Chapter 242 Sengoku And The Others' Action

"That's good, we will find out as soon as possible those radicals, and Marine's moths!"

Both Sengoku and Tsuru breathed a sigh of relief. For such a strong person, they didn't think the other party would lie. The next thing they considered was after returning, they would deal with the radicals and the moths.

"You can just arrest the moths directly. As for the radical Marines, you can find an excuse to send them out, no matter it is to any Marine's base, or to perform a mission, and just give me the list of the names, and then I'll use the live broadcast method to dump all the blames on the radicals."

With a wave of his hand, Asahi prepared to dump all the blames on the radicals. When Sengoku heard this, he took a deep cold breath. He didn't expect Asahi would be so cruel. He could already imagine the scene where the radicals were constantly spurned. It's miserable from even imagining it.

"Wait…, those radicals will definitely come back to make trouble after that, so what shall we do?"

Sengoku suddenly thought of another question, and this time, even Tsuru glanced at him speechlessly.

"Sengoku, you are really getting more and more senile. Don't forget our strength. After this, we will belong to the newly established Marine, not the Marine of the World Government. Although they are crazy enough, their strength is very different from ours, so how can you really do nothing if they make a fuss?"

"If they really caused troubles, just arrest them directly!"

Tsuru said with a calm face. The radicals led by Akainu are far from their strengths. No matter how they fight, only Akainu's side will suffer, and none of them will suffer.

"Although it is like that, it will inevitably lead to infighting at that time, and the final result will be that Marine's control of the sea will become weaker, and the pirates will run amok!"

Sengoku said helplessly.

"You don't have to worry about this, I will send people to help you. Nagato, I want you to go to Marine's Headquarters. If there are strong people causing trouble, just beat them severely. As for other places, I will send some Shinobi to help. Don't forget that there is also the Revolutionary Army. I will ask Dragon to take back the several legions that are fighting, and supplement these people to stabilize the sea situation."

"After that, I will take action against the World Government. Once the World Government collapses, the Revolutionary Army can quickly replace the World Government, and at that time, stabilizing the sea's situation will become very simple. If we deal with the problem of the Four Emperors, then there will be no problem!"

Asahi said nonchalantly. Since he has acquired the Marine, the World Government should be eliminated as soon as possible. There's also the New World's Four Emperors, but that is not a problem, as Whitebeard and Shanks would be very happy if they had normal identities.

As for Kaido and Big Mom, he just needs to beat them up and throw them into Impel Down.

"Then it's fine!"

Sengoku shut up immediately. He had already got so much for bargain, so it was enough. Asahi also nodded to this, and sent them all back.

After Sengoku and the others went back, they started to do things. The radical Marines were continuously dispatched and separated. Although it will inevitably cause some radicals to be skipped, it is not a big problem. As it's already enough to separate the main figures of the radicals.

The radical Marines in this world are the lackeys of the World Government. They do what the World Government says. Few exist purely to fight against pirates, and most of them are lackeys, such as Akainu.

After dispatching these Marines one after another, Asahi also directly asked Morgans' newspapers to throw all the blames on the radical Marines. In addition, he also directly announced the establishment of the new Marine.

On the same day, Sengoku and the others publicly separated from the World Government through live broadcast and established a new Marine. They will no longer do anything for the World Government. In addition, there's also Morgans' newspaper to spread the news. Although they dare not say that they can get rid of all the infamy, but at least, it has dropped by 90%, and the new Marine is also more supported by the others.

After all, the reputation of the World Government has become rotten. As for the radical Marines, they are all dumbfounded. In the blink of an eye, a new Marine was established, and they were isolated from it.

At the same time, Akainu, who is in the New World, also saw this newspaper. As a result, he was so furious that immediately grabbed the Den-Den Mushi and planned to contact the headquarters.

But in the end, no one answered his call. After all, he is no longer a member of the new Marine, but the scapegoat for the previous blames, so Marine's Headquarters will no longer answer his calls. Instead of Akainu, a new Admiral has been chosen to fill Akainu's position, with the new code name, God, which is none other than Nagato. Of course, it is just in name only. To put it bluntly, Sengoku does not dare to order Nagato casually.

And the grassroots Marines are also a little confused. They haven't reacted yet, and they already turned into a new Marine. Except for the higher-ups, everyone else is in a very confused state, but not long after, the Den-Den Mushi also spread the news.

These Marines have been affected by these dark matters for a while, and some of them even have suicidal thought, but the news came very timely, so their reputation was basically restored in an instant, which is a very joyful thing.

It can be said that this time, they are at the happiest. Although they are a little confused, they are very happy to accept this new identity.

"Damn, even the contact information was directly broken. Are they really planning to split Marine and destroy the sea? I want to see what they want to do!"

At this moment, Akainu's eyes are filled with hot magma at this moment. He really wanted to ask Sengoku to find out what he wanted to do.

Not only Akainu, but other high-level radicals also returned quickly, and the World Government was also blown up.

"What on earth did Sengoku want to do? He actually dares to break away from the World Government directly? Does he think that without the support of the World Government, their Marine can still survive?"

The Five Elders are also turning the tables angrily at this moment. It can't be helped. They have been treating Marine as a dog all this time, but suddenly, they were bitten by this dog. Thinking about it, they feel ashamed.

"Send CP0, I will also go there myself. I want to see what they are planning to do. That's right, try to call them!"

Five Elders called Sengoku and the call got through, but before they could speak, they were scolded by Sengoku. After scolding them, Sengoku hung up the phone directly, making the Five Elders very angry.