Chapter 211 Smoker's Question

"Sensei, I have a question I want to ask you!"

Smoker opened his mouth and said. He has been thinking of this question from East Blue until now, and he is confused, so he chose to consult with Zephyr. After all, Zephyr is already so old, and also Marine's higher-up, so he can definitely solve his doubts.

"Ask any questions!"

Zephyr did not leave upon hearing this. He could see that Smoker was not in his best state, and as a teacher, it is necessary for him to clarify his students' doubts.

"I want to ask, is Marine really just?"

Smoker couldn't help but think of Asahi's words. Back then, Asahi gave him not only the information, but also said that Marine's higher-ups are hiding a lot of dirt. At that time, the East Blue's incident shocked his heart, so he had no time to think about it. After he cleaned up those moths, he was repatriated in advance, while Garp and the others stayed behind to deal with the follow-up matters, so he didn't see Asahi again, and after coming back early, he was tortured by Zephyr in various ways.

But now, he couldn't help but ask, as couldn't hold back anymore. He wanted to know what is the so-called justice.

"Why do you ask this? Is it because of East Blue?"

Zephyr was surprised. He didn't expect Smoker to actually ask such a question, which shows that Smoker is beginning to waver, but let alone Smoker, even Zephyr, after being in contact with the high-level affairs of the Marine, couldn't bear it. And after his family was attacked, he immediately resigned.

He knew very well that the closer he is to the top, the more darkness he will come into contact with. Those at the top are responsible for giving orders, and what they say needed to be followed, no matter how unreliable it is. As for the people below, they didn't know anything, and believed the lies those people created, just like it is said that the group of scholars from Ohara want to recreate Pluton and destroy the world.

At that time, what happened to Robin was nonsense, as an eight-year-old kid, she was charged with the crime of destroying some warships. Only those disgusting people could do such thing.

And if it wasn't for Aokiji to finally relent and let Robin go, she might have died in Akainu's hands. The people on that civilian ship were not only adults, but also children, and even babies. But Akainu is a radical, and it is better to say that Akainu is more like a loyal dog of the World Government. What the World Government said will be followed by Akainu. Wouldn't it be possible that Akainu at the time didn't know the truth? There is no way he doesn't know that. These civilians were not pirate. If he is just full of justice, he will definitely not attack the civilians. But he didn't care what happens, and wiped out all of them, no matter whether it's man or woman, old or young. This shows that Akainu is a loyal dog of the World Government, not a man who hates evil.

But even so, there are still some people who said that Akainu is not an evil person.

Zephyr also knows these things, that's why he now wants to be an instructor instead of being a so-called Marine, but most Marines are indeed still fighting pirates, which is indeed not the case when Smoker asks this question. He really doesn't know how he should answer him. Is Marine really just? If he asked Sengoku, he would answer yes without any hesitation, but Zephyr is different.

He disdained lying, but he also can't say it bluntly. Although Weevil has not yet joined Shichibukai, the Shichibukai incident has made him a little disappointed in Marine and World Government.

The Weevil incident that followed was nothing more than a catalyst, and the real reason is because he had enough of the Marine and World Government's darkness.

"I can't give you the correct answer for this kind of question. I can only say that most of the Marines are still just. To put it bluntly, the stability of the sea is due to the Marine."

"The existence of Marine is indispensable, but you have to know one thing, that is, in any bright side, there will be a dark side, even Marine, just like what your encountered in East Blue."

"The Marine is not absolute justice, but most Marines are indeed just, this is the answer I can give you. As a disciple of me, what you have to do is not to think about this problem, but to stick to your own justice!"

Zephyr finally gave his answer. If he said that the Marine is just, when Smoker reached a higher position like Vice-Admiral, he would not be able to hide it, but Zephyr also could not say that Marine is unjust, because most of Marines are committed to justice.

Because of that, he can only give such an answer.

"Is that so? Stick to your own justice, I understand, sensei!"

Smoker's expression became a lot firmer, and their conversations were naturally heard by the surrounding students. Zephyr didn't care whether these students would hear them. After all, they would experience it themselves in the future, but in the end, his words did make these people more determined. Sticking to your own justice, this is enough.

But some of the students showed some weird smiles. These students were none other than the transforming White Zetsu.

Entering the boot camp is very simple for White Zetsu. After all, although White Zetsu's strength is weak, they are also relatively strong. Marine also needs cannon fodder, and not all of them are elites.

Because of that, it is very simple for White Zetsu to sneak in. The White Zetsu, who sneaked into the ground and approached this place before, were all found. And after they were killed, the Lacrima they carried directly exploded themselves, destroying White Zetsu's body.

Zephyr's current conversation with Smoker was clearly heard by White Zetsu, and even White Zetsu used a modified Lacrima to pass this scene to Asahi. The modified Lacrima is very small, only as big as a thumb, so Asahi could see this scene clearly.

"I didn't expect Smoker to ask Zephyr this question, but if Zephyr leaves Marine directly, it will be very interesting!"

Asahi has already figured out what he would do next. Zephyr's advice to Smoker is a template for Smoker in the later stage.

In the later stage, Smoker can even join forces with pirates to deal with Bullet. Which means, he can join forces with others, not only pirates, but also Revolutionary Army. As long as he can express his justice, then joining forces with others is not big problem.

Now that Zephyr gave him this advice, it makes Smoker's heart become firmer, but if Zephyr leaves Marine at this time, Smoker would definitely be impacted. And if he wanted Zephyr to leave the Marine, it is even simpler. In the original work, it is because of some of the Shichibukai's position are empty, Weevil was chosen to fill it, so at this time, Weevil should already be a candidate. Because of that, Asahi only needs to get rid of a few Shichibukai, and the matter will be completed.