Chapter 191 Planting a Seed

After Asahi awakened Smoker directly, Smoker was a little confused, but after seeing Jiraiya, he quickly remembered this person who defeated him easily. His ability was strange to the extreme, and he couldn't see what ability this guy has.

He didn't know anything that happened after he fell unconscious, but now, it seems that he was taken away by the other party. After he woke up, Smoker planned to use his abilities, but the result was a sense of powerlessness and in addition, he cannot use his ability at all.

"Don't bother, can't you feel the seawater on your body?!"

Asahi looked at Smoker a little speechlessly.

"Who the hell are you? Seawater? Do you know the crime of assaulting the Marine?"

Smoker's face turned black. He didn't expect that the other party would use such a direct method like seawater. His ability is directly disabled, and his combat power is almost completely gone.

"Don't be nervous, I brought you here mainly because I want to talk to you about some things, but because of your personality, I have to make some preparation first. If I want to kill you, you would be already dead!"

Asahi said. He knew Smoker has a violent temper, so he should make some preparation first, otherwise, this guy will definitely break out when he wakes up.

"What the hell did you capture me for?"

At this moment, Smoker finally accepted the fact that he was a prisoner. Knowing the other party did not want to kill him, he is curious about his purpose. Since he is a prisoner, he might as well try to fish for information. After all, there is nothing worth looking for in him.

"In order to let you see something, you can see it yourself!"

Instead of directly pushing the information into Smoker's mind, he directly put out the data formed by the Archive, and these data also contain the images taken by White Zetsu with the Lacrima.

It's all the filth of East Blue.

"This… How could this be… the Marines of East Blue are actually like this?!"

Although Smoker don't know most of the people on the images, he knew that a small part of them are also Captain like him, but there is a huge gap between the Captain from the branch and the headquarters.

He knew a part of these people, and he was stunned when he saw the information that was dazzlingly placed in front of him.

"It's a shame that you are still the leader of East Blue's Marine, but now, the entire Marine of the East Blue is simply a thief's cave. According to our investigation, more than 80% of the Marines are moths, moreover, among them, some have collusion with the pirates."

"Even those people sent out by your side basically got benefits, so the inspection is just a formality. I really admire you. You didn't even come out of this town all this time. Well, I will give you this list. As for what you want to do, it's up to you."

After saying that, Asahi took out one more piece of paper. This paper was full of names and recorded the situation of these Marines. As for the specific information, Asahi did not give it to Smoker, as he wanted him check it out himself.

"Wait… Who are you? Are you the Revolutionary Army?"

At this moment, Smoker's mind is in chaos. He didn't expect that underneath, such a situation has occurred. For a Marine with a great sense of justice, there's no way he can just ignore it. Since he was given the names of the people, he could only check the news as much as possible to deal with these things.

But he can't figure out who the other party is, which is very strange.

"Well, you don't need to worry about it. That's it, what you want to do next is up to you!"

Asahi did not answer Smoker's question, but left with Jiraiya and Nami directly. The seed has been planted, so now, he just need to wait for the seed to germinate and bear fruit.

The matter with the Marine is done for the time being. After this, Asahi wanted to deal with the Revolutionary Army. After all, Asahi has already done what the Revolutionary Army wants to do in another world, so he can use his ideas to dig out the Revolutionary Army.

In this world, except for a few people, it is best to dig them. In terms of character, the Revolutionary Army is the best to dig. After all, the Revolutionary Army in the One Piece World is not a group of moths, but a real Revolutionary Army.

Therefore, Asahi can use the series of processing methods in the Shinobi World and other advanced ideas and forces to dig up the entire Revolutionary Army. As for Marine, he needed to temporarily wait, as Smoker can handle it by himself.

After Asahi and the others left, Smoker went back by himself. Fortunately, he was not soaking in seawater, so he still had basic mobility, but when he returned, he found that the news had been passed on by his subordinates.

In desperation, Smoker could only explain it to his superiors that it was a misunderstanding. After explaining it clearly, Smoker began to deal with these matters. First, he checked several people under his own according to the list given by Asahi.

Now that they have taken advantage of it, it is impossible to leave them alone, and they have been doing it for so many years, so their courage has naturally become bigger and bigger, and they have spent the bribe they given.

After Smoker conducted a thorough investigation, he found out that none of these people were innocent. After that, Smoker directly took down these subordinates, because Smoker's power has been established for a long time.

Therefore, after these people were interrogated by Smoker a few times, they started talking about it. They are not tight-lipped, so they immediately sold the others. With so many people, it is natural that there are some cowards.

After these people had admitted the truth, Smoker asked about other things, and finally compared it with the list, and he no longer had any doubt. The entire East Blue is just like Asahi said, it is simply a den of thieves.

As Marines, they not only not protect the people, but also became a legal pirate. This list made Smoker's eyes sting when he saw it. After so many years, he didn't know how many people have been harmed by these moths, and he believed that it is an astronomical figure.

"Except for defending troops, everyone must immediately assemble, and prepare to sail!"

Smoker is also very resolute. Now that he has known these things, he doesn't need to hesitate anymore. Except for the Marine who were left to defend the base, everyone else quickly followed Smoker.

However, Smoker was still short of manpower after all, so he chose to report the situation, as it is better to get some help from the Marine Headquarters.

The headquarters is much cleaner than their branch. Of course, it is necessary to get rid of the darkness that only the higher-ups know about, but most people in the headquarters don't know the darkness, and they really stick to their own justice, which is why they agreed with Smoker.

However, even though Smoker reported it, waiting for someone is not his character, so he took action in advance.