Chapter 259 Big Mom Beats Herself

"What a strong power… From now on, you will be my master!"

On Zeus, the golden and black lightning kept flickering for a while, and finally calmed down. At this moment, Zeus has returned to his original appearance, but his color became a bit darker. Like Prometheus, he has also completed the evolution.

Asahi directly balanced the two's combat power, but it is more difficult to continue to make Zeus stronger. As for Prometheus, he can continue to evolve easily. After all, Asahi's lightning ability and Sunshine are incomparable.

But this is already enough. Asahi never thought of using the two as super strong cards, they're just a small means of fighting and mascots.

"Very good, then go and help Prometheus. Defeat that woman, and remember not to kill her."

To be honest, Asahi thinks that Homies would disappear if Big Mom died, but he didn't know the truth. Will it really disappear? When Mother Caramel was directly eaten by Big Mom, her Devil Fruit's ability was transferred.

Regardless of how fast it was transferred, the Devil Fruit's ability is indeed transferred, and when it is transferred, there will inevitably be a time when it stopped, but Prometheus is still there. This Homies was not created by Big Mom alone, and it was Mother Caramel who transformed a large amount of flames to Prometheus when fighting the fire.

However, it was also inherited by Big Mom, so whether Homies will disappear due to the death of the Devil Fruit user, this is not known. Big Mom's Homies is somewhat similar to the ability of the Logia user.

The power of Aokiji and Akainu did not disappear even after they left, turning an island into an island of ice and fire. Then Big Mom might also be like this. If she dies, it's not completely impossible for the Homies to become unowned, but it can only be said that the probability is very small.

There is a high probability that after Big Mom dies, these Homies will also die with her. Of course, Asahi has no intention to experiment here, and he is just guessing.

Although losing Prometheus and Zeus are not a big problem for him, but at any rate, he has let the two to evolve and become his own pets, so there's no need to experiment it. He also doesn't plan to kill Big Mom, after all, this kind of experience package should be thrown into Implet Down, including Kaido and others too.

After Zeus participated in the battle, the two types of lightning of God Slayer and Dragon Slayer kept bombing down, intertwining with the flames.

Big Mom, who was already tired of parrying, finally couldn't hold the defense anymore. After all, lightning not only has destructive power, but also has a paralyzing effect, so Big Mom couldn't hold it anymore, and was soon pressed to the ground by both Zeus and Prometheus.

As for Napoleon, he was even worse. After Big Mom was defeated, the Armament Haki protecting him disappeared, and without Big Mom's Armament Haki, his defensive power was almost zero. So in the face of lightning and fire bombardment, he was destroyed quickly.

It's fine to get Zeus and Prometheus, as they can be as mascots, but Napoleon is different. Asahi doesn't need this stuff, so he completely destroyed him. In the end, Big Mom, the steel balloon, didn't lose by Asahi's attack, but beaten by herself. After all, she made both Zeus and Prometheus with her soul, but now, both are stronger than her.

So even if Big Mom wants to disperse both of them now, she can't do it. It is very troublesome to take back her ability, just like her taking Zeus away from Nami in the original work, but she can't find a way to get them back this time.

"Master, it's done, we have defeated her."

After defeating Big Mom, Zeus and Prometheus changed back to their cute appearances again, and then hovered on both sides of Asahi.

"Mother is defeated? What kind of monster is this? He actually defeats mother with her own Homies, and he even makes her Homies stronger!"

Katakuri can't find other adjectives to describe Asahi's terror. He is extremely terrified at this moment, and even if he is like this, let alone the others.

"Katakuri, come here!"

Soon, Asahi's voice reached their ears, and Katakuri turned stiff. He already expected that he would be called. It can't be helped, after all, who told him to be the the most famous in the whole pirate group except for Big Mom.

In desperation, Katakuri could only stepped forward, and soon saw the scorched black Big Mom, who was lying on the ground, and her life or death is unknown. Although he already saw it from the long distance just now, but after seeing it from a close distance, the visual impact is even more excessive.

Looking at Asahi again, there is no damage at all, and he hasn't even made a move. He felt that the gap is too huge.

"My lord, what do you command?"

Katakuri didn't directly shout and scream. One was because he understood that even if he yelled, it wouldn't have any effect, and the other was, their mother and child's love with Big Mom is almost zero.

Big Mom regards all her children as a tool that can be used, and the best thing to use are them, the Sweet Commanders.

The friendship between these brothers and sisters is much higher than their relationship between mother and child. In their eyes, Big Mom is just like the captain that can maintain the operation of their ship. Of course, there are filial ones among the children, but this type of people is not inside Katakuri's group.

They all exist for their own sake and profit, at least this is what Big Mom, their mother taught them by precepts and deeds.

"Don't be nervous, I am looking for you because of the affairs of the Whole Cake Island. I want to hand over the kingdom to you to manage, after all, the forces under the rule of the Four Emperors, the, except for Kaido's messy pot of porridge, are very good."

"I want you to help me stabilize Big Mom's territory, at least, make sure that no one caused troubles. As for the remuneration, I'll heal your mouth. I also don't care about your brothers and sisters. This time, my goal is her, and I have achieved my goal now, but I am too lazy to find someone to manage this."

"Someone from the new government will come over later, but I'll leave it to you to deal with, how is it?"

Asahi said so because their mother and son's relationship is very thin. If it's a bit thicker, it will be a little more troublesome.