Chapter 325 Along The Way, Even Aizen Was Exposed

"Let's not mention Hueco Mundo Expeditionary Army for the time being. About the Captains who defected during the Captain Hollowfication Incident, let me tell you clearly, none of them died, and after a long period of training, they have mastered the Hollowfication perfectly. In the process of using Hollow power, they can still maintain their own will."

"Without me telling you, you must also be clear. Among them, even if it is the existence of the Lieutenant-level, after adding Hollow power, their combat power shouldn't be weaker than Captain-level, and there's also those with Captain-level strength. If you are against them, with your strength, you can crush them, but if they want to play dirty with you, then maybe Soul Society will be gone."

"By the way, there is one more thing. In addition to the consequences of the wrong decision you made, what happened back then was not Kisuke's handicraft, but the Captain of the 5th Division behind you, his Zanpakuto ability can control people's five senses."

"He was also the chief culprit in the Hollowfication incident. In addition, let me tell you one more thing. Hueco Mundo has been controlled by the other party, and he used this skill to have many Adjuchas and Vasto Lorde-level Menos Grande become Arrancar, and you are still treating him as a good person!"

Asahi felt that he needed to expose Aizen along the way, and Genryusai was shocked. At this time, Aizen did not hesitate to pull out Kyoka Suigetsu, and activated his Shikai in an instant. This time, even the members of the Zero Division were caught by it.

Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu can be said to be quite awesome. Even Yhwach was caught off guard in the original work. It must be known that he has the omniscience and omnipotence of Soul King, so there's no way for people of Zero Division to resist it, and they were caught by the hypnosis. But after reaching a certain level of strength, some changes can be noticed.

Of course, they must also be very careful to notice it. For example, Retsu has noticed something in the original work. As for Genryusai, he is too reckless to notice it. And any member of Zero Division has much better control over Reiatsu than Genryusai, and even Retsu can't compare either.

So although they were caught by it, they were not completely hypnotized. At this moment, Aizen already knew that he could not stay here anymore, and immediately left with Gin and Kaname. Although the Zero Division's members were temporarily caught, no one knows the specific situation, and even Aizen himself can't guarantee the success, so it's more important to run now.

And Gin suddenly stiffen for a moment when he left. This is because Asahi transferred some things into his mind. Gin is a talent and there's no way he can let it go, so he just tells him the situation first, and then deal with Aizen.

Right now, he still counts on Aizen to help cause trouble in Hueco Mundo, so that he can poach Harribel and Starrk, otherwise, he would have already killed Aizen now.

However, before Aizen left, he gave Asahi a small gift. This small gift naturally turned Asahi into his appearance and guided others to attack Asahi. In fact, Aizen's Zanpakuto is not only as simple as controlling the five senses, as even Reiatsu can be concealed, and Reiatsu is not among the five senses.

Aizen suddenly pulled out his weapon, and Genryusai and the others heard it. Under the situation of being manipulated, Genryusai directly drew his sword and slashed at Asahi.

But before his sword arrived, another sword directly blocked his Ryujin Jakka.

"Hyosube Ichibei, what are you doing and why protect this sinner?"

Genryusai's face was gloomy when he saw this.

"Idiot, you need to calm down. Have you trained to a dog after so many years of training? Take a good look at who you are attacking!"

Ichibei and the others' Reiatsu control is quite sensitive and more powerful than others, so they noticed something is wrong in an instant. Aizen couldn't fully control them, so after learning about Aizen's ability, they made a judgment immediately, so Ichibei helped Asahi blocked Genryusai's sword.

At this moment. Aizen has already left through Negacion, and the methods he left are naturally of little use, so not long after, many Shinigami regained their senses, and saw that Genryusai's sword was aimed at Asahi.

"Aizen's Zanpakuto is called Kyoka Suigetsu, and it has the ability to control five senses, and the activation condition is you have to see his Zanpakuto's release. I believe that you all have seen it, and even the entire Shinigami in Seireitei, and even those guys, who are sent to Hueco Mundo, have all seen it!"

Asahi said with a big smile, but this smile now looks a little scary. They have now remembered what Aizen did at the beginning. Everyone has seen him release his Zanpakuto, so now, it can be said that their heart turned cold.

"Captain Hitsugaya, you'd better go and bring your childhood sweetheart here now. Not only has she gone far too long, there is also Kyoka Suigetsu's manipulation. If you don't want to see your childhood sweetheart thinking about Aizen all day long, and attacked you, it's best to take bring her here now."

Asahi said to Toshiro, and Toshiro was taken aback, and suddenly realized the problem with that letter, and he was immediately stunned. He, who didn't take any action at first, has now become Asahi's diehard loyalist immediately.

With a Shunpo, Toshiro disappeared immediately, while the others were stunned for a while, and did not understand the content of their dialogue.

"Since you all know about Aizen's ability now, when you meet Aizen in the future, remember not to attack immediately, because the target of your sword may probably be your best companions and relatives."

"Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu is not perfect, at least the members of the Zero Division can notice the traces, so it's not invincible. Of course, with your current strength, it's best to be on defensive, and don't attack casually. Otherwise, it's not good to kill your own people. Commander Yamamoto, after you retire from the Captain Commander's position, hand it over to Kyoraku Shunsui."

Asahi didn't show any expression even after he was almost cut off by Genryusai, and Genryusai who withdraw his Ryujin Jakka was in a cold sweat. This time, the incident was indeed too big. Just these things Asahi said, if they are added together, Seireitei might really suffer heavy losses. He dares to say that it won't be destroyed, but it is not impossible that most of the combat power would be gone.

Although Genryusai is very powerful, he is only a person. Faced with so many threats with powerful combat power, even he is powerless, and there is also Aizen. If this guy is a little more insidious, he will just stab him directly, and he wouldn't notice it either.

Now facing Asahi's order, how can he still have anything to say? He must admit it decisively, otherwise, it is estimated that his other black histories will be revealed by the other party again.