Chapter 126 Meeting Fugaku

After that, Asahi didn't care anymore, and just ate and rested. The next morning, he left Iwagakure directly, and went to Konoha. With his current magic ability, he arrived in Konoha in just the blink of an eye.

After using the transformation magic to change his appearance, Asahi swaggered around Konoha. Although Konoha's investigation was strict, he was not dragged down by Chakra now. To put it bluntly, he was just an ordinary person in Konoha's eyes, and no one cared about him.

Asahi did not go to the Uchiha Clan immediately, but go to inquire about a place in the village, a ramen restaurant called Ichiraku Ramen, which is known as the safest place in the entire Naruto World. For anyone who come to this world, if they have no cheat, and are still useless even with training, then Ichiraku Ramen would be the first choice to go.

As long as they follow the legendary Otsutsuki Teuchi, there will never be anything wrong. After all, can't you see that when Konoha was destroyed by Nagato, Ichiraku Ramen is still okay? So Ichiraku Ramen is definitely the top sanctuary in Naruto World, nothing could come close.

Asahi came here also to taste the taste of this Ichiraku Ramen. And along the way, to also meet the legendary Otsutsuki Teuchi.

Ichiraku Ramen is still very famous in Konoha. After asking a few people, Asahi knew the exact location, and found it quickly, but after entering the door, Asahi saw a boy with golden hair eating inside.

'Naruto? Although Minato is still dead, he should be a prince now!'

At this moment, although he is still small, Naruto does not have those few beards on his face, so he looks very similar to Minato, and he also belongs to the particularly sunny type.

The current Naruto, because he is not the Kyubi's Jinchuriki, is a real prince in Konoha, and there is no need to say about his talent. As the reincarnation of Ashura, Naruto is also very talented.

His life is quite comfortable, and this can be regarded as one of the butterfly effects created by Asahi! But Asahi didn't care too much about Naruto, but directly ordered a bowl of tonkotsu ramen, and after tasting it, Asahi also thought that it was very good, but he didn't feel anything special about this shop when he arrived.

He didn't feel any strange aura from Teuchi, so Asahi could only attribute everything to the protagonist's aura and the needs of the world plot, so that Ichiraku Ramen would always stand tall.

There is nothing special about Ichiraku Ramen, so Asahi didn't stay too much. As for Naruto, he didn't want to dig him at all. Asahi thinks that if he wants to dig out Naruto, unless Konoha is destroyed directly, there is no possibility of such thing happening. After all, with Naruto's character, Asahi will not be able to dig him away even after Sandaime died. This is not an exaggeration.

As it's still daytime, Asahi continued to stroll around Konoha. There is no such thing as the bustling and lively scene in the original Konoha now. Asahi can even clearly feel a depressed atmosphere. It is estimated that one reason is the Uchiha Clan, and another reason is because what Asahi had done. As a result, Konoha has become like this now.

In the evening, the sun slowly set to the west, so Asahi went to the Uchiha Clan. Based on the information given by Fugaku, Asahi quickly found Fugaku's residence

"Long time no see, Clan Head Fugaku, you seemed very anxious now!"

Asahi didn't try to hide, and went straight into Fugaku's study. His sudden appearance shocked Uchiha Fugaku.

"Flying Thunder God Technique!"

Seeing Asahi's sudden appearance, Fugaku subconsciously blurted it out. Iwagakure has dug so many Konoha's talents, and there are many higher-ups among them, so for Iwagakure, Konoha's Scroll of Seal is basically transparent.

"Almost. Although they are all space types, they are not Flying Thunder God Technique. Then, Clan Head Fugaku, how is your preparation?"

Asahi sat down on the chair next to him very familiarly, and asked.

"Not yet… I'm not fully prepared yet. Sir, I didn't know that you also know how to perform Space Ninjutsu like this, so I miscalculated the time, but give me two more days. I will be ready in two days!"

Fugaku said nervously, for fear that Asahi would abandon them if he was upset. He also regrets it now. If he knew this would happen, he shouldn't have such stupid illusions, and go to Iwagakure earlier, as it will be much better than the current passive situation.

In the past, they are trying to dig him, but now, he is the one begging them, the situation has become completely different.

"Two days is not very long, I can wait. By the way, tell me about the current status of the Uchiha Clan and the people you plan to take away. Let me remind you, I don't want those who are disobedient!"

Asahi said indifferently. He indeed came a lot faster, so it is understandable to give Fugaku some time to prepare, so now, he intends to find out about the current situation.

After that, Fugaku told Asahi about the current situation of the Uchiha Clan. According to Fugaku, a higher-ups clan meeting was just held yesterday, and the vast majority of people clamored to let Fugaku become the Hokage, and pulled down Sandaime from his current position.

Even if Fugaku refused it, it was of no use, as these people seemed to have gone crazy and didn't care about his opinion at all.

As for the Uchiha Clan's members, most of them were abandoned by Fugaku, and even a small part of his cronies were abandoned. The reason is that, although these people are his cronies, they are as crazy as the others and obey his orders because they have blind confidence in him. It can be said that even if they are obedient, they are just like a time bomb because of their craziness.

Because of that, Fugaku chose to give up these people in order to ensure that those who went with him would not provoke Asahi.

He is indeed courageous, as in the original work, he did not even resist and supported his son's decision. Asahi didn't know what to say about that. Why would he chose to do that? And regarding Itachi, he doesn't seem to love his younger brother very much. After all, he plans to use Kotoamatsukami on his younger brother, brainwashing him to protect Konoha. Even after knowing Konoha's situation, he still did so, so Itachi showed that he is completely a Konoha's diehard, someone who can cheat everyone for Konoha.

After that, Fugaku also talked about Itachi's matter. What made Asahi speechless was that he had reminded Fugaku during the Third Shinobi World War, and Itachi was only three years old at the time. However, Itachi seemed to have been already brainwashed by Shisui.

According to Fugaku, Itachi has joined Anbu and is very close to Shisui.