Chapter 173 Madara: Have I Been Dead For Too Long?

"I, Uchiha Madara, has admitted your strength, let's fight!"

After the other Impure World Reincarnation powerhouses disappear, Madara came to Asahi. At the beginning, he looked down on Asahi and believed that only those with Otsutsuki's bloodline is supreme, and there is no threat from someone without it.

However, Asahi's performance today made him seem to see another enemy who can rival him besides Hashirama, so Madara's fighting spirit is very high at the moment. That's why he told Obito to withdraw the other Impure World Reincarnation powerhouses, and walked forward himself.

"I don't seem to need you to admit my strength. What a pity, those guys are very good experience packs, and also, I can't bring up even the slightest fighting spirit against the current you!"

Asahi doesn't know what he to say. He didn't know why Madara seemed to be arrogant even now. He should have felt the momentum he released just now. Is that momentum really something he can bear? And Asahi has already fought against Madara before, and it's also the stronger Madara, so against this Madara, he has no interest at all, and he doesn't even want to use magic like the Historia of the Dead.

When Asahi said so, Madara's face was full of anger. He didn't expect that someone would look down on him, the Legendary Uchiha Madara. Because of that, Madara directly activated Susanoo.

He has seen Asahi's strength, so he started with the big move immediately. He never expected that him, the dignified Uchiha Madara, would be looked down upon by someone. Only him can look down on the others, so after using Susanoo, he controlled his Susanoo to attack Asahi with its weapon.


However, the weapon in Susanoo's hand directly collided with the Divine Axe Rhitta in Asahi's hand. In an instant, the huge weapon in Susanoo's hand was directly cut in half, and this axe not only split the weapon, but the Susanoo was also split directly from the center. And Madara, who was at the center of Susanoo's eyebrows, was also cut into two halves.

"How can it be!"

At this moment, an incredible look finally appeared on Madara's face. He couldn't even hold against the power of this axe. And with just one strike, his body and Susanoo were directly destroyed.

If it weren't for him being in the Impure World Reincarnation state now, it is estimated that he would have already died.

"Nagato, aren't you coming out yet? The only one worth me fighting here is you!"

After Asahi chopped Madara with his axe, he said in the direction of Nagato was hiding. And almost without any interval, a white figure flew out directly, and then landed in front of Asahi. And behind him, there was Konan, and Konan also used her Paper Release to make wings and flew over.

"What the hell is going on with Nagato's appearance?"

Obito and Madara, who is slowly recovering, couldn't help but stunned. They didn't understand what is going on with Nagato's appearance, as it's completely unimaginable. Madara has also guessed that the ones behind Nagato is Truth-Seeking Ball.

"Uchiha Madara? I have to thank you. If it's not for you, I might not be able to get to where I am today!"

Nagato shook his head. Through Sage of Six Paths, he already knew the specific identities of these guys lurking beside him, including the origin of his eyes.

"You know?!"

Madara was taken aback again, and so was Obito. Then their expressions changed from shocked to bewilderment. They didn't understand why Nagato would know that Rinnegan came from Madara.

"Of course, Uchiha Obito, are you still not coming out?"

Nagato said and looked in one of the directions, and this is where Obito is hidden. As for Asahi, he looked like he was watching a show at the moment. He also takes out a small bench and eats some popcorn, as he felt that this scene is quite interesting.

"Damn it, what the hell went wrong? What the hell is going on with this guy?"

Obito can't hide at all. In fact, his whereabouts were under Asahi's control from the very beginning. Although he changed positions, he couldn't escape Asahi's sight.

"Your changes must be caused by Sage of Six Paths, right?"

At this time, when the Uchiha duo was dumbfounded, Asahi spoke up. Besides Sage of Six Paths, Asahi couldn't think of anyone else who could bring such a huge change to Nagato.

"Well, it seems that you indeed already know about Sage of Six Paths, after all, the mother of Sage of Six Paths is in your Iwagakure!"

Nagato was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, he has Sage of Six Paths helping him, so it is not surprising that Asahi also has Kaguya to help him.

But at the moment the Uchiha duo heard the conversation between Nagato and Asahi, the two's faces were filled with question marks. 'What is going on? What are these two bastards talking about? How can they even have both Sage of Six Paths and his mother?' From the look of the current situation, it seems that these two people are playing a game from behind, giving people the unclear feeling.

Of course, in fact, Madara is the most confused one. He knows a lot of secrets, but now, he suddenly feels that his original choice was wrong and he wondered if he died too early.

'How long has it been since I died? How come the world has changed after I come out? And now, the dead Sage of Six Paths and the sealed Kaguya have all popped out. What the hell is going on?'

Madara feels that the situation he has controlled has completely changed from his plans. He himself is like a clown at this moment. He does not even understand the situation as much as the other party, and this is the first time that he feels like this.

"Kaguya is indeed at Iwagakure, but is that Six Paths guy a bit too much? Why should he keep targeting his mother? Is it not enough to seal her for thousands of years?"

Asahi doesn't know how to evaluate Sage of Six Paths. He's really a son who has forgotten her mother after having wife. And after thousands of years of time have passed, this kind of affection has completely turned into nothingness. Kaguya is so unlucky, as she actually gave birth to such a white-eyed wolf. (T/N: White-eyed wolf is used to describe a particularly cold-hearted, cruel person.)

"The existence of Otsutsuki Kaguya poses a threat to the Shinobi World. She is the ancestor of the Shinobi World and the origin of Chakra. Sooner or later, she will regain her Chakra. And you Iwagakure, who are in the same boat as her, will be deprived of Chakra sooner or later…"

Nagato chattered a lot. To sum up the meaning of his words, it's basically Kaguya's threat theory. Because Kaguya needs Chakra to recover, she will try to take back everyone's Chakra, and Shinobi would die if their Chakra was taken away by Kaguya.

Basically, Asahi can be sure that this guy has been fooled by Sage of Six Paths, and he didn't understand the situation clearly.