Chapter 153 Impure World Reincarnation Plus Kaguya, The Bug Among Bugs?

"Kaguya, I'll leave it to you!"

Asahi said to Kaguya. After that, Kaguya didn't hesitate, and directly activated the Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique. When in Kaguya's hands, this technique would only consume some Chakra, and there's no any other side effects.

Asahi feels that the combination of Impure World Reincarnation and Kaguya is simply invincible.

"This is…!"

Seeing the cracks on their body disappear little by little, and then the body that should have been fake turned into flesh and blood, the people around couldn't help staring wide-eyed.

"We're really resurrected, this is actually a real body!"

These people couldn't help pinching their own bodies, feeling a little unreal. After all, such an inexplicable resurrection, isn't it a bit too nonsense!

"Tsuna-chan… this… what is this?"

Hashirama looked at Kaguya with some horror. At this moment, Kaguya's appearance has completely changed to before she was sealed. The blood-red Rinnegan in the center of her forehead has also been opened, and she doesn't look like a human being.

Seeing the expressions of his two grandfathers, Tsunade told them about Kaguya's identity, and then these people who were resurrected were once again caught in a complete bewilderment.

'The first ancestor of the Shinobi World? This is a real legendary figure!'

'No, it's more exaggerated than the legendary character. After all, Sage of Six Paths is a legend, and this Kaguya is even more terrifying than him.'

"It turns out that Hyuga, Uchiha, Senju, and Uzumaki Clans are all descendants of Kaguya. So, she can be regarded as my ancestor!"

Suddenly Hashirama tapped on his palm and pointed to his nose. Hearing this, the few people next to him couldn't help but have their mouths started twitching. 'The first thing popped on your head when hearing this is ancestor?'

"Well, it's a generation of thousands of years, but she still can be said to be your ancestor. Anyway, you, like Tsunade, can call her Kaguya-sama."

Asahi couldn't help rolling his eyes. It can be said that as expected of Hashirama. Asahi has decided that in the future, Hashirama will only be used as a high-level combat power and he will never let him enter the top of Iwagakure, as well as Tobirama. After all, if these two really enter the top of Iwagakure, Asahi suspects that Iwagakure will be destroyed by them.

Hashirama frantically sent out benefits, and Tobirama frantically suppressed some members of the village. Asahi felt that he would never let Tobirama be a teacher, and no one would be his disciple. He was afraid that this guy would make another Sandaime and Danzo.

Now that Iwagakure has swallowed Konoha, Hashirama also wanted to see what Iwagakure looks like now, and then make the final decision. As for Tobirama, he is all about creating trouble for Danzo.

Soon after, everyone left the moon directly, and it is estimated that Tobirama would be sent here again. Of course, Asahi has to make some insurance before letting Tobirama joined the scientific research talents. As far as his understanding is concerned, he is not worthy of complete trust. Asahi knows Orochimaru's pursuits and character, so he dares to use Orochimaru, but there must be insurance for Tobirama.

In this way, except for Orochimaru, everyone left the moon and came to Iwagakure, and the Senju brothers also used the Transformation Technique. As for Nawaki, only few people know him, so there is no need to do that.

"It seems that my worries are superfluous. They feel pretty good to me now!"

After Hashirama observed for a while, he saw Konoha's people are now fully integrated into Iwagakure, and Iwagakure is also very good to them, so Hashirama is also convinced, and he has no more thing to say.

"Then, I'll trust you for now, but now, I have to do something!"

After saying that, Tobirama's face became scary. His good apprentice has actually destroyed Konoha with his own hand, so there's no way he would let him go easily.

"If you want to go, just go, no one will be stopping you, and I will even send you there!"

Asahi said. He felt that it's good opportunity to watch Danzo finish playing. He really wanted to see the scene after Danzo met his teacher, so without further ado, he brought everyone to Konoha.

"My Flying Thunder God Technique is completely incomparable to this kind of Space Ninjutsu. You can return from the moon to the Shinobi World in an instant, and from Iwagakure to Konoha in an instant. It's simply unthinkable!"

When Tobirama saw this weird spatial movement again, he opened his mouth once again and sighed with emotion. In fact, his Flying Thunder God Technique is not weak, and it depends on the user and the position of the mark. For example, when Mei is rushing to the battlefield, she was transferred directly with Flying Thunder God Technique.

As long as the Chakra is sufficient and there's coordinate positioning, using Flying Thunder God Technique is possible, and the moving distance is actually very far, but if you want to directly transfer multiple people at one go, and if multiple people needed to be teleported far away, Tobirama can't do it.

"Granduncle, the one in front of you…, he has achieved the feat of directly transferring 100,000 people from Konoha to Iwagakure in an instant!"

At this time, Tsunade turned on the bragging mode.

"One… One hundred thousand people?! Are you sure you didn't say it wrong?"

After hearing this, Tobirama almost thought that there was a problem with his ears!

"That was the last group of people to leave Konoha. Because of Danzo's oppression, most people chose to escape Konoha. At that time, there were indeed around one hundred thousand people!"

Tsunade shook her head and said. She hadn't made a mistake, and Tobirama hadn't heard it wrong.

"Hahahaha, it's really amazing! Tobirama, there's no need to be entangled with this matter. They can even resurrect people, and they can also teleport to the moon above, and there's also the Ancestor of Chakra from thousands of years ago, so isn't this normal?"

Tobirama hasn't spoken yet, but Hashirama couldn't help but burst out laughing first. Although this guy has a problem with his brain, he has a strong ability to accept things.

"That's right, there are so many things, even after seeing a lot of them, it's still a bit shocking… the current Konoha is really…"

While talking, Tobirama has already diverted his attention and focused on the Konoha in front of him. At this moment, even if Danzo has brought a lot of people over to Konoha, the cohesion is still in a mess. After all, how can rebuilding Konoha be such a simple thing.