Chapter 391 Education With The Fist of Love

"First… Guild Master!"

Not only Laxus, but also the Thunder God Tribe, who didn't know, were also stunned. They wondered what's going on, and how can the First Guild Master pop out of nowhere.

If they remember correctly, isn't the history of Fairy Tail more than four hundred years old? How could First Guild Master, who is just a human, live for so long?

But they felt that Mira doesn't seem to be lying, so they looked at the others.

As a result, the others also nodded immediately, just like a chicken pecking rice. It's all true, this guy in front of them is really the First Guild Master.

"Impossible, Fairy Tail's First Guild Master is a figure from more than four hundred years ago. How could anyone live for so long?"

Laxus wouldn't believe such an absurd thing. After all, this guy still looks so young.

"Well, you don't need to believe it if you don't want to, but boy, you need education as you are now. However, in your case, just oral education is not enough, then, let's change the place to fight with me!"

After saying that, Asahi snapped his fingers, and the Thunder God Tribe, along with Laxus and Asahi, disappeared into the guild.

"Laxus is probably going to be over this time, but it's also good for Shodai to teach him a lesson. Although this guy doesn't really look down on us, but his eyes and attitude are sometimes really annoying!"

Fairy Tail's members felt that Laxus's personality should be changed. Although they now know that he didn't really hate them, but that kind of temperament really makes people speechless, but they feel that it is a pity that they can't watch the show.

They don't know where Asahi took those people to, so they can't find them even if they search now.

At the same time, Asahi had brought Laxus and the Thunder God Tribe to an isolated island.

"This is an isolated island the middle of the sea. In here, we can do it whatever we want. In short, if you cause damage here, no one else will care, so let's get started!"

Asahi didn't talk nonsense, and rushed to the four people. He also got experience from defeating the opponent, but it's not as much as killing.

However, Laxus's strength is not bad, and the Thunder God Tribe are all up to the standard, so no matter how little experience they gave, it is still experience.

'He took us to this kind of place in an instant, he's really not normal!'

Laxus's face changed when he heard this. He didn't think the other party would deceive him casually, after all, he is also strong.

He even believes that the other party is the First Guild Master, but he can't show weakness, so if Asahi wanted a fight, he must fight.

"Laxus, we will help you!"

The Thunder God Tribe also kept up with Laxus. As the Thunder God Tribe, they had already learned how to cooperate with Laxus.

Therefore, they quickly helped him. Freed quickly used Dark Ecriture and boosted himself to the strongest state.

The other two, Evergreen and Bickslow, also cooperated with the offense. As for Laxus, he was constantly throwing thunder and lightning.

The cooperation of these people is actually quite good.

"Your cooperation is not bad, and the tacit understanding between you is also good, but…" Asahi snapped his fingers, and the whole island was covered by a large number of golden circles. Countless weapon came out, and were aimed at Laxus and the others.


Laxus, who was saw this, was shocked, but before he could say anything, the first wave of attacks has arrived.

The Noble Phantasms Asahi used this time are not high-level, but even the low-level Noble Phantasms can cause them some trouble.

Laxus completely relied on his lightning and brute force to knock down a large number of Noble Phantasms that fell from the sky. In this way, a few minutes later, this wave of Noble Phantasms stopped, but at this moment, everyone was already a bit ragged.

Even Laxus couldn't block all the Noble Phantasms, so his body was inevitably scratched.

"That's good, then, the next wave will come soon. By the way, it will be more powerful than before!"

As soon as the voice fell, countless Noble Phantasms shot out again. This time, although most of them were of the lowest level, a lot of higher-level ones were mixed among them! A few minutes later, the four people are several times more ragged than before.

"Bastard, come and fight me directly if you have the ability! What's the point of just shooting projectiles like this!!"

Laxus is also angry. He wants to destroy those golden circles, but he can't do it. He can only defend himself when a bunch of weapons shoot towards them. So it's not strange that he is angry.

"Okay, then I will convince you to lose!"

A pair of boxing gloves appeared in Asahi's hands. After all, they are his own people, so he shouldn't strike so hard.

But he must use the Noble Phantasm, otherwise, he won't gain experience. After preparing, Asahi dismissed all the golden circles, and then the color of his hands changed a little, and there were several magic circles covering them.

Armament Haki which increase the pain, plus some magic circles which improves the opponent's perception of pain. It's only ten times, not that much.

If they are enemies, maybe Asahi would use dozens of times, hundreds of times, or even thousands of times.

But this is already enough to educate them.

"You three, cooperate with my attack, let's go!"

Laxus turned into a thunderbolt, and rushed towards Asahi, while the other three cooperated with the attack from behind. Evergreen's Fairy Magic shot like a bullet, and Bickslow's dolls also flew over.

As for Freed, he used Letter Magic to turn text into flames, water, and lightning, which all blasted towards Asahi.

But these attacks are not even qualified to even touch Asahi.

The moment the attack came in front of Asahi, Asahi disappeared, and the attack just fell directly to the ground. Laxus's pupils shrank, and he stopped his body with a sudden brake.

Asahi's disappearance this time was too abrupt.

"Boy, it seems that you really like to write. Do you know what the Fist of Love is!"

After arriving behind Freed, Asahi punched him, and Freed felt ten times the pain. Although the punch is that hard, Freed still directly rolled all over the floor in pain.

Regarding Freed, Asahi is a little speechless. Because this guy really likes Laxus. It's fine if it's just normal worship, but this guy wants to play philosophy with Laxus.

Even when there are other women around Laxus, this guy will be jealous, thinking about it, Asahi felt dizzy.

Asahi thinks that this kid needs a good education. With so many attractive girls in this world, why would he want to be gay? Moreover, Laxus is not interested in him, so this guy is in unrequited love from beginning to the end.