Chapter 219 Sengoku: Is Morgans Out of His Mind?

In order to ensure the freshness of the first-hand news, Morgans did not wait until the next day, but sent the newspaper on the same day, so a newly compiled newspaper was sent directly, and there was only one news in the whole newspaper, and that it what happened in Dressrosa. After the newspaper was delivered to the major newspaper offices, they were quickly printed and then delivered by the news coo.

From distribution to spread across the sea, it only took a few hours. It has to be said that news is always so fast.

After the newspaper was sent out, the various forces also saw the news.

"Is Morgans out of his mind? Why did he distribute such a messy thing?"

In Marine's Headquarters, after seeing Morgans' newspaper, all the Marines started cursing at him, including Sengoku. It's because Morgans' newspaper contained Roger's trace. It is said that, the Pirate King, Gold Roger attacked one of the Shichibukai, Doflamingo's base and exposed all the secrets in it.

It must be known that at the beginning, Roger was killed by Marine. It was the kind that made sure that the other party had died and could not die anymore. In short, Sengoku couldn't believe the Roger that appeared in the newspaper was real, and he felt that Morgans's brain has some problems.

Otherwise, how could he produce such a ridiculous newspaper? The content is not credible at all. Seeing such newspaper, Sengoku is too lazy to read it. Of course, there are also those with the gossip mentality and read all the content until the end.

Except for the incident where Roger appeared to attack Doflamingo's base, other things shocked them. Of course, because of Roger's problem at the beginning of the article, almost everyone thought Morgans was talking nonsense and was just bragging.

Of course, there are still some exceptions. These exceptions are those who forget their companions, their colleagues, their chiefs and subordinates because of Hobby-Hobby Fruit, and there is Vergo.

Vergo also saw the newspaper. He thought it was fake when he first saw the contents, but when he read further, he was shocked and contacted Doflamingo directly, but Doflamingo did not respond to him.

And he only has a way to contact Doflamingo. In order to ensure that he is not exposed, he didn't bring so many Den-Den Mushi. After the contact failed, Vergo knew that something has gone wrong, so while Marine still haven't responded, he quickly slipped away.

He didn't know what was going on, so he still had to go to Dressrosa to take a look. If the thing written on the newspaper is true, Vergo couldn't imagine the result. When he thought of the result, his hands and feet turned cold for a while.

The Marine's Headquarters originally did not intend to care about this matter. Sengoku, who thought that Morgans had a problem with his head, did not continue to pay attention to this matter, and those Marines, who had escaped from Dressrosa, have not arrived at the Marine's base yet, and everyone is still immersed in shock. However, the Den-Den Mushi dedicated to Sengoku and Five Elders rang.

"Sengoku, immediately send someone to track down the whereabouts of Roger and the Hobby-Hobby Fruit!"

As soon as he picked up the Den-Den Mushi, Sengoku was stunned by the roar.

"What Roger? Isn't Roger dead?"

Sengoku couldn't believe his ears. He didn't understand why the Five Elders asked him to find Roger, Didn't Roger already die long ago? Why are you asking me to find a certain devil fruit?'

After seeing the news about Roger, he stopped paying attention to the newspapers. He would have never thought that the Five Elders suddenly had a convulsion and asked him such nonsense like tracking down Roger.

"As Marine's Fleet Admiral, don't you read today's newspaper?"

The Five Elders on the other side were also a little stunned when they heard Sengoku's question, 'What's going on with Sengoku? He generally pays much attention to this kind of things faster than us, so why is he suddenly so slow today?

"Tell him clearly, he probably thinks that today's newspaper as Morgans's farce!"

In the Mary Geoise, the Five Elders got together were talking with Sengoku. Soon, one of the Five Elders knew what's going on with Sengoku. If it wasn't for the organized situation report, plus the newspaper joint report, they wouldn't believe such absurd things too, so after some discussion, they reached a conclusion and called Sengoku.

"Sengoku, listen clearly, the newspaper you read today is real. Roger is not dead. According to the information sent by Dressrosa's people, Roger is not dead. He killed Doflamingo, and announced everything that happened in Dressrosa in a live broadcast. It was all written clearly in the newspaper and it was all true!"

After the Five Elders making it clear to Sengoku, they said a series of things, and then gave Sengoku a death order. The Marine must find Roger and Hobby-Hobby Fruit and also, kill the undercover agent arranged by Doflamingo in the Marine, Vergo.

They must know what happened to Roger, and there is Hobby-Hobby Fruit. In fact, Hobby-Hobby Fruit's ability is already recorded by the World Government. After all, this ability is not a big secret.

Perhaps for this generation, the Hobby-Hobby Fruit are very secretive, but the World Government has been established for so many years and has figured out most of the fruits.

Therefore, they also know the specific abilities of the Hobby-Hobby Fruit. The reason why they did not directly target Sugar is because they are afraid that Doflamingo, who knows their secrets, so they blindly accommodated him.

But who would expect that Doflamingo would die like this now, and it seems that the secrets haven't spread yet, but just in case, they still have to catch them all at once. For example, Vergo, as Vergo is still running around outside.

Before giving this order to the Marine, they actually sent CP0 members to look for him. In short, they can't let Vergo lives. The Five Elders will not let any hidden danger remain in this world.

"So these reports are true…"

Sengoku's head froze instantly. He couldn't understand how Roger, who he had seen died with his own eyes, would appear again.

Of course, because Five Elders' order was very urgent this time, he held a meeting without saying anything. During the time when other people gathered, he finally read the newspaper in his hand.

Then, his expression changed from startled to confused, and then became furious after reading the matter about Vergo. He didn't expect that Doflamingo would send his man into the Marine as an undercover agent. If Vergo was allowed to mix with the Marine for a while, he might come to the headquarters, and obtained a high position. At that time, Marine's secret will be transparent to Doflamingo.

Sengoku's face was dark for a while, after all, for this kind of thing happened, it was simply too shameful.