Chapter 387 Celestial Spirits Start Complaining

"Cough… I am so weak!"

After the aftermath dissipated, the Celestial Spirit King finally appeared in front of all the Celestial Spirits. His current appearance was no longer the same as before. He was extremely ragged. The reason he could survive after being hit by such a violent explosion, in addition for Asahi holding back, it's also because of his own strength.

However, no matter how he continued to fight, the Celestial Spirit King himself knew that he was not Asahi's opponent, because Caladbolg had already appeared in Asahi's hand again.

Even one throw from this kind of weapon is so powerful, so the Celestial Spirit King can't imagine whether he will survive a few more strikes.

"Celestial Spirit King, how is it? Do you want to continue fighting?"

Asahi looked at the Celestial Spirit King and asked. He knew that this guy is not completely hopeless, but some rules in the Celestial Spirit World need to be revised.

"What do you… want?"

The Celestial Spirit King's complexion was not good, and he looked at Asahi with an ugly face.

"Didn't I tell you before? Revise the contract between Celestial Spirits and humans. If you are a king, then do your job as the king. Of course, if you are not a king, just treat my word as a fart!"

Asahi's purpose has not changed from beginning to the end. One is to help Leo, and the other is to modify this unreasonable contract.

"What are you doing this for? If it's just for Leo, I can let him come back!"

The Celestial Spirit King is a little puzzled. After all, this matter can be regarded as the Celestial Spirit's own affair, but why does this guy like to be nosy so much? Although both parties have met back then, and Asahi also warned him, but he was too lazy to care.

But now, Asahi has appeared again, and he directly crushed himself with such terrifying force, so he can no longer ignore him.

"Isn't it obvious from what I said? I just think your contract has a lot of irrationalities."

"Celestial Spirit King, let me ask you a question, are you the King of Celestial Spirits or the King of Humans?"

Asahi watched Celestial Spirit King and ask his own question. He always felt that this guy was actually an undercover of humans on the Celestial Spirit's side.

"What do you mean? I am naturally the King of the Celestial Spirits, why do you talk about humans?"

The Celestial Spirit King was confused again, he wondered what was the purpose of asking this question.

"Very well, then let me ask you carefully. You should know the content of this contract and what happened to Aries, right?"

"After signing a contract with humans, the Celestial Spirits cannot choose to force close their gate, unless other Celestial Spirit take the initiative to open their gate and push the previous Celestial Spirit out, but this kind of thing is not something ordinary Celestial Spirit can do."

"And even if it can be done, if the Celestial Spirit Mage can open two gates at once, or even three gates, it will be useless."

"The Celestial Spirits have some disadvantages while in the human world. If you are still the King of Celestial Spirits, you should listen carefully to what your subjects say."

"A wise king will listen to his subjects, but a foolish king will ignore his subjects."

"The reason why you are still sitting in this position now is not because you are highly respected, but because your strength is the strongest among the Celestial Spirits, and you are also closely related to the lives of other Celestial Spirits."

"You are a king, but you just sit in this position without thinking about what you should do in this position."

"I don't recognize this kind of king, and they also won't admit it. You're the king just because of your particularity, and there is nothing they can do about it!"

"If you really still think of yourself as a king, let go of your arrogance and listen carefully to what the Celestial Spirits say, instead of making arbitrary decisions by yourself. It's fine to make a wrong decision, but you should learn from the mistake, don't let me look down on you!"

Asahi actually knew that the Celestial Spirit King was not bad in nature, after all, he took Leo back because of Lucy.

And in the later period, it wasn't like that he was so rigid to the point that he couldn't be changed, so under the attack of Asahi's words, he can only be silent.

Although the Celestial Spirit King cannot change some essential laws, for example, summoning him requires breaking a Zodiac Key, but he can modify the contract, just like he can exile Leo according to the content of the contract, but he can also take Leo back because of Lucy. His authority allows him to modify the contract to a certain extent.

But Asahi doesn't know what this guy thinks, as he doesn't have the mentality of listening to his subjects' complaints at all.

It can be said that he is a robot, as he only knows to act in accordance with the contract, but he can also break this unreasonable contract.

However, the essence hasn't changed much, so Asahi's visit this time can be regarded as a welfare for Leo.

"You'd better make a decision quickly, after all, the flow of time here is different from the Human World, so I still need to rush back!"

Asahi has been here for a while, and it is estimated that several days have passed in the Human World.

"I understand, everyone, come here!"

As soon as Asahi urged him, the Celestial Spirit King, who was still thinking, made up his mind directly, and called the others to him.

A large number of Celestial Spirits stood in front of the Celestial Spirit king and looked at the each other. Some special Celestial Spirit and the Zodiac exist in a single form and cannot be replaced.

But many Celestial Spirit exist in plural, so there are a large number of Celestial Spirit at this moment.

"Let's talk about it. I have indeed never heard of your complains in the past, and it doesn't matter even if you say it, but this time, I will definitely hear all of your voices and learn from it!"

The Celestial Spirit King spoke, and when the other Celestial Spirits heard this, they are relieved. The Celestial Spirit King is the king, and he didn't bother to lie, so if he said so, they didn't have to worry about it.

After that, each of the Celestial Spirits, including the Zodiac, also told their own bitter journey.

Being a Celestial Spirit is actually a very troublesome thing. As a Celestial Spirit, their flow of time is different. Human Mages can live for more than a hundred years and decades for the weaker ones, but this kind of time, for them, is only hundreds of days, and there are all kinds of incidents in between.

When Celestial Spirit Mage was killed and their keys were seized, it would be equivalent to replacing their companion in less than a year.

Finally, they had some feelings and bonds with their companions, but they won't be able to meet for long, so the Celestial Spirit was very sad, and even if this is not the case, they would still encounter many dark Mages.

There is no lower limit for such people, and some of them are even worse than Karen.

So the Celestial Spirits can be said to be constantly complaining at this moment. Hearing their complains, Asahi was completely taken aback. He felt that Lucy is really the perfect Celestial Spirit Mage, after all, she is the same as Celestial Spirits, always complaining.