Chapter 271 The Unification of The One Piece World

At that moment, he obviously didn't use much power, but he still destroyed broke half of the island with one punch with ease, and almost punch Kaido to death. After the force of his punch penetrated the island, it even rushed into the deep sea.

Asahi is also speechless when he saw this, 'It seems that after this, I will need to take a little time to adapt to the increasing strength every day, otherwise, the result will be like this. Even without much force, my punch is still so destructive.'

Carrying the half-dead Kaido, Asahi told Zeus to go back. At this moment, the battle on that side is over for the most part. A group of guys with no Devil Fruits, met those who are not afraid of the sea, and also two Four Emperors, it's no wonder they were immediately overthrown. This is the shortcoming of Kaido's formation of the Devil Fruit users army.

Not to mention, this kind of trick can also be done by the Marine of the original work. Aokiji will freeze a large amount of sea water, and then let Garp and other experts throw the frozen ice into the air, and then let Akainu melt it.

As long as Akainu used less strength, he will only melt the ice into sea water, and will not completely evaporate the sea water, so when the time comes, the Devil Fruit users facing them will be quite powerless, but it is a pity that they did not do it that way.

In fact, Asahi also can't understand something. After seawater is frozen into ice, is it not still seawater? It is reasonable to say that freezing seawater into ice should also be seawater, and the effect is estimated to be similar to seastone.

But Jozu was able to dug out a large chunk of ice, and then threw it out. This guy is also a Devil Fruit user, so why didn't he feel anything at all? It is extremely confusing.

After that, Kaido's men were taken down, including Orochi, who came to support Kaido, and they were all caught. This is the ending brought by a rain. Those Devil Fruit users are completely crippled, and the result is just one-sided massacre.

"You're really ruthless, this guy is lucky that he didn't die!"

Seeing Kaido's current appearance, Shanks and Whitebeard couldn't help but sucked in a cold breath. Kaido's injuries are terrifying from the outside, on his huge body, his abdomen to chest are completely sunken in, and with this kind of injury, even if he didn't die, he would die soon.

"When I attacked just now, I didn't grasp my strength well, so I accidentally punch this guy into this state. I didn't mean it!"

Asahi also healed Kaido to ensure that he would not die, but Kaido at this moment is much more uncomfortable than death. After all, this injury is indeed terrifying.

Hearing this, Shanks and Whitebeard are both speechless again, 'What do you mean by not grasping your strength well? You accidentally turned a Four Emperors into this? Then, if you are serious, I am afraid that there will be nothing left from this product.'

They really don't want to talk now. They thought that the Four Emperors were very amazing, but after seeing Asahi at this moment, they realized that they are still a rookie. Against this kind of person, the Four Emperors are just bigger cannon fodder.

Regarding this, Asahi also spread his hands helplessly. After the battle, everyonewas taken into custody, but there are too many of them, so Asahi does not intend to put them in Impel Down. After all, the elites there must at least be at the level of Marine Vice-Admirals to be eligible to enter, but there are not many people who can reach this level among these people.

"There are too many people under Kaido, so I have to leave them to you. After all, don't you also have some factories and the like? Kaido also has a seastone factory in his hand, so just send them to work there!"

Asahi didn't bother to arrange these people and handed them over to Shanks.

Shanks and Whitebeard also nodded at this. These guys deserved to die, in that case, they should just stay as worker. After all, they are criminals and will be evaluated and sentenced. They are not slaves, but just criminals.

After all, the slavery system has begun to be continuously eliminated now. Once people doing this are caught, they will be executed directly. Whoever dares to continue to work in the business of human traffickers should not want to continue to live.

"Kaido is already taken care of, so there is only time left to complete the final reunification of this world. Unfortunately, Roger died too early, and the old friends from back then also died too early, so they can't see this magnificent era."

Sitting on the deck, Whitebeard said with some emotion. Time is something that quietly slips away without giving you any chance to react, disappearing just like that.

"It's good that he is dead. If he is still alive, it is estimated that who everyone in the sea wants to die the most is him!"

Asahi shook his head, and Whitebeard and Shanks were stunned for a while, and then felt that it is indeed the case. If a survey is really conducted in this world, and the content of the survey is whoever everyone wants to die the most and whoever is the most guilty, then it will undoubtedly be Roger.

After all, the era was indeed created by Roger. Because of what he said, it is unknown how many people have died. Roger hopes that people with dreams will go sailing, so as to open the era of freedom and change the era.

But because he was the Pirate King, out of a thousand of people sailing, it would already be good to be able to find one who sailed for pure adventure. After all, most of the pirates went to sea only for plunder.

When Roger started the new era, there were countless casualties, and even the World Government needed to add a period of accumulation to compare to the casualties of the era caused by Roger alone.

"As far as most people are concerned, Captain Roger was indeed a nightmare. Although Captain Roger's original intention was not to cause such turmoil, he still made it!"

Shanks also shook his head. If it was him, he would never make such a decision. Even if he knew that he was going to die, he would not be able to make such a decision. After all, this era was created of countless flesh and blood.

"Why do you think so much about what Roger does? What Roger does have nothing to do with me. It's enough for this me to stay with my family, gurarararara!"

Whitebeard laughed and said. The era was not created by him, so he just sighed.

"Yes, there is indeed no need to worry about it. After all, that era has become a thing of the past. The next step depends on the processing speed of the new government. It is easy to take down those opposing countries, but it will still take a long time!"

Asahi shook his head. The next world should be opened in this world after the opposition countries are settled.