Chapter 376 The Eyes Hidden In The Dark

When everyone was still shocked, Ultear gritted her teeth and walked over.

"I have never been to this place, can you add me too?"

Ultear made a fierce strike, making both Erza and Mira a little confused. They wondered how come there is another one and she is also not their own, and instead a Council's member. They know about Ultear's status.

Because Fairy Tail is often called by the Council, they have already figured the Council's members out.

"Ultear-san, I remember you are a member of the Council, you should still have a lot of work to do!"

Erza's face changed, and she and Mira made eye contact in an instant. The meaning was obvious. First, we need to take care of the outsider first, before settling this matter ourselves. ​

Mira, who had quarreled with Erza so many times, naturally understood her.

"That's right, Ultear-san. I remember that the people in the Balam Alliance have been a little restless recently. This is also the job of your Council!"

Mira also said with a smile. Her smile is very sweet, but there was a very dangerous feeling in it.

This caused the Fairy Tail's members tremble collectively, 'Isn't this the legendary Black Mira?' They knew that when the Black Mira shows this smile, she will become very scary.

Although Mira didn't have the previous violent tendency, the current Mira has changed from causing devastating damage to others' bodies to their spiritual.

Erza brings physical pain to people, while Mira is a spiritual system that hurts people's heart.

"Don't be so heartless. I have already contacted the Council that I will stay here for a while, and they also agree. And if it is a big deal, I will just resign. At any rate, the position of the Council's member is not necessary!"

Ultear didn't panic at all. Although she has turned to the good side, her means will not change much. So if these two little girls believed they could fight her, it is completely idiotic dream.

And Mira and Erza are now frowning collectively. They didn't expect the other party to throw away her identity as Council's member. This sacrifice is big enough, and they really can't stand it anymore.

Who would have thought that so many obstacles would come out just after they started.

"Okay, let's go shopping together. Since Ultear is going to go too, then you two can act as the guides!"

Asahi directly interrupted the confrontation of the three girls, and the powerful momentum of the three girls was instantly lost, as they couldn't say anything.

They seem to have forgotten who Asahi is, so now, the three of them have directly compromised.

"Um…, can I come too?"

Just after the three of them compromised, a small hand suddenly raised, and then everyone looked at it. From who knows when, Levy, who is holding a book, appeared next to them.

"Levy?! Forget it, who else wants to go together?"

Erza and Mira wanted to have a fit, but this time they really had nothing to say.

In desperation, Erza could only ask everyone, then a lot of hands are raised.


Erza suddenly made a sound of gnashing her teeth, and in an instant, these raised hands withdrew.

Even if Ur and Lyon were frightened by Erza's aura. They also raised their hands in the mentality of joining in the fun, but seeing Erza's murderous aura, they subconsciously retracted their hands.

'Sure enough, as expected of Erza. Even outsiders can't resist this kind of power, but it's a pity that there is no way to watch the show this time!'

The group of people shook their heads, and then watched as Asahi's group left the guild, while Lisanna replaced Mira's position and became a barmaid. She was not interested in Asahi, as she was only interested in Natsu. After all, the relationship between the two was nurtured since childhood.

However, no one noticed it, and Lucy surreptitiously followed.

At this moment, Asahi and the girls started strolling aimlessly on the street.

Mira is very upset now. She originally summoned up the courage to invite Asahi to come out to play, but now, there are other people with them.

She is also teaming up with Erza and Levy now, after all, there is still an outsider, and it is better to first form alliances with her own and deal with outsiders.

When a girl goes shopping, it is natural to go to some clothes and other places. For example, Erza directly took everyone to the armor customization shop.

Regarding Erza's magic, Asahi felt a little too weak to be honest. To change the armor needed for her magic, Erza still needs to build or buy it herself, otherwise, she can't do anything.

It must be known that Erza's mother is Irene, the Queen of Dragons, the creator of the Dragon Slayer Magic.

Regarding Irene's Enchantment Magic, just after strengthening branches, it can cut off steel, and she can also summon meteorites…

In short, Erza seems to have only inherited a part of Irene's magic power, and this part of the magic power is also not very large.

There are people with huge magic powers since they are young, such as Laxus and Ultear. When they were young, they almost died due to their huge magic powers.

In the end, Laxus was implanted with Dragon Slayer Lacrima, but Ultear got out of this predicament only after being tortured, and with the help of Hades, she completely mastered her magic power.

Erza is a bit worse in this respect, as she didn't inherit Irene's magic. Although her Requip is similar to the Enchantment Magic, it still depends on external forces.

There are actually many disadvantages of this kind of magic. Once the armor is gone, Erza basically doesn't have much combat power, as armors and weapons are Erza's foundation.

After coming here, everyone also saw some magic armors. These magic armors' power is determined by the user's magic power, so if people with strong magic powers get such armors, its power will only be greater.

As for those with weak magic power, they will naturally not be so strong, otherwise, the world will be full of existences at Erza-level.

To put it bluntly, it still depends on one's own magic power.

After everyone strolled around, they went to other places. The shopping lasted until the evening. Asahi was also speechless, as these girls were fighting secretly when they are shopping. Moreover, during this period, Lucy also came out, so she joined Fairy Tail's side.

But Ultear can be said to be an old veteran. In this respect, she is much better than others, so even Erza and the others have four people, they still can't match Ultear. Ultear's method is really powerful, and no one can compare to it.

But at this moment, a few pairs of eyes were staring at everyone from the dark, however, when they appeared, they had already been detected by Asahi.