Chapter 224 Arranging A Dragon Package for Zephyr

"How about it, Zephyr-san? Do you want to come and take a look?"

Asahi continued to ask, and Zephyr nodded after taking a deep breath.

"Since you have said all that, I should just take a trip, but I still have something to deal with, so let's wait for a while."

Zephyr said helplessly. His bottom line has been figured out by others, so there is no other way, and he must go to have a look. After all, he already has the thought of leaving the Marine, after all, Marine and the World government have completely disappointed him.

According to the original book, he will fight alone and intend to destroy the New World directly, but this time, because of Asahi, it won't be the same as the original trajectory, so no destroying New World. Now that Zephyr has been invited by the Revolutionary Army, he doesn't want to do it alone anymore, after all, doing it alone will hurt his students, which he doesn't want to see.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome. It won't take too long time. I will come there directly!"

After saying that, Asahi disappeared from his previous location and arrived at Zephyr's office. Asahi's sudden appearance shocked Zephyr. After all, he was just talking with Asahi until now. It's just like calling a good friend across a city, but after walking out of your living room, you suddenly see him.

"You… What kind of Devil Fruit ability do you have…?"

Zephyr couldn't help but turn his head, and then look at the Lacrima.

"I have never said that I am a Devil Fruit user, and in this world, not only is Devil Fruit user possess special powers. I am here to pick you up. As for your current situation, just leave it to this guy!"

After saying that, Asahi used Manifestation Magic. The Historia of the Dead and Manifestation Magic are two concepts. The Historia of the Dead is to pull the person out of someone's memory, and then this person will have all the other party's memory.

The general Manifestation Magic cannot do this, and the strength of the manifestation object was based on the person who manifests it.

Asahi knows Zephyr's character very well, so it is not too much of a problem to manifest Zephyr to pretend to be the real Zephyr. Originally, he planned to make White Zetsu to transform into Zephyr, but after thinking about it, he remembered that although White Zetsu can imitate Zephyr's appearance and character completely, his strength is not enough, so even if his character simulation is very good, his strength is still a major flaw.

Even if Zephyr is old, his vitality is still very tenacious. In case someone is idle and use Observation Haki to scan him, wouldn't it be found out? In fact, Asahi is also trying to combine the Historia of the Dead with the general Manifestation Magic. In this way, he doesn't have to keep searching for people in other people's minds.

But in the end, it failed. Because among the two, the people manifested from the Historia of the Dead was more advanced, just like a real person, with flesh and blood and memory, and the one created by Manifestation Magic have no memory. Historia of the Dead can only be used if the other party is in other people's memory, and the manifested person must be dead.

"This is… me."

Looking at the fake Zephyr in front of him, Zephyr was extremely shocked.

He can even feel that this Zephyr is very strong, even stronger than himself, which makes him feel a little dumbfounded, but Observation Haki will not deceive him, so he knew that this Zephyr is indeed much stronger than him.

"This Zephyr is a fake made by me with real magic. Although it is a fake, it is stronger than the real one. Can we go now!"

Asahi asked with a smile, but Zephyr's expression became extremely complicated.

"Since you can create such an existence unscrupulously, why do you have to win me over? It will not bring any benefit to you?"

Zephyr asked speechlessly. Before, he thought that the other party recruited him because of his strength, but now, it seems that he is thinking too much.

"What we value is not your strength. The purpose of the Revolutionary Army's existence is for the revolution, and Marine is indispensable in this link, you should know it very well yourself."

"Although Marine has helped the World Government to do a lot of nonsense, Marine is still the one who protected people from the pirates. Without Marine on the sea, this world will definitely become a lot crazier than the era created by Roger."

"The enemy of the Revolutionary Army is the World government, not Marine. The Revolutionary Army still needs Marine to stay, but there are also many moths in the Marine. In East Blue, it's like that, and we are the one who gave Smoker those information."

"The Marine needs to be reformed. We plan to form a new Marine, and the new Marine needs your help, Zephyr-san. Because of your reputation, almost all the Marine's higher-ups have relationships with you, as most of them are your companions and students."

"So we need you to form a new Marine, a Marine that truly exists for peace, not a Marine who is a running dog of the World government!"

Asahi said, and this time, Zephyr was completely moved. If before, his trust and suspicion of the Revolutionary Army were divided equally, after Asahi's speech, his trust towards the party has exceeded 80%, and the rest will be completely eliminated after waiting for the final result.

"If that is the case, then take me to have a look, let me see the true strength of your Revolutionary Army!"

Zephyr said with some enthusiasm after taking a deep breath. If he can really reform the Marine with the help of these people, it would be perfect. The Marine that was truly born for justice, at this moment, Zephyr's blood, which had already been silent for decades, began to boil again.

"Then let's go!"

After leaving White Zetsu and the fake Zephyr, Asahi took the real Zephyr to the Shinobi World directly. After that, he gave Zephyr the same package as Dragon and took him around the world, and explain things clearly.

In this way, Zephyr is naturally unable to escape anymore, just like Dragon. Of course, Asahi's purpose is not just Zephyr alone, but also Garp. At this time, Garp is still on the Land of Water, so he can bring Zephyr to convince Garp later.

This is the best point. Garp is actually the same as Zephyr, he also hopes that Marine can be reborn, but this is not easy, at least he can't do it alone. However, if there is such a huge behemoth behind him, it will not be a problem at all.

So after Zephyr makes up his mind, Asahi will take him to meet Garp.