Chapter 312 So Easy To Convince

"The time for playing tricks is over, let's talk about it, what do you guys want for coming here?"

When the hole appeared before, they also wanted to join in the fun, but in the end, they gave up. After all, they are still wanted criminals, and as wanted criminals, they should not come out casually, so it's better to hide.

They were also very curious when Soi-Fon and Yoruichi's Reiatsu broke out. Of course, they are more concerned about what the other party is looking for right now.

"Didn't you guys play like this because you have a good relationship?"

Asahi didn't say his purpose, but just released a sentence that made the entire Visored a little stunned. They didn't think much of it before, and just felt that Shinji was not pleasing to Hiyori's eyes, but after hearing Asahi's words, they suddenly realized that the two people seemed to have a problem!

"Who has a good relationship with this baldy!!"

Hiyori exploded in an instant. The two of them did have this thought at all, but they couldn't grasp it as they didn't understand it, and were still in a state of ignorance. Later, when Shinji returned to Soul Society, and Hiyori stayed in the Human World. She no longer had any thoughts about Soul Society, but Shinji was a little bit reluctant to let it go.

But even so, these two people didn't make it clear directly, so Asahi simply pointed it bluntly.

"From your behavior just now, you should have some feeling towards the other party, otherwise, your reaction will not be so overwhelming. It seems that you are playing around, but you are actually very dissatisfied with the decision made by Shinji, which is also a kind of protective behavior."

Asahi said his analyzation of the behavior of these two with a smile, and in the next instant, everyone's eyes when they looked at them changed.

"No wonder Hiyori often troubles Shinji. It turns out that this is the reason!"

The Visored just looked at the two, and the faces of the two looked turned into black charcoal. They had no concept of something like that, so they immediately exploded.

""What's the matter with this baldy/violent woman, how could I fall in love with him/her?!""

The two said these words in unison.

"Okay, things are already clear, and you two can't throw away this kind of thing even if you deny it. Don't do things that you would regret! Then, let's talk about business now. I ask Kisuke to bring me here because I wanted to recruit you all!"

After Asahi finished speaking, he showed a meaningful smile, and then began to say his purpose.

After hearing Asahi's purpose, the others also calmed down, and then collectively looked at Kisuke.

"Don't look at me, I'm already the boss's subordinate, but I need to work for 50 years!"

Kisuke spread their hands helplessly, while the eyes of other people flashed with a glimmer of shock. They naturally knew who Kisuke was, but right now, Kisuke has actually been recruited, which is kind of amazing.

They wondered what kind of method the other party used to recruit Kisuke. Although it would only be fifty years, it is already very awesome. Well, at least in their impression, no one should be able to recruit this guy.

"You are indeed very good to be able to recruit him. Then sir, why do you think we will be recruited by you too?"

Shinji showed his big white teeth as he spoke. He didn't think he needed anything from the other party. Hearing this, Asahi smiled and switched on his silver tongue mode. If he wanted to persuade these Visored, he can start from two aspects.

The first one, Aizen, this is their Achilles's heel. Since they have been caught by Aizen's illusion, so even if they have experience Hollowfication, they will still attack their own people when the time comes.

Unless their strength can surpass Aizen by a lot so to break Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu's control, but there's no need to think about this kind of thing, as it is impossible to do it. It is impossible for them to catch up with Aizen's strength, so they needed Asahi to help them remove the illusion.

In addition to Aizen, the other aspect is the so-called corruption of Soul Society. Most people here still have some nostalgia for Soul Society, and it would be impossible for them to abandon it directly. So Asahi can start from the Central 46 and Genryusai.

He found that these two aspects are really easy to do, just like Danzo, who was pitting his own people to death, these two are also the same, desperately pitting their own people, so he can easily find the entry point to this matter from it.

Either one of these two aspects are fatal. Even the Visored who feel that they won't be moved easily, and Shinji, who said that he could not be persuaded at all, are stunned when they heard Asahi's proposal.

Almost no one can escape Asahi's silver tongue, and Kisuke, who is on the side, started grinning. He has already foreseen this kind of thing, after all, even an existence like him can be convinced, so persuading Shinji and the other Visored is a very simple for Asahi. So he doesn't think too much about it, as it's clear that these people definitely can't escape.

Not surprisingly, the entire Visored was persuaded.

"We admit that that your proposal is very good. As long as you can do these two points, being loyal to you is not a problem. When will we start with Aizen?"

Shinji can't wait, and after Kisuke proved Asahi's strength, Shinji feels that Aizen is finished, and he and his plan can just say goodbye to this world.

"It's easy to kill him, but is it interesting for you to kill him like this? Don't you want to directly hit him to death? After all, he caused you to experience Hollowfication, forcing you to leave Soul Society, and his goal is the Soul King. Destroying his target first before defeat him will definitely deal him the greatest blow."

"The other thing is… There are still some people on Soul Society who I need to win over, otherwise it will be troublesome to overthrow it. After all, the noble system is already deeply ingrained in that place. There is also that old antique, who is more than two thousand years old, so it won't be so simple!"

Asahi bewitched a little, and these people began to look forward to the future. If they could really make Aizen coughed his blood from anger and frustration, that would be the most comfortable.