Chapter 280 Success

"Is it really possible to resurrect the dead?"

Even the Inoue siblings don't think it's possible, after all, it's too weird.

"Strictly speaking, in this world, the resurrection of the dead is a very simple matter. After a person dies, if the soul is sent to the Soul Society by the Shinigami, then the soul can be brought out of the Soul Society, and then we just need to prepare the suitable gigai for them. At that time, there will be no difference between being a human and being alive, and they will even have a long life span. As long as their Reiatsu is not too weak, they will not dissipate prematurely."

"For this world, this is equivalent to an alternative resurrection, but the person, who is going to be resurrected now, is the real trouble. You need to understand that her soul has died, so the previous method will not work. I can't guarantee that it can really be done, but there is a certain probability!"

After Asahi finished speaking, Ryuken obviously heard this sentence, but even if there was only a little hope, it is still hope.

"After a person dies, if their soul dissipates, then there must be some Reishi around the body, these Reishi will never spread, and will never leave. Even though the body has been cremated, it will still remains!"

As he speaks, Ryuken led everyone to the cemetery, and successfully found a little bit of Kanae's soul from the cemetery.

Although it has become energy now, it is very pure energy. Right now, Asahi only needs to find the other party's soul, and then rewind the time so that she will come back and it'll be over. Otherwise, if he rewinds the time on this energy, her soul won't return.

Although this Reishi are very small, Asahi can clearly perceive it and directly cast a magic on the Reishi, Organic Link Magic. This magic generally links human life with something.

For example, in Fairy Tail, the seals on the face of Orachion Seis's Brain are the life link with the other Orachion Seis's members. Once the other party is defeated, the seal will be lifted. There's also Tartaros's Kyoka, who used this magic to link her own life with Face.

If she dies, Face will definitely be able to activate. This is the link of life.

But now, Asahi has used the Organic Link Magic and some other auxiliary magic to successfully link these Reishi to the Reishi of the same origin as them.

"The first step is successful, then, it's time for the second step!"

After Asahi linked to a large number of Reishi, he began to use space transfer to transfer these spiritual particles. After the soul dissipated, they became a lot of spiritual particles. And in a few years, it has indeed spread very widely. Although some have been absorbed, most of them are still there, so it should not be a big problem.

Since only a small part of it is missing, this won't affect too much. Among the magic Asahi has, there is the magic of repairing the soul. The lack of soul is not a big deal, as long as it is not completely absorbed, it's still fine.

As time goes by, the Reishi in Asahi's hand has expanded to a huge spirit ball with a diameter of ten centimeters.

'Finally, it's finished. I have used so many spatial movements in one breath, and the movement is also done on such small particles!'

Asahi was a little speechless. The space movement he used to gather these small particles was already much more than the space movement he has used since he learned these things. If it wasn't for his life level that has surpassed human beings and reach a higher level and almost endless energy, he couldn't have used so many space movements in such a short period of time.

After controlling the group of small particles in his hand, Asahi used time rewind, to continuously reverse the time in this small area. Even Ultear can rewind the time of the world by one minute, and he is only using it on a small area, plus his higher life level, his time rewind is so much stronger than Ultear.

Time quickly regressed, all the way back to seven years ago. This ball quickly condensed a part of Kanae's body appearance, but it was incomplete, as it's missing a foot and a hand.

'It's still incomplete, but it's not a big problem!'

Asahi used the magic of repairing the soul to completely repair the other party's soul, and he also plundered a large number of Reishi in the surrounding to supplement the other party's soul body. After a while, this soul body was finally stabilized, and it was purer than it was before. At this time, Kanae was much stronger than before, so there was no fear that she would dissipate on her own.

'I didn't expect it to be really successful, but it is still troublesome. Only I can do this with this method!'

Asahi is also a bit speechless. He has indeed done it, but in this world, only he alone can do such a thing, and other people shouldn't think about it. After all, he needs to look for the Reishi, transfer the Reishi, and repair the soul, all kinds of things can make other people directly explode.

So he now has one more patent, and this is also thanks to the rules of this world. If there is not a rule that the soul will become Reishi after the soul is dissipated, he really can't do anything.

Strictly speaking, the soul of the average person can't be reincarnated easily, but Shinigami is different. Once a Shinigami dies, they will become Reishi. Kanae used to be a mixed-blood Quincy, so after being plundered of her power, her soul dissipates and becomes Reishi.

If it's just an ordinary person, and the soul has also reincarnated, Asahi could do nothing. Therefore, it's thanks to the rules of this world that allowed him to do such things.

"Ryuken? Why do you seem to have changed? And am I not already dead?"

Because her time was rewinded, coupled with her consciousness had completely dissipated at the beginning, Kanae was still at the time when she had just died. Right now, seven years have passed, and Ryuken has also become more mature, but she still looks the same.

"It turned out to be… it turned out to be really successful… This kind of thing can really be done!"

The tearful Ryuken had already rushed and hugged Kanae. This hug lasted… for half an hour, but this is normal. After all, such things as resurrection from the dead is unbelievable when you think about it, but it really happened now.

And compared to the ordinary resurrection from the dead, it is much more weird. This kind of soul that has been dissipated into Reishi can actually be resurrected, which means that Asahi has mastered the means to resurrect Shinigami infinitely.

If Shinigami knew about this method, Asahi would definitely be harassed by Shinigami.

Afterwards, Ryuken, who came back to his senses, explained what happens to his wife. Now that her soul is resurrected, it is enough. After all, it is not impossible for the soul to survive. On the contrary, as long as it is handled well, the soul will live longer than flesh and blood body.