Chapter 328 The Panic of Wandenreich

A huge force invaded into the shadow, and forcibly cut off the space, eliminating the hidden dangers of Soul Society, and also directly captured many Wandenreich's spies from the shadow. Wandenreich has been monitoring Soul Society, and then recorded the information, this is the one which caused Soul Society to be disadvantaged the most. Since the enemy has already knew their bottom, what can they do? These spies are hiding in the outermost layer, so when the space is blocked, they can't go back. With this strike, hundreds of cannon fodder-level spies were caught. In Wandenreich, the only ones who really possessed combat power were Yhwach and Sternritter. As for the others, they were all cannon fodder.

Regarding Wandenreich, Asahi is also a bit speechless. In terms of the power structure, Wandenreich is much larger than Hueco Mundo, but in the later period of Bleach, there was an unfinished situation, because this Wandenreich emerged too much in one go.

It is a force larger than Hueco Mundo, and the people in it are also very strong, but because a large group of strong people emerged in a very short plot, they can only have a few words, and some even had no chance to appear on the stage before the series ends.

It can be said that it is too dazzling, and when no one can remember them, the plot is already over. It gives people very chaotic feeling, but in the end, it is just to fill the hole. In fact, if the plot is set longer and be more reasonable, there will not be unfinished situation.

"There are so many people hiding in the shadows, so it is estimated they have very clear knowledge about our intelligence!"

The group of Captains couldn't help but turned pale when they heard this. After all, almost all their secrets have been exposed.

"I will leave these guys to you to deal with, you can handle it yourself. Now that the space in the shadow is blocked by me, Wandenreich's people can no longer monitor the Soul Society through the shadow, nor can they invade from the shadow. The only thing that can be done is from the normal way, that is, from the Human World or Hueco Mundo to the Soul Society's Dangai."

"Kisuke, with your 12th Division, remember to keep an eye on Dangai. Tell everyone as soon as they invaded. In addition, I have already researched what I promised you at the beginning!"

After Asahi settled a series of things, he threw the remaining little things to others, and Kisuke's ears perked up when he heard Asahi's last sentence.

"My lord, didn't you say that it will take a long time? How did you do it in such a short time!"

Kisuke is very greedy about the Soul Energy Source, and he was a bit disgusted with his identity as Shinigami at the beginning, but he did not expect that Asahi has finished developing it, which is amazing.

"When I came to Soul Society, I spent more than ten years in Dangai and perfected this thing!"

Asahi's words turned into a bomb and exploded again in everyone's head.

"Dan… Dangai?! Although the time flow of that place is very different from the outside, but if you stay inside for too long, you will be swallowed by Koryu!"

Kirio's head was covered with cold sweat, and everyone else was also frightened. Dangai is indeed a very good place, as the time flow rate is two thousand times slower than the outside world, so it is a very suitable place for training.

But here comes the problem. Shinigami also has a lifespan. The stronger the strength, the longer the Shinigami's lifespan. This is almost a proportional relationship, but no Shinigami dare to say that they can survive forever, not to mention the danger in Dangai. Just the lifespan consumption is not something they can afford. It's fine if they are just staying there for a while, but if they stay inside for one outside year, then it is equivalent to directly living to Genryusai's age. Even if they have lifespan of several hundred years, it is still not worth it.

Furthermore, there are Koryu and Kototsu. It can be said that Kototsu is not a big problem for strong people, but the Koryu is different. Under the circumstances, a Captain-level Reiatsu can only suspend Koryu for a few months.

But Asahi said that he stayed there for more than ten years. It is simply perverted to the extreme.

But shock is shock. The current Kisuke only wants to have the Soul Energy Source, so that he can access Archive and obtain the information he wants.

Moreover, the fifty-year 'slavery' contract has long been forgotten by him. Now that Soul Society is owned by the other party, it is inevitable for him to work for the other party, so this fifty-year contract has also become indefinite.

And he also did it voluntarily.

There's no other way. To be honest, he still likes Soul Society, as it is fully equipped. In the Human World, if he wanted to get those equipment, many of them can only be made by himself, which is very troublesome, so it is better to go to Soul Society.

After that, Asahi helped the others create the Soul Energy Source. To put it bluntly, it was the Natural Energy Source after improvement. However, as souls, they are a bit at disadvantage than people with flesh and blood.

After Asahi's improvement, he created the Soul Energy Source and integrated the Soul Energy Source into the Natural Energy Source to form an evolved version of the Energy Source.

But because Shinigami is just a soul body, after turning on the Energy Source, they can only use the effect of the Soul Energy Source, and cannot use others, which is a little worse than people with flesh and blood.

Of course, this is the best way to do, as Asahi can't continue to improve it for now.

After having the Soul Energy Source, their Reiatsu will continue to rise. At that time, it will take a little time if they wanted to use Archive. While Asahi was dealing with his own affairs here, on the other side, Wandenreich also noticed the situation in Soul Society.

All the people responsible for monitoring Soul Society were disconnected, and they can no longer use their abilities to go to Soul Society, which led to the first panic in Wandenreich in one thousand years.

"Your Majesty, the backdoor we prepared in Soul Society is disconnected, and there is no news from the people in charge of monitoring Soul Society. It seems that they have been discovered!"

In Wandenreich's base, Silbern, Yhwach has his eyes closed on the main hall at this moment, and his right-hand man, Jugram Haschwalth, appeared here, and reported about the current affairs of Soul Society.

Jugram is a closest person to Yhwach, and the ability of the other party is also what Yhwach is optimistic about. Jugram has similar abilities to Yhwach, and can bestow power on others, so that his Bazz-B-chan has stronger talent than others.

Of course, there are also disadvantages, that is, Yhwach can take back the power he gave and feed it back to himself, but Jugram can't do so. He can only give powers, and can't take it back, so there is still a gap between him and Yhwach.