Chapter 378 Gajeel, Who Woke Up In Time

Soon, Asahi told Ultear about the origin of Phantom Lord, which also made Ultear stunned. She didn't expect that Phantom Lord has such a dark history.

This black history is enough to push them into a place where they can no longer recover. In fact, the Magic Council has long noticed what Jose did.

But Joseph is very clever. He knew that these Council's members had no strength, and he was in this position to use his power to make money.

Therefore, he has already bribed several Council's members to usually speak for him, and the people under his payroll are also very secretive in their work.

Up to the present position, even if he has done a lot of outrageous things, he still has an umbrella to protect him.

Makarov and Yajima depended on their friendship, but Jose depended on money.

Basically everyone in the council knows this, but this time, once the hard-cold evidence came out, Phantom Lord couldn't run away.

And this is what Asahi said. As long as Ultear relays these words back, Phantom Lord's umbrella will definitely throw away Phantom Lord immediately, after all, they don't want to die for no reason.

"No wonder Phantom Lord has been against us all this time. It turns out there is such a history!"

After everyone heard it, they are stunned. It suddenly dawned on them that Phantom Lord had conflicts from long ago, that's why they were targeted crazily.

"If this is the case, then let me come in contact with those guys first. With Shodaime-sama here, Phantom Lord will definitely be very unlucky. These few can also be handled by you guys!"

After saying that, Ultear left first. She naturally has a way to contact the Council, and she doesn't need to go back by herself, and can just pass the information back. As for Asahi and the others, they deliberately led these three people to a small alley.

"Come out, after following us for so long, I am tired evem if you are not tired!"

After entering the small alley, Asahi spoke up, and when the three heard this, they found that they are already discovered, so they came out openly.

At the same time as the three of them came out, Asahi heard a voice coming into his mind.

"Asahi-sama, please avoid killing Gajeel this time!"

These words were directly passed into Asahi's mind by Metalicana through special magic.

Of course, Asahi can easily block these words, but now that the iron dragon Metalicana also seems to know him, the other dragons should also know him.

However, unlike Igneel, Metalicana did not call him like an old friend, but using honorific like a low-ranking person to a high-ranking one.

"Metalicana, it seems that your method of teaching children is not very good. This little guy is very courageous now!"

Asahi's thoughts moved, and with his own guesses, he continued to follow Metalicana's words.

"I…I can't help it. I don't like to talk very much, which has caused some bad changes in this child's personality. In addition, he has been taught some messy things by that bastard Jose …"

Metalicana was also a little helpless, but Asahi said, "You dragon is hidden in the body of the Dragon Slayer, to help them make dragonification antibodies and also to extend their lives."

"You hope that after they leave you, they can spread their wings and grow up more smoothly, but now, they are obviously crooked."

"As a father, even though you are only an adoptive father, you still intend to hide even after seeing him being led astray? You should know the consequences of letting it go!"

Asahi rolled his eyes. He knew the purpose of these dragons, and Igneel also told him not to tell Natsu the truth.

They all hope that the Dragon Slayers can grow freely on their own, instead of relying on them all the time.

But now, this situation is different. Gajeel has already been led astray a bit too much. If it wasn't for Makarov having good eye for people, this guy would have been abandoned. It is estimated that among the 5 Dragon Slayers, this guy would be having the worst fate.

Under such circumstance, Metalicana is still letting it go. This is not doing any good for Gajeel, and instead harming him.


Metalicana was a little speechless, after all, this was indeed his fault.

"You'd better tell him directly, after all, you are also his father, and you need to pay for what he will do in the future."

"Now that he provokes me, you can still intercede. But if he provokes other strong people, you can only come out, but once you come out, even if the dragonification antibody has not been manufactured, you can't go back, and the plan will also be destroyed."

Asahi shook his head. Not only the Iron Dragon, but also the White Dragon and the Shadow Dragon, Sting and Rogue were both led away.

At that time, the dragonification antibodies of these two had been made long ago, but their dragons/fathers still didn't say anything.

Although they choose the path themselves, sometimes, guidance is needed to help them find the right path.

"I understand, I will have a good communication with this kid now!"

Metalicana was also rendered speechless by Asahi. According to Asahi, no matter how it goes on, he might really not able to save Gajeel. If Gajeel really provokes some powerful enemies, he can only protect this guy once.

So he decided to take care of Gajeel directly.

After that, the people on both sides saw that Gajeel's face changed a lot in an instant, from surprise at the beginning to disbelief, then to contemplation, then to remorse, and finally to firmness.

It is estimated that Metalicana has clarified the situation, and Gajeel has become a lot more mature in a short time.

The dragons disappeared for their own good, and after Gajeel knew of the reason, he is extremely grateful towards Metalicana.

He also knew that Metalicana exposed himself this time because he has gone astray, so Gajeel also regretted it a bit.

Fortunately, he is actually not bad in nature, and just in different camp now.

"Gajeel, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Gajeel's face constantly changing, Totomaru and Sol both looked confused.

"Iron Dragon's Club!"

Jajiru did not answer, but directly turned his hands into iron clubs, strike Sol and Totomaru with one club each, and the two were directly blown into the air.

"Why are they fighting among themselves?"

Lucy looked at this scene with a shocked look. They still haven't start anything, but one of the opponents suddenly have his expression changed several times. After his expression no longer changed, he immediately started fighting, but instead of them, he attacks his own companions.

"They are not fighting among themselves. From now on, Kurogane Gajeel will be… a member of Fairy Tail and your companion!"

Asahi shook his head and said. Since Gajeel has made a choice, then he doesn't mind using his identity to include Gajeel into Fairy Tail's camp.