Chapter 306 The Idea of Subverting ​​Soul Society

"It's incredible. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never believe that there are such big trees in this world, and that kind of island suspended at an altitude of 10,000 meters, and that kind of waterfall that can flow backwards…"

Yoruichi babbled and said a lot of things, which is really ruined the atmosphere. To be honest, if it is the Naruto World, it is fine, but the place Asahi took them to is the One Piece World, which is very wonderful.

And when they saw Sky Island, Asahi told them that this thing was washed up to 10,000 meters by the upwelling current of the sea, and their eyes almost popped out of their sockets, after all, how much power is needed for a part of an island to be shoot to a height of 10,000 meters? And the most awesome thing is that it also suspended there, they felt that it shouldn't have been so exaggerated.

"You don't have all the wonder of that world yet. There are a lot more places like this, and you can go there whenever you have time in the future. I will let the others to entertain you at that time, but before that, your old friends have come to this world!"

Asahi said and pointed to the huge hole in the sky. At this moment, there are a lot of Shinigami surrounding them, but the other party can't see them. After all, not only did they hide themselves, but if the other party also looked at them from below, with so many people in the town, how can they can be seen, let alone they are hiding now.

"It's not surprising that they come here. After all, Soul Society won't let it go when they encounter such a thing. It's the most normal thing to send people to investigate the situation!"

Kisuke is not surprised, and he would be surprised instead if Soul Society don't come.

"I'm not talking about them. Speaking of which, you were still hypnotized by Aizen, so it's normal that you didn't see him!"

As Asahi said that, he found the Reiatsu lurking in these people like an illusion. Regarding Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu, once they were hit, it was like planting a seed in the spiritual realm, a very troublesome seed.

When he activates his abilities, this seed will activate on its own, but Aizen himself cannot sense this seed. As this is just a small ability equivalent to Zanpakuto, which is equivalent to a passive ability and cannot be actively sensed.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been looking for Kisuke and the others for so long. And now, this seed has been pulled out by Asahi directly. In terms of spirit, Aizen can't compare with him, as his spiritual realm is extremely powerful.

"Okay, you can see it now. I have removed Aizen's hypnosis seeds from your body, so you don't have to worry about being controlled by this guy in the future. Look at it again!"

After Asahi got it done, the three of them looked at it again, and this time, they found that there was an extra figure outside the hole, and this person is naturally Aizen.

"Is this Kyoka Suigetsu's ability again? It's really unimaginable, I wondered how badly we were played by him in the past!"

The corner of Yoruichi's mouth twitched as she said that. She felt that this guy Aizen is unscrupulous, as he researched calmly next to this hole. It is like he is in different world from other people, and they can't find him at all.

When they think about them being hypnotized all the time before, they shuddered. Especially Kisuke, when he thought that this guy might have been staring at him on the 12th Division for a long time, his face turned green. He felt that this ability is simply too overpowered. Of course, for Asahi to be able to remove this, they are even more shocked.

But even in the shock, they felt that it was natural. After all, Asahi is the master of the two worlds, so it is normal to be able to do this.

"Aizen's hypnosis ability is the key point. If his hypnosis ability fails, although this guy is powerful, he won't be able to cause too much trouble!"

Kisuke knew Aizen's strength. At the beginning, Tessai attacked with Hado #88, but it was directly blocked by Aizen with Bakudo #81. And this scene is still unforgettable to both of them.

"It's true, even if he relies on Kyoka Suigetsu, his strength cannot be underestimated. By the way, have you ever thought about returning to Soul Society?"

Asahi asked.

"Of course, but if I want to go back, I can't do that until I expose this guy, but now that you can disarm his ability, it seems that it is indeed feasible to directly expose Aizen, and then we can go back, right?"

Yoruichi said with some excitement. Her home is also in Soul Society, and it was very uncomfortable when she came out, but how can she not leave?

"No, you don't seem to realize the key point. Have you ever thought about who caused all this besides Aizen? On the Soul Society's side, the Central 46, which is composed of noble and veterans, and the Captain-Commander, Yamamoto Genryusai, are the key points…"

"One shouted at Shinigami, and the other group didn't care about anything other than direct orders. They were just a bunch of bosses who didn't understand anything and managed a group of professional subordinates, but they still had been guarded by the Captain-Commander."

"Soul Society has such a drawback. It is okay for you to go back, but it is estimated that you will continue to have troubles after you go back, and if these two existences do not collapse, I don't need to say anything about the consequences, right? Aizen only needs to control the Central 46 a bit to do whatever he wanted."

"It's a group of powerful Shinigami, but they have to listen to a group of idiots, and this group of idiots is protected by the Captain-Commander!"

Asahi is really speechless as he said that. Bount, Sojiro, etc. these series of villains can be said to be created because of these people? One only knows to give crazy orders, and the other protects them even with all that.

This scene is very similar to Sandaime and Danzo of Naruto World. No matter how Danzo jumps around, Sandaime will wipe his butt, and now no matter how Central 46 jumps around, Genryusai will wipe their butt, which makes people speechless.

"What do you mean?"

Kisuke looked at Asahi at this moment, and a possibility suddenly popped up into his mind, but it still feels unbelievable.

"What do you think about overthrowing Central 46 and the Captain-Commander? Anyway, these two are always messing around, so how about we simply give Soul Society a big reform?"

Asahi said with a smile. He had already made some calculations regarding this, but these people behind have blown up, and they wondered why does what Asahi said feel similar to Aizen. However, what Aizen did was bad and what Asahi did was good for them.

So they didn't know what to say for a while, but when they thought about getting rid of these two shit-stirring sticks, then many Shinigami will have better condition. After all, Genryusai, the Captain-Commander only knows how to follow stupid orders, and if something goes wrong, he just shouts and kills.