Chapter 180 The Ability to Surpass Everything

"That's not the case. Host was in the wrong direction from the beginning. God and life level are two concepts. The life level of the gods is almost the same as that of Host now, but the life level of the host after fusing the two powers is stronger than those of the lower-side and also have infinite possibilities. Once the gods are born, they already have a life level beyond human beings."

"But it does not mean that their life level can continue to be improved. At the beginning, they are stronger than others, and their life level is also higher, but they almost didn't have the possibility to continue improving, unless they can transcend the world they are in. However, this possibility is almost zero, because when they were created at the beginning, their life level was already locked."

"Strictly speaking, everyone in every world is like this, and Host is an existence that can break some rules. As for the people in the Host's world, if the world continues to merge, their life level's limit will also increase, but they will always be lower than the world, and only the Host can improve infinitely."

"Even if the Host acquires the gods' ability at the beginning, it will only turn into a part of the life level, as the two are not the same concept."

In the end, after listening to the system's explanation, Asahi also understood. The god's life level is also various, and his life level is only higher than the weaker god, so he is equivalent to just entering the Tier-2 life level.

But he has the possibility to surpass everything, and this requires him to continuously improve and fuse his power, and once his energy source is improved, it will drive the improvement of his life level. As for the people in his world, such as Tsunade, Kushina, etc. they can be improved too, but the world needs to be able to accommodate their improvement.

The Natural Energy Source that he helped Tsunade and the others created was like giving Tsunade and the others a key to open the door, but after the door lock is unlocked, they needed to rely on their own strength to push the door open.

Only Asahi can continuously improve, surpassing the improvement of the world level, and the law is also something that only the gods can comprehend. The reason why he was able to fly without relying on his previous power is because he's relying on the so-called power of law, the power of heaven and earth.

Of course, Asahi is also interested in another benefit after the life level is raised, which is lifespan. Once the life level reaches Tier-2, then regardless of the strength, people's lifespan will directly reach a level equivalent to that of the world.

Therefore, although the gods of those worlds can be killed, their lifespan is almost infinite, and if the world is immortal, they will not die. This is a truth, but according to the standard given to Asahi by the system, it'll be extremely difficult for Tsunade and the others to improve their life level.

Asahi also relied on the fusion of the two powerful powers to forcibly upgrade his life level. So for Tsunade and the others, unless they had an external energy source, or Asahi helps them continue to improve the Natural Energy Source and speed up the absorption rate, it will take them at least ten thousand years to increase their life level.

Ten thousand years… Currently, Tsunade and the others can live up to a few hundred years old, and this is already the limit, so Asahi knows that he will be busy next, but he is not very anxious.

As long as his life level continues to improve, it won't be a problem. He doesn't believe that he can't improve his life level in hundreds of years.

In addition, the system also explained to him that although the life level has improved, the start of god level is Tier-2, but the upper limit of the gods also depends on the world level. Tier-2 life level doesn't mean that someone is a god, and even for higher tiers, it's hard to reach god level, for example, the Immortal World.

Although many people managed to increase their life level on their own and they can also understand the laws, to put it bluntly they are not gods, as the gods of that kind of world are born at a high tier.

However, the system has already told him that in most anime worlds, the life level of the gods is only at Tier-2, which is his level, so there is no need for him to worry too much, as the life level does not represent combat power.

Although Asahi's life level has just improved, his combat effectiveness is a bit too terrifying.

After a series of questions and answers, Asahi finally understood these things. Therefore, the life level is the most important. In the Naruto World, Kaguya's existence is equivalent to entering the pseudo Tier-2. Although she is powerful and has an infinite lifespan, she is unable to understand the law, so the current Kaguya belongs to the pseudo Tier-2.

However, she is only a little short of reaching Tier 2. As long as the Natural Energy Source exists, sooner or later, she will be able to enter Tier 2.

Now, Asahi has opened another subsystem. Regarding the equipment subsystem, he is already helpless. The Sunshine Grace has given a good weapon, but Zeref gave nothing. As for Saitama, he also seems to have nothing. At most, there would only be his embarrassing costume. There's no way Asahi would wear something like that.

But fortunately, he finally got another subsystem, which is very useful, and that is, law comprehension. The so-called law is nothing more than… all kinds of abilities.

After comprehending the law of fire, when using the power in fire category, he will be able to add the power of law. If he really does it, it means that he can continuously increase the temperature of a common fire to the level of the sun, and even to the degree of beyond the Sunshine's fire.

For Asahi, this is absolutely terrifying, but there are a lot of laws. According to the system, since his life level has just been improved, if he wants to comprehend more advanced laws like time and space, it is undoubtedly an idiotic dream.

The upper limit of the law is very high, and it is not comparable to ordinary abilities, so he just needs to learn some of the simplest ones now.

Asahi directly chose the law of fire, as his Sunshine Grace's power originated from the sun, and it also belongs to the fire category. Once his Sunshine is combined with the power of law, it will be even more terrifying.

It is because of this that he chose the law of fire.

Through this subsystem, he can instantly enter the law space and absorb the law energy.

If it is someone else, without such subsystem, the time required to enter the law space is unknown.

But Asahi can enter it instantly, and the subsystem will also help him absorb the law energy.

But even so, Asahi found that even after he had absorbed the law energy for a day, there's still no reaction at all. According to the system, it would take him a whole year to reach the entry level, and this is also with the help of subsystems.