Chapter 257 Prometheus's Betrayal

"No, mother is angry, everyone, quickly disperse!"

Seeing that his mother was angry, Katakuri also knew the seriousness of the matter. After all, Big Mom watched her desserts being eaten by others. After Big Mom became famous, such a crazy thing has never happened before appeared.

So at this moment, Big Mom has been extremely angry, and in order to prevent being affected, everyone ran away immediately.

The angry Big Mom sent out her own question, but this question made Asahi a little speechless. With Big Mom's Devil Fruit abilty, if the person being questioned has any fear, they will be finished directly. Big Mom's inquiry is usually about lifespan or staying, death or staying, etc.

Basically no one can escape this question, once someone has a little fear, their life will be drained, but now, Big Mom's question is a bit interesting, as it's death or death, which show her killing intent.

'The Soul-Soul Fruit can also be played like this,' Asahi has gained a lot of experience from this, 'However, Big Mom is indeed having a bad taste. It is true that people who want to leave can turn the turntable, but the turntable was done by Big Mom's ability, so regardless of what you turn, you will eventually fall to death, and only few people can escape.'

Now this inquiry is even more straightforward, and it also makes Asahi a little speechless.

"I choose… none of it, what can you do with me?"

Asahi said indifferently. As for fear, of course Asahi also has fear, but this kind of fear will only appear when facing an existence that can endanger his life, not Big Mom.


Big Mom couldn't help but be stunned. It was the first time she saw such situation. Although there are also some who would answer like that, this question is just to scare people and take their life span, and what she asked is just nonsense.

But this person didn't show any fear, which is a bit unreasonable.

"Mother was unable to take his lifespan. Doesn't this mean that he is not afraid of mother?"

At this moment, the group of people around were stunned, but Katakuri frowned, and then his face changed drastically.

"No, this guy is the expert who destroyed the World Government, the people of the new government. Sure enough, we are being targeted!"

At this moment, Katakuri's heart directly turned cold. When he saw the news, he knew that their pirate group would definitely not be able to hide from the fate of being targeted, but he did not expect the other party to come so quickly, obviously, Whitebeard and Shanks had just thrown away their Four Emperors' titles, but in the blink of an eye, it was already their turn.

Under Katakuri's reminder, the others finally recognized Asahi, and their faces changed drastically. Asahi's move that could wipe out the existence of the World Government are still printed in their brains. No wonder they felt he is familiar before, but they didn't expect him to be that person.

At this moment, their faces became extremely pale with fright. They knew that with Big Mom's character, she definitely would not compromise. After all, although they are Big Mom's children, they couldn't do anything about Big Mom.

You expect to reason with a madman, or expect a madman to be scared? is With Big Mom's temperament, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible, so they will inevitably be destroyed.


Without further ado, Katakuri planned to take his brother and run away. To be honest, his reputation among his brothers and sisters is still very good, except for Big Mom, everyone else treatments towards their brothers and sisters are not bad.

Although they are divided into various small factions, there is no doubt that the factions that worship Katakuri are the biggest.

"Did I let you go?"

Regarding Katakuri's decisiveness, Asahi also feels good. In fact, he is confident that Katakuri will control the Whole Cake Island after he defeats Big Mom. After all, Katakuri's flaw is his mouth. Asahi only needs to put forward reasonable conditions, then Katakuri will make the appropriate choice.

If Katakuri's mouth can be replaced, Asahi estimated that he can give anything. After all, one mouth can be said to directly ruin Katakuri's life.

If his mouth is replaced with a more domineering and normal one, he will be perfect.

And this guy is also courageous. When he was fighting with Luffy in the original work, he knew that his sister had done a trick to Luffy, so he stabbed himself directly without hesitation. In terms of personality, Asahi thinks Katakuri was very good.

After Asahi's words reached their ears, Katakuri and the others, who had planned to leave, froze immediately, and then they could only smile bitterly, as they can't leave at all now.

"Little brat, how dare you ignore me?"

Big Mom is a psychopath. She doesn't care who the person in front of her is. After eating her dessert, she can't let this person lives, and her terrifying Conqueror's Haki spreads wildly.

Most of the people couldn't resist the pressure and fainted directly, and even Katakuri and others broke into cold sweat.

"Can you not pant when you speak? Do you know you have bad breath!"

Asahi said. He felt that this old hag is really a bad breath storm. Maybe it was because of eating too many desserts, which led to such a situation. In short, Asahi directly cut off the air in front of him. When Big Mom speaks, it was like a storm of bad breath.

"I will kill you! Heavenly Feuer!"

In anger, she grabbed Prometheus and hit the ground fiercely. The ground was smashed and the flames spread around wantonly. With just one strike, Big Mom showed the strength of the Four Emperors-level to the fullest!

"This sun is good, it's mine now!"

This smash did not hurt Asahi at all. Asahi just grabbed Prometheus with his hand, and took out a little bit of the flame from Sunshine.

"Boy, how about eating hot and spicy food with me in the future?"

Regarding this small sun that can be cute at ordinary times, and can be used as a weapon in a fight, Asahi has a good towards it.

The moment the flame from Sunshine appeared, Prometheus's eyes changed.

Then he opened his mouth to bite and absorbed the flame, but fortunately, Asahi weakened the flame a lot and suppressed it. Otherwise, if Prometheus swallowed Asahi's full power flame, he would die immediately.

The reason why it can move is because of the soul. Once Asahi's flame without any suppression is swallowed, the soul will be burned in an instant. After all, this is the flame from Sunshine, and it has been also changed in quality. As for Prometheus, he's just a fireball formed by common fire.

After swallowing this flick of flame, Prometheus began to evolve rapidly and became more powerful, but he also changed side immediately. Just like Zeus changing side in the original work, now Prometheus has also betrayed Big Mom.