Chapter 221 Candidates For The New Shichibukai

"Tsuru, you have a good sister. If it wasn't for her to raise that question in time this time, we would have a lot of troubles!"

Sengoku felt a headache and rubbed his temples. Since this Roger hasn't changed at all after so many years, other than the possibility he said before, there's now another possibility, that is, he was created by someone with a special ability.

There are many kinds of Devil Fruits in this world, so maybe, there is indeed a fruit that can really resurrect people or make a fake. Of course, judging from the fact that this Roger attacked Doflamingo's base alone, this fake Roger's strength might be as strong as the real one.

"The matter is still unclear, and we can't jump to conclusions, but have you noticed that the person who narrated the story of Dressrosa in the Morgans newspaper? According to his speculation, it should be Trafalgar Law!"

Tsuru shook her head, and then talked about Law. Doflamingo said Law's name during the live broadcast, and Law was the narrator. Although he did not show up, Morgans still managed to dig out Law's identity.

"I saw it too, I'll ask some people pay attention to that kid!"

Sengoku's face became a bit weird. Sengoku regarded Corazon as his own son, but in the Op-Op Fruit incident, it is not only Doflamingo who caused a problem, as Corazon even uses the Marine to obtain the Op-Op Fruit for Law.

Because of that, Sengoku naturally paid attention to Law. After all, such a thing happened back then, and Sengoku still has such feeling, so he didn't take any action towards Law, otherwise, the Op-Op Fruit would be worth World Government taking action.

"You can figure it out by yourself, after all, it's your own business. For now, we should choose the new Shichibukai. Although the World Government hasn't urged us, they will definitely urge us after they come back to their sense. So first, let's determine the candidates."

Tsuru couldn't help but shook her head. She still knows a little bit about Sengoku, but who doesn't have any secret, so she is too lazy to say something.

"There are not many suitable candidates for the Shichibukai right now, and to be honest, there is one of the most suitable ones among them, which was already saved as a candidate for a while now, but if this person is really recruited, there might be big troubles happening again!"

Sengoku said helplessly, and Tsuru couldn't help but froze, as she remembered those candidates, and the most suitable of which was called Edward Weevil. Originally, based on his strength, he would have been recruited into the Shichibukai from the beginning.

However, because they are taking into account Zephyr's matter at that time, he was temporarily replaced, but this time, since one of the seats become empty and Weevil was already the most suitable, even if they did not recognize him, the World Government will insist on choosing this person.

There is no other suitable candidate, and Blackbeard has not betrayed Whitebeard yet. Ace has not been caught, and the Eleven Supernova has not grown up yet, so Weevil is the most suitable.

"I really hope it won't be him, but according to the situation of the World Government, we can't hold it down this time, and they definitely won't care about Zephyr's feelings!"

He shook his head. The previous time, it was not the World Government that made the decision, and they were only operating in the middle, that's why Weevil was not selected, and they even got mad.

But Zephyr is not happy about Shichibukai's system itself, and has long been dissatisfied. If Weevil is really chosen to become the Shichibukai this time, the matter will really blow up. It must be known that Weevil is the one who cut off Zephyr's arm back then, and he also killed all the Marine recruits in a ship, leaving only two alive.

"It's not that his probability is too small, so let's think about how to appease Zephyr when the time comes."

Sengoku shook his head with some headache, and Tsuru was also helpless about this.

While Marine was acting, the news also spread in the New World. Among them, the Four Emperors also got the news.

"Gurararara, are you kidding me? How could that Roger be still alive? Who would believe such a thing?"

Whitebeard threw the newspaper away as soon as he read it.

"Old man, why must it be fake? What if Roger, who was executed in the first place, was fake?"

Marco asked a little puzzled.

"You don't know Roger as well as I am. When he was executed in Loguetown, he was the only one who could do that kind of thing. The one who created a new era can't be fake, so this one must be fake!"

Whitebeard didn't bother to say anything, but anyone who knows Roger very well, such as him, Shiki, Garp, etc., can see the truth at a glance. Of course, it is also because they did not see the live broadcast, otherwise, they would not have denied it so directly.

After all, the Roger made by Asahi is the Roger who has all the memories of Roger. In fact, the Historia of the Dead is used to explore this kind of secret, at least, there is no secret that can be hid. Of course, Asahi is not interested in One Piece, just like Devil Fruit. What he focused on is not these things.

On the other side, Shanks and the others also directly rejected it, as it is impossible for this kind of thing to happen. For the New World's Four Emperors, they are all dismissive on this kind of thing, of course, two of Emperors' concerns are not here.

Big Mom is still focused on Caesar, as she needs this guy to do human body enlargement experiments, as for Kaido, he also pays attention to Caesar, and it's because Caesar's research is artificial Devil Fruit.

He and Doflamingo have a good relationship because the other party provides him with arms and a series of Devil Fruits to form a legion of Devil Fruit user. But now, the provider of this legion is gone.

Although Doflamingo is not one of the Four Emperors and his strength is not as great as the Four Emperors', Doflamingo's ability to find fruits is definitely a leverage, as it is more powerful than the Four Emperors'…

So Kaido immediately sent Jack to find the news about Caesar, and Big Mom also sent Cracker to go find Caesar.

It can be said that Caesar is a very hot commodity right now, but the first thing he has to face is still Law.

Although Law is now It is not as powerful as in the original work, it is not a big problem for him to deal with Caesar.

The whole sea exploded because of Roger and Dressrosa's incident, and then, some people started questioning about the World Government's decision of forming the Shichibukai, after all, Dressrosa's incident was too terrifying.

Not only was Riku's king position taken away, but even some of the residents of the country were turned into toys, helping Doflamingo work, and some toys were even distributed to their relatives. Such a thing is simply too inhumane.

Right now, a lot of people are scared, but this matter was quickly suppressed by the Marine.