."

After seeing this scene, Black Zetsu shook his head, while Kaguya directly changed the dimension to ice dimension. Basically, there is no way to have much influence on the enemy in other dimensions. So the ice dimension is good, as she can control the ice here.

"Hamura, let's go!"

After Hagoromo clenched the Shakujo in his hand, he rushed forward, and Hamura also condensed a Shakujo to keep up, and instantly smashed the densely packed ice dragon and rushed towards Kaguya.

"Why do you have to make a Shakujo?"

Looking at the weapons in those two's hands, Asahi was a little puzzled, 'Is a sword not easy to use? Why must you two use Shakujo?

"Eighty Gods Vacuum Attack!"

The huge fists formed by a large number of Chakra blasted towards Hagoromo and Hamura, and the two also used Truth-Seeking Ball to attack. Under the collision, the entire ice space became completely unrecognizable, and the entire dimension almost shattered.

This is much more powerful than in the anime.

"This woman is not easy to deal with, so let me get involved too. You two, get the seal ready directly!"

Asahi asked the two to started the seal. He didn't want to continue wasting time with Kaguya. As for killing Kaguya, he could not do it. Using the power of the Sunshine, Kaguya could be completely annihilated. The reason why he didn't do it was because he didn't want to do it. The sun favors him, and the Sunshine Grace originated from the more advanced supreme God. However, that thing burns everything, so once Kaguya is burned by him, she will definitely die, but if he used Sunshine to kill Kaguya, he won't get any experience, so he can only use magic to get experience.

After the two started readying the seal, Asahi directly activated another magic, a magic related to time.

"Seal of Time!"

He directly paused the time, but with his current ability, he couldn't pause it for long, especially if the opponent is someone powerful than Kaguya, but even if he could only pause less than a second, it's already enough.

After time was paused, everyone except him can't move, unless the other party was in control of time magic like him. Hagoromo and Hamura can still move because they are created by him, so they moved into a space behind Kaguya, and then directly sealed her.

Although these guys are only manifested memory, the damage they dealt was real, so the seal directly fell on Kaguya, and even Black Zetsu couldn't run away this time.

After the time was restored, the entire land of the ice space began to quickly gather towards Kaguya. At this moment, Kaguya's face was full of disbelief, and she didn't understand how can she be sealed so suddenly.

She only felt a blur for a moment, but after that moment, countless ice cubes and boulders started covering her body, and it was too late for her to think anything as she was sealed directly. Without the need for Naruto and Sasuke to take action, the sealing was completed directly.