Chapter 396 Oracion Seis Incident

That night, Magnolia became the busiest city in Fiore.

The whole city is obsessed with celebrations, and Asahi is also very surprised by this. Although many festivals are celebrated together, the gathering power of Fairy Tail is indeed amazing, so that 99% of the people in the entire city are having fun in the festival together.

No one feels tired, no one feels bored, and it lasts all night.

The whole city and people who come in from outside the city were also infected by this boisterous atmosphere. As for Jienma and Minerva, they left after leaving a few complaints.

Asahi, who was paying attention to them, also heard their complaints. It's nothing more than Jienma feeling bored.

He thought that the other party was invincible, but when he saw it now, he was disappointed.

Jienma feels that a Mage is much better than other ordinary people, and they should have a sense of superiority, but the facts have proved that this is nonsense.

But he doesn't want to believe in reality, so he thinks Fairy Tail is a disgrace for the Mage, and they're just relying on this little trick to become the Number One Guild.

They didn't have any majesty at all, and it is very uncomfortable for him to be seen as a clown to ordinary people.

As for Minerva, she was infected a little bit, but due to her childhood education and the current Jienma, this infection quickly disappeared, and after leaving with Jienma, it naturally ceased to exist.

In response, Asahi only shook his head. He felt that Jienma will never be able to reach the top. This guy who is so paranoid that he will not let his own daughter go, will meet his end sooner or later and the final end will be nothing but self-inflicted.

This time, Happy is still the mascot of Fairy Tail. After all, although Lily usually looks very cute, he always relies on strength to make a living, while Happy relies entirely on selling his cuteness to make a living. Moreover, Lily does not participate in the Fantasia Parade, as he is not used to this kind of scene.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

However, Lily also felt that this is indeed a good activity, at least he felt the bonds with his companions completely.

In this way, the Fantasia Parade passed, and the excitement of this evening is disappeared in the morning.

The days have become very normal again, of course, there are also abnormal times, because of the activeness of the top guild of the Balam Alliance.

To be precise, it is the activeness of the Oracion Seis. Because Oracion Seis found the location of Nirvana, they went to look for it. Although there is no Jellal this time, it does not mean they can't find it.

Because they moved very fast and made big moves, the Mage Guilds, who had been keeping an eye on them, naturally received the news, so most of the Mage Guilds began to discuss it.

The Balam Alliance can be said to be completely Fairy Tail's enemies, after all, the top three were all dealt with by Fairy Tail.

It can be said that it is the fate of protagonist party, and now, Fairy Tail will definitely be involved with Oracion Seis's matter.

Because the crusade has been decided, it is the same as the original this time, as Fairy Tail, Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, and Cait Shelter participated together and form a temporary team to deal with this matter.

"It just happens that I'm bored lately, so I'll follow along!"

Just when Lucy was shocked at why she was selected for this team, Asahi also spoke, and then Lucy hugged his thigh without hesitation. With such an invincible presence following them, she naturally felt relieved.

"Shodai, are you also interested in Oracion Seis's affairs?"

On the contrary, Makarov was a little surprised. Regarding Oracion Seis, to be honest, the older generation does not plan to do anything now.

Otherwise, there's no need to think about it, as Makarov alone can handle the other party.

Of course, it was mainly because Makarov and the others didn't know about Nirvana, otherwise, they wouldn't be able to just sit still.

"It sounds interesting, so it's not bad to go and see it!"

Asahi said. But he knew that this is all experience, especially the big guy Nirvana, which is also a walking experience, so he naturally won't let it go.

"Then, since there is Shodai following, I don't have to worry about the others' safety!"

Makarov also nodded, as this is the best. Although this time, Lamia Scale sent one of the Ten Wizard Saints, and each guild dispatched their elites, the opponent is still one of the most powerful guilds in Balam Alliance.

He would be lying if he said that he is not worried, but Makarov couldn't blindly protect his children.

These little guys need to work hard if they want to grow, and they need to deal with these things by themselves.

In short, Makarov does not think that the flowers in the greenhouse can grow very well.

"I won't take action unless it is absolutely necessary, don't worry!"

Asahi said. He would not take action casually, but he would let the Noble Phantasms give these people the final blow, which is already enough.

It's experience from kill steal, who would reject it? And just like that, the group of people formed a small team.

"Juvia also wants to join!"

Juvia spoke suddenly, but was directly rejected by Makarov because there were already too many people.

It's for experience, otherwise, he will let the whole Fairy Tail go directly. Wouldn't that crush Oracion Seis directly? Why would they need to send a team? Juvia, who was directly rejected by Makarov, can only cry, and the guild started to be flooded again.

But now that Asahi and the others have already set off, the only unlucky ones are the others in the guild.

"Oracion Seis, I'm all fired up!"

At this moment, the group of people are sitting on Happy's back. Although Happy can't grow so big by himself, Asahi can.

Asahi once again made Happy a lot bigger. As for Lily, he also followed them, but Lily belonged to him, so it was natural that Happy became the transportation.

Anyway, Happy was also very happy when he heard that he could be bigger again.

Of course, it was mainly because of Natsu. As everyone knows, Dragon Slayer has motion sickness when in vehicles, but Happy is not counted as vehicle, so Natsu, who is sitting on Happy, is very happy.

In fact, now the current Happy can already grow to three meters, but three meters is not enough, as there's so many people riding him this time.

So Asahi simply enlarged Happy. After being bigger, Happy felt very happy, after all, he couldn't become so big by himself.

This is also because of Happy's laziness. It must be known that the current Happy and Lily both have Energy Sources, and Lily can already grow to a fifty meters giant, but Happy still stays at three meters.

Although it is because of his weak foundation, his progress is also related to this guy's lazy personality.

If you expect Happy to train, don't even think about it. This guy is just a mascot from the beginning to end, but at critical moments, he will always have some incredible role.