Chapter 227 Garp and Zephyr: It Turns Out That Shiki Doesn’t Need to Cut Off His Legs

"What the hell is this invisible barrier? It seals this place so tightly!"

At this moment, Shiki was on his own floating island. He was a bit shocked to see the barrier did not have any respond after being hit by his slash. His slash was already very strong, but against this transparent barrier, it's like a stone sinking into the sea, showing no reaction at all.

And he also used his Observation Haki to probe, and found this barrier terrifyingly big, almost enveloped the sky above this sea area. It took him several times to probe it.

"Shiki, long time no see, what are you planning this time!"

Just when Shiki was about to try again, he heard a very familiar voice, and his face couldn't help but change when he saw the person coming.

"Zephyr, Garp, why are you two here and how did you get there? Did you get this thing, wait…, you, how can you fly?"

Shiki was immediately stunned when he saw the two, and then paid attention to other things that he couldn't understand. For example, how can these two guys fly, which made him wonder.

"What's the matter? Do you have any opinions about us flying? You are not the only one who can fly. Besides, can't I fly with Moonwalk?"

Garp said with a look of disdain, while Shiki has a black line on his forehead, showing that he was dazed, to the point that some veins are popping up. Marine's Moonwalk is indeed a superhuman skill that can make people fly, but there is also a problem. If you want to fly, you need to constantly step on the air to move, and it can't be maintained for a long time.

'But now, that bastard Garp is standing in the air so calmly. How could it be Moonwalk? Is it because this old man think that I am an idiot that can be cheated like that?'

"You are the idiot old man, you old bastard!"'

The angry Shiki roared directly, but Garp didn't care.

"You haven't answered my question yet, why did you appear here? Haven't you been missing for so many years? What are you planning?"

Garp doesn't believe that Shiki will go back for retirement. This guy is a very crazy guy, and the things he can do are also insane, so he is very curious about what this guy is going to do now.

"Do you think I will tell you?"

Shiki stared at Garp with the expression of seeing a fool. He had prepared this kind of thing for so many years to destroy East Blue, so how could he tell Garp stupidly.

"Isn't it just using monsters to destroy East Blue? You're planning to shoot a pirate version of Godzilla, right!"

Asahi said speechlessly. Shiki's purpose is to destroy East Blue with monsters. He made a weird potion, and began to nurture some weird monsters, planning to stage a coup d'etat, but it is a pity that he was defeated by Luffy in the original work.

Invariably, these people are indeed unlucky. When they meet Luffy, they will be influenced by his protagonist halo, and then the plot will kill them.

There may have some reasons for Shiki, such as his foot was cut off, and he is old. Luffy also used thunder and lightning, so Shiki was defeated, these are all reasons, but what about Bullet? He was caught by Garp and Zephyr when his actual ability has not been awakened yet, but after awakening, he managed to defeat several people teaming up easily. But in his final battle with Luffy, he was beaten up.

The plot kill is plot kill, there is nothing to say.

At this moment, Shiki's mouth was opened very wide. He didn't understand how someone could know his plan so well, 'Is it because there is a spy among my subordinates?'

"Using monsters to destroy East Blue?!"

The corners of Zephyr's mouth twitched frantically, 'What nonsense is this old bastard thinking? It must be because his brain is filled with mud.'

Not to mention, how many islands there are in East Blue, even if it's just one island, it takes time for these beasts to destroy it, and this time is enough for Marine to come for support. It's impossible unless Shiki prepares a large amount of potion and directly fills the entire East Blue with it.

But when Zephyr thinks about it, he feels that it's unrealistic. In short, although this plan is a little feasible, it is not the reliable type. Anyway, Zephyr is a bit speechless. He planned to destroy the New World and did a series of plans, with Dyna Stone plus the three volcanoes, those explosions can wipe out New World.

Of course, in Asahi's view, his idea is also unrealistic. What kind of volcanoes are they that all three destruction will lead to an all-round eruption? It takes times to destroy all three volcanoes.

This is not like collecting the seven Dragon Balls and make a wish. In short, he still can't understand. If it's according to Zephyr, the chain reaction caused by the other two volcanoes' destruction should have already started to spread, and there's no need to wait for the third. In short, their plans are both unreliable.

"Bastard brat, how did you know my plan?"

Shiki is going crazy. His action hasn't been finished yet, but the plan is already exposed, making it very awkward.

"Don't worry about it. In fact, I always have a question I want to ask you, Shiki, why did you cut off your legs? As far as I know, if seastone is wrapped with something thick enough, it can be directly invalidated it. So why did you chop off your legs in the first place?"

Asahi asked with some doubts. Shiki seems to have pitted himself. As there's no need to cut off his legs for this kind of thing. In short, there are other ways, but Shiki chose cut off his legs. Can't he just torn off his prison uniform to separate the seastone from his body? Moreover, the seastone can't limit his power too much. Even Luffy and the others can't use their abilities when cuffed with seastone cuff, their strength is still very good. So, isn't it fine for Shiki to touch it?

Moreover, if the prison uniforms on Shiki's body were not enough, he can also use other people's uniforms, especially Sanjuan Wolf, who is also wearing prison uniforms. It is incomprehensible that Marine even customized such a large prison uniform for the other party. In short, Shiki only needs enough clothes to separate the seastone from his body, and his ability can be activated. After thinking about it, Asahi felt that cutting his own legs is just pitting himself.

"Is that possible?"

Before Shiki could say anything. Zephyr and Garp were already startled first. Shiki handcuffed his feet, and seastone won't fit perfectly on him. That kind of gap left by the seastone is quite large, so after filling the gap with clothes, it will become completely useless. When the two heard of this, both of them were shocked, 'It turned out that Shiki didn't need to cut off his legs.'

No matter how bad it is, Shiki actually only needs to cut off a little meat from his leg, and there's no need to cut off his entire legs. Can't he run away if he leaves a large enough gap? Seastone is inherently difficult to process, and Marine's seastone shackles cannot be customized, after all, most people in One Piece World have weird shapes. Of course, no one thought that Shiki would be so crazy. After all, there is no precedent for cutting off his legs directly.