Chapter 166 The Role Impure World Reincarnation Plays

Five of the Biju outside were directly captured, and Nagato also used a special method to control the Jinchuriki. He did not kill them, but controlled them with a black rod instead. If one is not enough, he would use two, and if two are not enough, he can just use ten.

Only by poking these guys into hedgehogs can he completely control the other party, but these people were also made into a state of living dead. Of course, the current Nagato is also very helpless about this. The consumption was already high before, but now, the consumption is even greater, and he still didn't know where the Gedo Statue went.

If it was summoned by someone else, he should be able to also summon it back with his Rinnegan. At the beginning, the Gedo Statue was summoned by him, but now, summoning has no effect at all, so he can only force himself to control these Jinchuriki. Fortunately, the black rod has absolute control over the Biju, but now, he can't throw out the big moves with huge lethality

If he continued to use the tactics of Super Shinra Tensei and Chibaku Tensei, he can't continue to control these Jinchuriki. It can be said that these two super big moves have been abandoned in exchange for the opportunity to control a few Jinchuriki.

But now that Akatsuki's goal has been completed, and there is no follow-up goal, Nagato also began to wonder what he should do next. He should start deterring the other villages, but he can't deal with the behemoth like Iwagakure alone.

"Nagato, what shall we do next? Will we maintain the status quo?"

Konan asked. It seems that there is really nothing for them to do now. Except for Iwagakure, the other villages regard their Akatsuki as the biggest enemy. This situation is what they want to see, as with a common enemy, the war will naturally end.

"It looks like you are very distressed!"

While they were speaking, a vortex appeared in front of them, and then Obito, who is wearing a vortex mask, appeared in front of them.

"Madara, what are you doing again?"

Nagato looked at Obito with some trepidation. Obito was so mysterious that Nagato couldn't be sure what the other party wanted to do.

"Why do you look very distressed? You have seen that although the other Shinobi Villages won't have another war for a long time because of your deterrence now, Iwagakure is different. It's a serious problem, but we let these people rush into Iwagakure, there's no need to say anything about the consequences.

Obito said in a calm voice deliberately.

"Since you know, then why are you talking so much?"

Nagato asked indifferently, 'Everyone already knows it, but what do you want to do?'

"I'm just bringing a solution to you. Since the number of the strong people is not enough and our strength is not enough, then we can just find more people with enough strength. Although Iwagakure's strength is good, they are not invincible! If we have a few more powerful people, we can naturally fight them head-on, such as these few!"

After saying that, the space in front of Obito fluctuated again, and a figure appeared in front of Nagato and Konan.

"Sandaime Hokage?! How is it possible? Isn't Sandaime Hokage dead? What the hell is going on?"

Konan couldn't help exclaiming. The one appearing in front of them was none other than Sarutobi Hiruzen, the Sandaime Hokage, but at this moment, he was completely controlled by Obito.

"Calm down, Konan, this person shouldn't be alive!"

Although Nagato was also a little shocked, he also determined that Hiruzan was not alive. After all, the dense cracks on his body could not be faked.

"How? This is a technique developed by Nidaime Hokage, which can revive the dead. If the Kage of several other villages, and some powerful powerhouses in the Shinobi World who have already passed away are completely resurrected, I don't need to say more about the effect!"

Obito said indifferently. In fact, he is a little puzzled now. He tried summoning Madara and it was indeed successful, but he has not directly used it yet, as Madara is his trump card.

But when he tried summoning Hashirama and Tobirama, they all failed. At that time, he thought he was fooled and this technique was useless, but later, he found that it was still useful, at least Sandaime Hokage and Yondaime Hokage can be summoned, and so did Danzo.

In addition, there are still many strong people. Of course, he can't find some of the corpses, for example, Sandaime Raikage, who was defeated by Asahi and was wiped out, that he evaporated from this world, without leaving any remain.

But he could use everything he could find. Most of the people killed in Kumogakure this time and those in other dead powerhouses from the other Shinobi villages, with them added up, his army is really terrifying.

"With their strength, we have the capital to attack Iwagakure, and these people, who are summoned with Impure World Reincarnation, are immortal. Even if they were killed, they will recover. It is the perfect immortal body, so no matter how terrifying Asahi's strength is, he could do nothing in the face of these strong people!"

As he said that, Obito directly cut off Sandaime's head directly, but he recovered in the next second, and even if he stabbed dozens of holes in his body, Sandaime would still recover.

"Are you sure that these people can all obey your command?"

Nagato suddenly asked. Although he knew Obito must have a certain purpose, he still needs to do what he should do. As for Obito's conspiracy, it doesn't matter. Nagato is very confident in his strength, that as long as he is still alive, Obito won't be able to stir up any storms.

"Of course, I won't dare to use them if they are not obedient."

Obito said very confidently. Nagato also made a decision at this moment. He was persuaded, of course, not because of the problem of sending himself to death. If he can achieve his goal, he will happily die, but he knows that if he attacked Iwagakure, he will definitely die, but it is not certain whether his goal would be achieved.

That's why he was persuaded this time. If Obito can really summon these people, he doesn't need to worry at all. After all, it is the power that is beyond the control of Iwagakure.

Even with the invincible existence like Asahi. After all, facing people with immortal body, Asahi couldn't do anything, right? As for the others, they are even weaker, so with the Impure World Reincarnation army here, Nagato's confidence soared, but soon, he thought of Yahiko, however, he gave it up directly. If Obito controls Yahiko, he doesn't know what would happen to him, so he directly gave up the idea of ​​letting Obito revive Yahiko.

"That's good. Let's hold a meeting immediately. Our goal is… Iwagakure!"

Nagato's eyes flickered with madness. He knew that this was the last step towards peace, but he didn't realize that he was actually going further and further on the path of terrorists. He still didn't realize that his organization is a completely terrorist organization, not a peace organization.