Chapter 358 Erza Has Returned

"Sho… Shodai, what on earth is this? Why do I feel that my magic power has suddenly increased a lot and my body has also become a lot stronger!"

Makarov squeezed his fist as he said that. Although magic power will not weaken as he ages and will become stronger, physical fitness is different. After he grows old, his body will not be as good as before.

Fairy Tail World's Mage are basically fit Mage, which are different from those who only chant spells and cast magic. The Mage in this world have very amazing physical strength.

"This is an augmentation method that I have spent a long time researching. I call it the Energy Source. The Energy Source was originally built on the Second Origin, and after several transformations, it took decades to complete the research."

"After having the Energy Source, your physical fitness will increase rapidly, your magic power will increase rapidly, your soul will quickly become stronger, and your life span will be greatly improved."

"Generally speaking, the average person living to a hundred years old is already considered having a very long life, and even though Mage's lifespan is much higher, it is still unable to break free from the limitations of human beings."

"But my Energy Source can make people live for thousands of years. In addition, if you use the Energy Source to break the limit of life level, then congratulations. Unless you are killed by someone, you will never be able to die of old age even if you want to!"

Asahi explained the effect of the Energy Source, and everyone are dumbfounded when they heard this.

It's not that they are ignorant, but Asahi's words are too difficult to understand, and many of the words in it are not simple.

Living for thousands of years, energy, physical fitness and soul continue to grow stronger, and what is about life level? The impact is too big.

"This… It's really shocking, wait…, Master, you seem to have become a little younger!"

Mira was a little surprised, but suddenly realized that Makarov's height increased a little, his hair began to change, and the wrinkles on his face had also decreased a lot.

"After having the Energy Source, because your life span is greatly enhanced, you can naturally stay young forever. Of course, if you like to be an old man, you can continue to be an old man!"

Asahi looked at Makarov, who had changed a bit, and said.

"Eternal youth!!"

The eyes of Mira and Levy directly released a radiant light when they heard this. If this is an anime, their eyes would definitely become star-shaped.

"It's incredible. How did you research this kind of thing, Shodai?"

Makarov didn't know what to say, as it's too abnormal. He knew how terrifying the talent is to research such thing.

He himself is several decades old, and Asahi have said that it took him decades to create it.

But why didn't he create such a thing after living for decades? At this time, Makarov felt a blow towards his talent. He feels that he is already very amazing, but now, it seems that he is still too tender.

"As long as the knowledge is sufficient, it is not a big problem!"

Asahi said without shame. It's because the abilities he got is extraordinary. In addition, Asahi is from a different world, and he has learned a lot of things, and they were integrated with a series of research.

Moreover, at the beginning, this Energy Source was not so abnormal. After continuous improvement and transformation, it has the current effect. When he went to other worlds in the future, then this energy source will continue to change and change again, and would become even more terrifying.

After helping these people create the Energy Source, they finally understood this Energy Source's overbearing nature.

'Even if we trained very hard every day, the speed of increase won't as fast as the one given by this Energy Source!' The corners of Mira and Levi's mouths twitched at this moment.

The one who had the most improvement at this moment is Lily. Lily is not a human being, he is an Exceed. Although there is a source of magic power in his body, it was not as abundant as the others.

In places like Edolas, the growth rate of magic power is slow to extremely slow, so now the one who got the biggest benefit is Lily.

"Shodai, what about the rest of the guild?"

Makarov suddenly thought of the others. If he lived forever by himself, it would be boring. He would rather die than live forever alone.

After all, people have feelings and bonds, and it is impossible to give up these things, including Mira and the others.

They still have relatives and companions, and if they live by themselves, it is estimated that they will embark on the same path as Zeref.

"Don't worry, I will set up some tests in the future, and it also won't be very difficult. However, you should also know that this kind of thing can't be spread too much, otherwise, the world will be messed up."

Asahi said. He will naturally take care of the most important group of people in Fairy Tail. As for those who leave Fairy Tail in the future, then there's no need to think about it, and he'll just give them up.

"That's good!" Makarov heaved a sigh of relief after knowing that there is no problem. Then, the few of them are happy again.

The limitation of lifespan is fatal to any person, unless they are extremely disappointed in this world and have no nostalgia, then they may want to die.

But as long as there are still bonds and nostalgia, only few people will seek death, and no one will want to die.

After getting old, Makarov is a little envious of those creatures without wisdom. Because of wisdom, his will are eroded by the fear of death, which cannot be eliminated, even though he is a very courageous person.

Although he can die for other people in the guild, he is still afraid of death.

Now that they can't die, then it's okay. After that, everyone dispersed. After knowing that they can continue to become stronger, they are in a good mood, and Makarov is also continuing to prepare for his own affairs.

Time flies, and a few days have passed. Asahi and Makarov had already gone to the meeting place.

Fairy Tail Guild also recovered some peace, but the peace was soon broken, because Erza has returned.

As soon as they heard Erza came back, the entire fairy tail became quiet. After all, Erza plays the role of a disciplinary committee member. And except for the existence of the same Rank as her, the other members of Fairy Tail didn't dare to disobey her.