Chapter 385 Go To The Celestial Spirit World

The Celestial Spirit King feels like the Heavenly Domain in the Chinese Mythology. The Heavenly Domain prohibits things like love from appearing, but the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother of the West are a pair.

It was all nonsense. This is the so-called typical example of the so-called only the prefectural officials are allowed to set fires, but the common citizens are not allowed to light their lamps. The Celestial Spirit King is also the same regarding making the rules. (T/N: Only the prefectural officials are allowed to set fires, but the common citizens are not allowed to light their lamps means, an evil boss can do whatever he likes, but normal people are not allowed the slightest bit of freedom)

The other party is not good to the Celestial Spirit, and in the end, regardless of the what the other party has done, he chose to exile Leo. This is the problem, moreover, the Celestial Spirit King can modify the contract very easily.

But he didn't do so, and instead allowed humans to bully the Celestial Spirits. The contract between the Celestial Spirit and the humans is even somewhat similar to a weakened version of a slave contract, rather than an equal contract.

To put it bluntly, if they are really companions, the two parties should be equal, rather than one side being superior.

"I do know your situation, do you want me to help you return to the Celestial Spirit World?"

Asahi asked, as this kind of plane traverse is too simple for him.

"Shodai, you can enter the Celestial Spirit World? Well, after thinking about it, your strength indeed can easily do so, but forget it. I am still a sinner, an exiled sinner. I also admit that I am guilty, besides, Seireio-sama will not allow me to go back!"

Leo shook his head. He himself felt very guilty, after all, he felt that he's the one who caused Karen's death.

But this is the end of the matter, what else can he do? He just wants to slowly disappear in this world.

"Do you really think so? I also know something about that Karen. There are big loopholes in the contract between you Celestial Spirits and humans. It can be said that you have even become the slaves to humans."

"The Celestial Spirit King doesn't care…, that's because he has a problem. The existence of this kind of contract has caused other weaker Celestial Spirits to be bullied to death."

"You must know it yourself how big a problem there is with the Celestial Spirit's contract!"

Asahi opened the mouth and said. There are good and bad Celestial Spirit Mage, of course, if they know the character of the other party at the beginning, the Celestial Spirit can choose to disagree and not sign a contract with the other party.

But people are very good at disguising themselves. As for the specific disguise, it depends on the opponent's skill.

There are also people who didn't use disguise, but swell after a while. Karen is actually not like this at the beginning, but because there are too many sugar-coated treasures, she couldn't stand the temptation, so she gradually degenerated.

Otherwise, Blue Pegasus will not recruit Karen. Even though the Guild Master of Blue Pegasus is an old pervert, his character is still good. Moreover, Karen was also Hibiki's girlfriend. From this, her character can be seen to be okay.

"There is a indeed problem, but it is not our final decision in the end, and Karen's matter was always my problem."

"I just want her to terminate the contract, but I didn't expect to kill her in the end!"

Leo himself is also very helpless. In fact, regarding Leo, Asahi also knows one thing, that is, Leo has never seen him.

It stands to reason that Celestial Spirit existed from more than four hundred years ago, but this guy has never seen him, which is a bit surprising.

Of course, although Asahi doesn't know why, it is not incomprehensible. After all, the Celestial Spirit's keys were in the hands of one person back then, so it is not wrong for them to have never seen him. It's just that he doesn't know if he has met with the Celestial Spirit King or not.

"That's not your fault, it's not that you let her die, but her greed kills her. If she gives up Celestial Spirit Magic, she can still use other magic, as this world not only has Celestial Spirit Magic."

"It's completely Karen fault. You Celestial Spirits, to put it bluntly, are too kind. Remember what I said to Makarov, kind people are easy to bully, and you are… a typical example of it."

"In addition, I am the First Guild Master of Fairy Tail, and you are a member of the guild. As long as you are not a criminal, even if you have a problem, I have the responsibility to help you deal with these things, let's go!"

Asahi grabbed Leo, and the two disappeared from their current location and then came to the Celestial Spirit World.

Normally, humans are not allowed to come here, because they will die, unless they wear special clothes made by the Celestial Spirit.

The moment Leo's body received the nourishment of the Celestial Spirit World, he quickly recovered, but before three seconds passed, the stars started flickering, and then a giant appeared in front of the two.

"Seireio-sama! This matter has nothing to do with Shodai. I insist on coming back, so if you want to execute someone, execute me!"

Seeing the appearance of the Celestial Spirit King, Leo didn't know whether Asahi was the opponent of the Celestial Spirit King, so he directly opened his mouth to carry all the responsibilities himself.

"Leo, the exiled sinner, but this time, what happened this time really has nothing to do with you. After all, you can't do anything even if you want to resist him!"

"It's been a long time, Asahi-dono. It's been more than four hundred years in Human World, but it's only a few years here. Are you here because of Leo's matter?"

The Celestial Spirit King glanced at Leo and then focused on Asahi. When he heard this, Asahi understood what's going on. The other Celestial Spirits didn't know him, but the Celestial Spirit King knew him, which is as he expected.

"Seireio, long time no see, regarding Leo, what do you want to do with it?"

Asahi didn't talk nonsense, but directly shifted the topic to Leo.

"Leo is a sinner. He violated the rules and was exiled. This is an iron law!"

The Celestial Spirit King's expression didn't change at all, and it was still the same as before. At this moment, many Celestial Spirits are already watching in the surrounding.

As for the other Zodiac Spirits, they all looked at Leo with worry, especially Aries. Strictly speaking, it was because of her that Leo was exiled.

If it wasn't because she was bullied by Karen, such a thing would not have happened.

But even if they kept pleading with the Celestial Spirit King, and even took the initiative to take responsibility, it would be useless.

It would be a lie to say that they said they had no dissatisfaction with the Celestial Spirit King after Leo was exiled, but the Celestial Spirit King is the king here, and he has a relationship with this world and all the Celestial Spirits, so they could do nothing about it.

There is an upper limit to the strength of the Celestial Spirits, so even they all added together, they still won't be Celestial Spirit King's opponent.