Chapter 244 The Start of The War

Before they arrived, Asahi had already turned on the live broadcast, and multiple live broadcast big screens were spread over a large number of islands around. After all, this battle will be the demise of the World Government, and the World Government must do its best. Before, Asahi already asked Robin to announce the history, slapping their face severely.

So what they can do now is quickly wipe out the opposition forces, and then start to calm the world, otherwise, if they wait until the history is revealed, they will be in a bad situation. They are so anxious to hide this period of history, so it must belong to the kind of extremely shameful one.

For example, Celestial Dragons actually took the credit of some people at the beginning, or they are retainers of whom they belonged to, but then betrayed them. In short, it must be a very shady thing, otherwise, they would not be so afraid of the Void Century being known.

They were also forced to the edge of the cliff by Asahi. After the live broadcast was turned on, the scene of the Marine's Headquarters appeared on the surrounding islands.

"It's really interesting. The Marine and the World Government are at war. This is very unexpected. Marine has also done something that we all admire. Sengoku's courage is really great, and even the Revolutionary Army has cooperated with them!"

In the Sabaody Archipelago, many pirates gathered here at the moment, but they did not cause trouble, but all stared at the big screen. After all, this war can be said to be the biggest war they have ever known in history. If they don't watch it, they will definitely regret it. This is much more sensational than when Roger was executed.

"Yes, the Marine actually separated the radicals and united with the Revolutionary Army. This is indeed unexpected, but this time, no matter which of them wins, this sea won't be calm anymore!"

Above the vines, Rayleigh and Shakki are talking about this while watching the screen. This is the beginning of another new era after the era started by Roger.

At the same time, the Four Emperors' forces also used Den-Den Mushi to broadcast the screen. It can be said that the whole world is paying attention to this matter. After all, this matter is too big.

Of course, there is an exception among the Four Emperors, this guy is naturally Kaido. Seeing such a big war between the Marine + Revolutionary Army and the World Government, Kaido could not just watch it, and immediately went there with his own pirate group.

Shanks, who likes to be nosy, directly acted as a roadblock and stopped Kaido's army after hearing the news, as he didn't want to him participate. It was already chaotic enough, and if Kaido participated there, it will be even more chaotic.

Asahi doesn't know these things, but even if he knows it, he won't care. A Four Emperors can't make too much waves. Strictly speaking, Four Emperors are all a bit problematic, especially Big Mom, as it's not surprising if she kills herself one day.

Of course, these are not the point. At this moment, the Den-Den Mushi in the sky has captured the picture of World Government's mighty army, and the number of ships they have are dazzling.

"Hiss… How many warships are there? Too many, so densely packed..."

Countless people began to gasp for breath. The power assembled by the World Government is too huge, and the horrifying numbers make people stunned. This is not densely packed people, but warships instead. It can be seen that the numbers will be hard to count.

"Dragon, let Kuma leave with a big move."

Asahi said. Among the Shichibukai that was assembled this time, only Kuma, Moria, the newly added Weevil and Mihawk come. As for Hancock, she did not show up at all, and Crocodile and Doflamingo were already killed by Asahi.

Kuma is here as an undercover agent, Moria is here for the corpse, Weevil has brain damage, and Mihawk only wanted to fight the strong, but… Hancock is very smart, and she knew that if she went here this time, she would only become a cannon fodder, and there is still a country behind her. She also knew that after this war is over, the other party will definitely not be able to trouble her, as it is estimated that both sides would suffer.

She didn't even bother to cause trouble for herself, so she was very smart. As for the two stupidest of them are Moria and Weevil. Bakkin thought they would have good lives by hugging World Government's big thighs.

Because of that, Weevil was also participated, but how could she know that this time, Marine was holding a god thigh that was far stronger than World Government's shriveled thighs.

And Moria wanted to make zombies from the corpses, but this time, it is estimated that he himself would be killed. As for the other two, one is an undercover agent, and the other is to fight the strong, they all have their own pursuits. There is nothing wrong with Mihawk's goal, as he is a sword idiot. After seeing one of the Five Elders wielding a sword, the unique aura only possessed by the strong swordsmen made him come here.

So strictly speaking, Mihawk himself is very crazy, so there is nothing wrong with it. It's these two who come here for profit, who are going to suffer.

After receiving the call from Dragon, Kuma walked out of the cabin very simply. This time, for the sake of convenience, he did not bring his own ship over, but followed the World Government alone. So now that Dragon has sent the news, he doesn't think much anymore.

"Why don't you stay in your cabin anymore?"

After seeing Kuma coming out, Moria asked with some doubts. They Shichibukai were all in the same ship. This time, they were all coming alone and did not bring their own ship.

Kuma did not respond to Moria's question, but directly opened his hands. His ability was activated, and a transparent air bear's paw began to grow bigger and bigger.

It continued until the size of this ship was surpassed. This time, Kuma didn't just compress the attack that attacked Oars Jr. in the original work, but compressing a more powerful force. He even compressed it to the limit that he can bear, and sweat started broke out on his head. At this moment, a huge bear's paw appeared above the huge fleet.

"Is this the first shot you want to fire? As expected of the Tyrant!"

Moria and the others also understood Kuma's intentions. Of course, what they didn't expect was that this attack was not aimed at the new Marine.

"It's very surprising that Shichibukai actually took the initiative to attack directly"

On the main ship, Akainu was also a little surprised. Usually, these Shichibukai wouldn't work so hard, so he didn't expect that this time, Kuma would exert such a great effort.

Under the watchful eyes of a group of people, Kuma slowly compressed this huge air bear's paw to the extreme, making it smaller than his palm. With such a huge amount of air compressed into this way, once it bursts out, then the power will be very terrifying.

Even Moria was having a cold sweat as he saw this. If Kuma made a mistake, all of them would be affected.