Chapter 202 Garp And The Others' Arrival

On the other side, unlike Onigumo, the other people are responsible for dealing with the weaklings. After the weaklings are dealt with, Garp and Yamakaji quickly rushed to the location of the signal sent by Onigumo. The two parties met in the middle, and the news was sent back to the headquarters. After all, the disappearance of a Vice-Admiral is not a trivial matter.

A few days later, the two brought some Marine soldiers and arrived at the Land of Water. The pirate ships and warships have been taken over by the people of the Land of Water, so there is nothing here.

"It's here, I wonder what Onigumo have encountered. There shouldn't be no one who can threaten a Vice-Admiral in East Blue, right? Vice-Admiral Garp, since you are from East Blue, do you know anything?"

Yamakaji asked with a puzzled face. Because of Roger, East Blue was once suppressed a bit too miserably, so that after the lack of natural enemies, the Marine here become like this, all of them are rotten, which also has something to do with the original crackdown.

But after such a severe attack on East Blue, even the strong would be nothing more than tens of millions bounty pirates, so Yamakaji really couldn't think of what kind of existence could defeat Onigumo. Moreover, after Onigumo sent a distress signal, his trace disappeared.

"How could I know about that? And, this island and even the surrounding waters are not on the East Blue's chart. This is a bit unusual!"

Garp rolled his eyes. Although he is from East Blue, he spends most of his time in the headquarters. And when he goes home for vacation, he would be training his grandsons. He doesn't even know so many rotten Marines in East Blue, so how could he possibly know about this.

Furthermore, there is no record on the chart of such a large island. This is what puzzles him the most. The charts of the Four Blues are quite perfect, and the Grand Line and New World with terrible climate and harsh environment are already two different concepts.

"There is indeed no record of this island on the chart, but with Vice-Admiral Garp here, there is no need to worry too much!"

Yamakaji said with a smile. Garp's reputation is still very great. As long as Garp is here, Yamakaji doesn't have to worry about it. Hearing this, Garp is a little speechless, as he didn't like trouble.

In the end, they took most of the soldiers to the island, and only left a small part of them here to guard the ships.

"They're here? Kakashi, I'll leave it to you and Guy!"

Some of the monitoring equipment Asahi left at those positions worked. Because White Zetsu would be discovered, Asahi left some modified Lacrima there. Garp and the others should not have any knowledge about these things, so there is no problem.

Hearing the order, Kakashi and Guy quickly took some people with them and left.

"Asahi-dono, do you really not need our help?"

Dragon was a little puzzled. He didn't understand Asahi's thought at all. Even after knowing Garp's strength, Asahi didn't go out on his own, but sent two people to fight instead.

"You can tell by looking at it. That Guy's strength is quite terrifying now, and Kakashi's technique is very powerful. Even if your father's Armament Haki when he's still young won't be able to block Kakashi's attack!"

Asahi said calmly. Kakashi's Space-Time Ninjutsu can pass through any defense, so Garp will definitely suffer a loss if he is caught off guard. Of course, it is best not to use that technique. After all, Garp is one of the people he wanted to poach. It should be mentioned other than the radical Marines, every Marine is his target, so it doesn't matter if others use this kind of trick to kill those radical Marines, but not for the other Marines.

Of course, it doesn't matter if they are missing an arm or have their legs severed, as it can be restored easily, but he already ordered Kakashi try not to kill it as much as possible. Although the Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique is indeed useful, it might not work on One Piece World's people.

So Asahi ordered everyone not to kill people, of course, if they have to, they can still kill the enemies. Anyway, they must ensure their own safety first.

Space-Time Ninjutsu can't be blocked, as even the top Armament Haki of One Piece World can't resist the distortion of space. As for Guy, Eight Gates Guy in the original work can cause space distortion with his kick, so his enhanced version should be enough to defeat Garp.

After listening to Asahi's words, Dragon felt a little helpless. He found that he and Kuma were simply redundant. It seemed that they didn't need to stay to help, making them very uncomfortable. It must be known that they are both top powerhouses in One Piece World.

At this time, Garp and the others are a little unlucky. Although no one is in ambush, trap from Shinobi is not something they can take casually, as those traps are usually linked with each other.

It can be said that these traps were chained with each other, and will predict where you will dodge next. In the original work, even Sasuke suffered from such a trap when he chased after Gaara. Fortunately, Garp and Yamakaji took the lead, so they can protect their people.

After they guessed the trap, a bunch of kunai would shoot out directly. They thought it would be fine to avoid it, but the Explosion Tags was actually attached at the back of kunai, so after the Explosion Tags exploded, they would naturally be forced to retreat. And after some people retreated, another trap would be triggered. A series of Explosion Tags and kunai shot out again and again. Under such attack, although they were not injured much, the Marines looked very haggard.

"Damn, what is going on with these traps? It can even predict our way of dodging it. Once we dodge it, there is a high probability that other traps will be triggered!"

Yamakaji's clothes were blown to pieces, so he complained aggrievedly. He doesn't care about those things like kunai, as it can't break his defenses, but there are some papers that will explode at the back of those kunai, anytime, which keep exploding anytime and anywhere.

"These things are a bit interesting. They are powerful and easy to carry, even I have never heard of them before!"

Although Garp was also a little haggard, he didn't care. He was even more curious about what's going on with these exploding papers, as these things managed to cause some damage to their clothes.

"Noble Green Beast is on the stage!"

Just when Garp and others were cautiously advancing, a green figure jumped out directly and put on a weird posture. This person is naturally Guy. Although this guy is a Shinobi, he can't do such thing like sneak attacks. He can only fight people head-on.

Seeing this, Kakashi put his palm on his face. 'This Guy is really hopeless.'

Originally, he planned to sneak attack on the enemy. As a Shinobi, he should fight quietly to maximize the chance of winning as much as possible, but with Guy here, he can no longer do such thing.

And the people Guy brought this time is the Eight Gates Technique's unit, the Eight Gates Technique's unit that would only appear in the later stage, has now been established. As for the one led by Kakashi, it is a unit that is more suitable for assassination and stealth. (T/N: I don't know about this Eight Gates Technique's unit appearing at the later stage, so it seems to be original creation of the Author.)