Chapter 285 Go To Hueco Mundo to Cut Hollow

In terms of talent, Ichigo is indeed too strong. After all, he is a protagonist. In just a few years, he has directly reached the top of the world, and this is the standard configuration for the protagonist. As for other supporting roles, no matter how talented they are, they will be thrown out at the back in the end.

Asahi has almost dealt with all the affairs in the Human World, he also created their Natural Energy Sources, and then let this group of people train slowly. As for himself, he has other things to do. Regarding Visored and Kisuke, he'll take care about it later. He can still test the Visored group, but for Kisuke, he can only rely on luck.

However, if the world is unified by him, then Kisuke will be taken care of by then. For now, Asahi plans to go to Hueco Mundo for a round. Aizen's control over Hueco Mundo is only based on strength, and apart from Ulquiorra, who is a diehard loyalist, there are only a few others who have a sense of loyalty to him, so Asahi plans to go to Hueco Mundo to dig people.

Moreover, he has to improve his Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. It is very troublesome to level up this skill. After all, the opponent will be dead after he activated the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, even immortal will be maimed, therefore, he can't keep criminals like before now.

However, after the Bleach World was opened, he also thought of one thing, that is, Hell. In Hell, those who are linked by the chains of hell can be resurrected infinitely. Although it is only the soul, it is still a good prison. Of course, it is of no use to the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, but it is indeed a good choice to use it to some powerful Hollow.

Of course, it is not easy to get this stuff, and he needs to wait and see the situation. After all, although Hell is a small world and it is not difficult to destroy it, it depends on the specific situation if he wanted to subdue it.

Therefore, after the matters in the Human World are settled, he came to Hueco Mundo. If he got Hueco Mundo under his command in advance, it would be great to let Aizen perform a one-man show.

Anyway, Aizen is on his must-kill list, after all, this guy is too dangerous to dig. Or if he digs him, he will make himself uncomfortable, as this kind of person is also absolutely arrogant and will not be under others, and there is also no loophole to take advantage of.

There are a lot of proud people, like Isshin and Ryuken, who can be said to proudful figure, but they have bonds and have people they can't give up, so this gives him a gap he exploits.

That's why he dared to dig this kind of people, and after digging them, he was sure that he could control them and the other party would not betray him. However, Aizen was different, he could not dig 100% of him, as he was too arrogant, and he had no bonds at all.

For Aizen, his only pursuit is the supreme power and position. However, among these two, power is okay, but for position, Asahi is not crazy, and he won't let such a dangerous person stood at the top. The same is true for Yhwach. He couldn't dig him, and he can only dig out his subordinates.

Right now, his plan is to put Hueco Mundo under his own command. Hueco Mundo is best to win over, because the strong are respected, so as long as he pushed horizontally and crushed everyone, he will get Hueco Mundo under him. As for those who are stubbornly committed to Aizen, he will directly deal with them. As for everyone else, he will deal with everything that should be dealt with, leaving some that can be taken.

When others wanted to enter Hueco Mundo, they need to go through Garganta, and to enter Soul Society, they need to go through Dangai, but Asahi doesn't need to do so. He only needs to determine the location and move there with Space Magic.

"Is there such a coincidence?"

After Asahi came to Hueco Mundo, he was a little speechless, as he actually met an acquaintance. He obviously didn't try to find a specific place, and just found a spot randomly. But after Asahi came in, he saw a few acquaintances, no, it should be said that he saw a few familiar people.

The original Third Espada, Nel Tu, and her two Fraccion, Pesche and Dondochakka.

It can only be said that Nel is a failure as a Hollow, and it is estimated that Nel belonged to the kind of soul that was not sent to the Soul Society in time by Shinigami and became a Hollow, otherwise, with her character, it is really unimaginable to become a Hollow.

In the original work, she was also too kind, which caused her to be bullied, and now, she has become a child. As for her two Fraccion, they are not like this before, but because Nnoitra forcibly removed their masks, it resulted in them changing back to this kind of Hollow, and they also no longer have much combat power.

Nel is indeed too careless, as that kind of rubbish like Nnoitra should have been dealt with long ago. As for Szayelaporro, although he is a scientific research talent, it is a pity that he is not very useful. Asahi didn't like such people, so these two are already on his death list. After all, if Nel is poached, then there's no way he will keep this guy Szayelaporro.

"Huh, there's no way human beings could appear here, could it be Shinigami?!"

In Hueco Mundo, there's nothing Asahi has to be vigilant about, so he didn't hide himself and was discovered by them directly.

"Shinigami is… the bad guy you told me, right!"

Nel asked with a puzzled look on her face. After becoming a child, she lost all her memory, which her looks like a piece of white paper. Therefore, her two Fraccion gave her a rule that as long as it is Shinigami, it must be a bad guy.

But as far as their understanding is concerned, it is indeed correct, after all, it is only natural for Shinigami to kill Hollow.

So for Hollow, Shinigami is indeed a bad guy.

"Quick… Run!"

The two funny Fraccion took Nel and started running wildly. After all, Asahi didn't have any Hollow characteristics. He has no Reiatsu, and no Hollow Mask. Even if he is an Arrancar, it is impossible to completely lose his mask.

So their first reaction is… Asahi is a Shinigami, and then run away.

"You guys are running too slow!"

Asahi was a little amused. He intends to tease these three, so he moved to front of the three with Space Magic and directly blocked their escape route.

"Wow, he appeared again, it's time to change direction!"

Seeing Asahi's sudden appearance, the two Fraccion felt a little shock in their hearts, but they were still acting, as if thinking how to run. They just hope that the other party will find them amusing, and let them go as they are not a threat.

After all, the two still have to protect Nel now. Because they have become like this, they can't just abandon each other…

Because of that, the two sides started the chase and run all the way, and the scene looks very funny. At first, Asahi was a little amused, but after a long time, he also felt a little bored, and felt that these guys are really weird.

"Okay, stop, otherwise, I will take action!"

Asahi didn't bother to continue playing with them. He didn't expect that he would play a chasing game after just arriving in Hueco Mundo.