Chapter 121 Six Paths Naruto and Sasuke

Using the memory of these undead, Asahi once again brought out the Six Paths Madara. They have seen Six Paths Madara just now, that's why Asahi can summon Six Paths Madara right now.

"I won't tell you any more nonsense. You didn't have the chance to fight him just now, right? Now I will give you this chance. That Hashirama will be handed over to you. Don't you always want to beat him? Do it!"

Asahi said jokingly. Although this Madara had all his own memories, he was also under Asahi's control. So after looking at Asahi helplessly, he walked directly towards Hashirama and the others.

"Hey hey hey, this trick again, that guy's ability is really weird, how exactly did he do this?"

Tobirama couldn't understand how Asahi could do such thing. How can a dead person be summoned, and the weirdest thing is that even Sage of Six Paths and his brother can also be summoned, which is too much.

In fact, Asahi can summon Sage of Six Paths now. The reason is that these balls in his hand. In these balls, there are Biju, and in the memory of the Biju, there is Sage of Six Paths, so he can also use the memory of the Biju to get the Sage of Six Paths, but he felt that Six Paths Madara is already enough.

At the beginning, Hashirama defeated Madara that only has Eternal Mangekyo, but the current Madara not only has Rinnegan, but is also Jubi's Jinchuriki, he's a real Six Paths level powerhouse. In front of Six Paths level existence, Hashirama, who is the peak of Super Kage level, won't be able to do much.

In the next moment, Madara started attacking. Under his overwhelming strength, Hashirama and other three Hokage were directly beaten to ashes and wiped out.

"Damn, I forgot to tell this guy not to use the Truth-Seeking Ball!"

Asahi couldn't help but slap his forehead. Many of the Six Paths Madara's attacks were accompanied by Truth-Seeking Ball, and once Truth-Seeking Ball hits the existence in Impure World Reincarnation state, it will be over. He forgot about this matter, and in desperation, Asahi could only give up and disperse Madara directly.

"It's a pity that these experience packs can't be used anymore. However, I've reached 49%, close to half of the mastery level, plus these things, I really made a lot of profit in this trip!"

Asahi felt that it is better than nothing. At any rate, he had made a lot of profit. Using the space ability, Asahi left this dimension and returned to the previous battlefield. However, when Asahi came out, he found a lot of people standing densely not far away.

"Is anyone coming out? Naruto, this is the existence that helped us Madara and the few Kage just now!"

Gaara opened his mouth and said. This group of people is naturally the Allied Shinobi Forces. Because the last battle location is here, they have also chased over here, and at this moment, Naruto and Sasuke are giving Asahi a slightly different feeling. As their huge aura is a bit too strong.

'Is it because they have obtained Yin-Yang Release and entered Six Paths level?'

The aura of these two people is much bigger than the others, so Asahi basically arrived at this conclusion in an instant.

'Six Paths experience pack! I can let others go, but I absolutely can't let you go!'

Right now, Kage-level powerhouse is not very useful for Asahi, and only the Super Kage-level and Six Paths level powerhouses are good. Naruto and Sasuke of this space-time have nothing to do with him, so it depends on the final situation. Asahi won't deliberately beat them to death, but if they couldn't help but accidentally be killed by Asahi, then Asahi can't be blamed.

After all, these guys are the protagonist, especially Naruto, the hot-blooded protagonist, who always makes people excited, so Asahi will not deliberately kill them. If these two can block Asahi's attack, they can naturally survive, but if they can't stop it, then they will die.

After putting the Truth-Seeking Balls with the Biju into a portable space he created, Asahi directly stared at Naruto and Sasuke. Although Naruto and Sasuke had seen Sage of Six Paths, he is the dead Sage of Six Paths, so he can't be manifested. As for the Biju, they can be used to manifest Sage of Six Paths, but he doesn't think it is necessary, as his mastery of magic has reached 49%.

His magic is also strong now, so his hands are a little itchy to try it.

"Naruto, be careful. The Truth-Seeking Balls that guy controlled just now seem to be condensed with special seals, and I can feel that one of them has the other half of me in it."

The Yin Kyubi said in Naruto's body at this moment. He could not perceive all the Truth-Seeking Balls' seals, but he could perceive the other half of himself, and if he perceives the other half of himself, that means that other Biju are also inside those balls.

"The other Biju too?"

Naruto's eyes narrowed. He is a hot-blooded fool, but he is not stupid. Knowing that the other party has collected the Biju, it is worth pondering what to do now.

Asahi doesn't care what they are thinking. Anyway, these Biju are already in his hands, and he will test if he can take these guys away from this space-time forever.

As for the seal, it is like a black rod formed by Yin-Yang Release, which is already an independent seal, so even if the caster has disappeared, it will not disappear.

Just like when Minato used a seal as a mark, although he died, the seal will not disappear. The reason is the same at this one.

"Can you release the Biju in your hand?"

After thinking about it for a while, Naruto spoke. Not to mention anything else, Killer Bee's Hachibi and the Yang Kyubi have been with him for more than ten years are all there, so he can't leave it alone.

"Biju? That won't work, this thing is my spoil, but I will give you a chance. Defeat me, and I will give them back to you if you defeat me!"

It's impossible for Asahi to return the Biju. After all, how can it be possible to return the spoil that was finally caught? Moreover, the Biju of this space-time are not friends with him, so won't it be better to bring them back and give it to Kaguya as nourishment?

"It looks like there is no way to talk to it, so we can only do it!"

As soon as Naruto's words fell, Sasuke had disappeared. He rushed to Asahi at a very fast speed, and kicked him.

"Do you think you are Might Guy?"

Seeing that Sasuke didn't even use Rinnegan, Asahi reciprocated his kick very simply, and the kick that burned with the three-color flame directly turned Sasuke into a cannonball, and Naruto, who saw this scene, rushed over to catch Sasuke, but the huge force still made him slide back along with him for some distance.