Chapter 291 Nelliel, Who Is Gradually Becoming Ruthless

After making a decision, Nelliel went straight into the palace and found Nnoitra.

"Nelliel, you actually recovered. I didn't expect you to have a day of recovery. Interesting, isn't the damage caused to the Hollow Mask irrecoverable? It's really interesting!"

Looking at the mask on Nelliel's forehead at this moment and the gap has been completely restored, Nnoitra is a little shocked. After the Hollow Mask is destroyed, he can't think of any way to restore it. It is estimated that only Aizen can do it, after all, most of Espada were turned into Arrancar by Aizen.

"We meet again, Nnoitra!"

Looking at the familiar guy in front of him, Nelliel pulled out the Zanpakuto from her hand and was ready to use her Resurreccion. After turning into Arrancar, Hollow also had Zanpakuto, but they used Resurreccion instead of Shikai and Bankai.

"Why do you want to fight with me? You are defeated by me back then!"

Nnoitra narrowed his eye. If Nelliel really wanted to kill him desperately, he wouldn't be able to do anything at all, after all, the strength gap still exists. He is a fighting madman and also discriminates against women, but the reason he could defeat Nelliel in the first place is because of sneak attack.

Therefore, under his character of the fighting madman, there is also an extremely cunning character.

"You trash, if it wasn't for you and that bastard Szayelaporro threatening Nelliel-sama with us, you would not be Nelliel-sama's opponent at all!"

Seeing that Nnoitra was still trying to talk nonsense, the two Fraccion couldn't help but yelled.

"It turns out to be the two of you. Your masks have recovered too? Although I don't know how you recovered, don't worry, I will take off your masks again soon. The feeling must be pretty good, right!"

Nnoitra said very crazily at this moment. In fact, he is very calm inside. He said this just to shake Nelliel's heart. Once her heart is shaken, then her strength will become a lot weaker, so he made this choice.

But how could he know that Nelliel had just been taught by Asahi, and it was because of this incident that she began to make up her mind to take care of him. As a result, this guy continued to stimulate Nelliel. Isn't it the same as giving Nelliel the chance to accumulate her anger for the other party?

Asahi looked a little amused from behind, 'This guy is really courting death this time.'

"Declare, Gamuza!"

Nelliel didn't say much, but chose to use her Resurreccion directly. After using Resurreccion, Nelliel's lower body became an antelope shape, but this is also the appearance of her Hollow form.

"You actually used Resurreccion immediately, then… Pray, Santa Teresa!"

Nnoitra didn't play around, and directly activated his Resurreccion. At the next moment, he has another pair of arms and there are sickles in his hands. This guy should be of the mantis type, but the Reiatsu released by this guy is a bit more loud and dynamic.

In fact, using Resurreccion will not release such a terrifying Reiatsu, and Nnoitra chose to do this himself. And the reason why he releases such a terrifying Reiatsu is because he wants to attract the attention of the other Espada. After all, they are in Las Noches right now, and Nelliel is no longer the Third Espada, so if other Espada comes here, then they will help him against Nelliel, who is an intruder.

At that time, his life can be completely saved, and he won't be killed here.


Nelliel released Cero one by one, which is one of the practical tricks for Hollow, and Nnoitra also quickly chopped the Cero with the sickle in his hand.

The two sides fought directly. With two Hollow with the strength beyond the general Captain-level fighting, the movement is naturally not small at all, and the force of Nelliel's attack was also getting stronger. This is the result of Nnoitra's stupid provocation just now.

He wanted to shake Nelliel's heart, but in the end, he dug a pit and buried himself. His strength is good, and the defense of Hierro is also very strong, but there is still big gap between the two.

In terms of absolute strength, he was not an opponent of Nelliel at all, and was quickly beaten back.


Nnoitra found the opportunity to release Cero, but after this Cero rushed to in front of Nelliel, it was directly swallowed by Nellie and was returned to Nnoitra instantly. Nelliel has unique ability where she swallows an enemy's Cero and fires it back, so this trick didn't have any effect on Nelliel, but it caused trouble for himself. After being hit by his own Cero, Nnoitra couldn't help but being stunned, as he had actually forgotten Nellie's signature ability.

"Lanzador Verde!"

The javelin in Nelliel's hand spins and shoots out at a very fast speed. It is somewhat similar to Ulquiorra's Lanza del Relampago, but its power is not as powerful as Ulquiorra's, as Espada's strength is not strictly ordered by numbers.

Ulquiorra can use a second Resurreccion, just like Shinigami's Shikai and Bankai.

The high-speed rotating javelin directly shot through Nnoitra's body, creating a large hole in his body, but because of Hollow's High-Speed ​​Regeneration, his body is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But at this moment, he is also very embarrassed, as he is not Nelliel's opponent at all.

'Why haven't those guys been here yet, are they all blind and deaf?'

At this moment, his heart is full of anxiety. Although he has High-Speed ​​Regeneration, don't forget that Hollow can still die. Even if he has High-Speed ​​Regeneration, his strength is not as good as his opponent's, so he will die after his Reiatsu is exhausted. And before that, the other party can also directly kill him. So after knowing he was going to die, he couldn't help but panic.

"Are you wondering why the other Hollow hasn't arrived yet? It's because the surrounding space is blocked by me. The Reiatsu you just released and Nelliel's Reiatsu have not leaked out at all, and even if they found the problem, they can't get in."

"You must know Gillian's Negacion, right? It is the barriers of space, and once released, you can't penetrate at all, and my barrier is much stronger than that. Nelliel, you can withdraw, and I will take care of the rest!"

Asahi said without hesitation. After all, he would never let go of such delicious experience. Now that Nelliel's personality started to change, there's no need to let Nelliel continue.

At any rate, Nnoitra is still the Fifth Espada. With such good strength, he should get a lot of experience after killing this guy, and it should be much better than those Adjuchas with incomplete evolution from the Forest of Menos.

After hearing Asahi's words, Nelliel also deactivated her Resurreccion, and then retreated to the back.

As for Nnoitra, he watched this scene with a dazed expression. He saw that Nelliel seems to have found a backer. He didn't care about Asahi before, because the other party did not have Reiatsu, but now, he felt that there seems to be a problem.