Chapter 398 Angel’s Weakness

"This… What is going on?"

Because he was knocked out, Ichiya didn't hear Asahi's words, and was still very confused.


The Trimens quickly recounted the situation, and Ichiya finally came back to his sense, and then looked at Asahi.

Although Ichiya is not reliable, he still remembers what his Guild Master said very clearly, 'If you meet this person, don't provoke him, because we can't afford to provoke him'. It's because Bob still remembers how Lullaby was killed.

"You are… Asahi-sama, I heard Guild Master talk about you, I apologize for our rudeness just now!"

Knowing Asahi's terrifyingness, Ichiya didn't dare to talk nonsense and directly apologized, moreover, he didn't dare to think about Erza anymore.

"It seems that you still know how to advance and retreat!"

Asahi nodded, and Ichiya breathed a sigh of relief. It was obvious that the other party didn't plan to trouble him, which is pretty good.

After seeing their boss become like this, the Trimens did not dare to harass the girls casually. Instead, they invited everyone to rest in the hall and moved some sofas.

Naturally, what they have to do afterwards is to wait for the other people. Because Fairy Tail's members traveled with giant Happy this time, they arrived a lot earlier.

After more than an hour, Asahi sensed some presences around him. Some of these presences are weak and some are strong, but there was also a presence that quietly entered the villa.

Asahi naturally know the person who entered the villa secretly. It's none other than Sorano, or currently Angel of Oracion Seis.

After abandoning the Celestial Magic, she learned other magic in the later stage.

After knowing that Angel had come in, Asahi got up and went to the toilet, as this girl was hiding in the toilet.

After coming to the toilet, Asahi felt Angel was hiding behind him, and she planned to attack him quietly.

"If you still want to know the information about your sister, Yukino, you'd better come out honestly!"

Asahi didn't talk nonsense, and Angel, who was planning to sneak attack on Asahi, couldn't help but being stunned. Almost all of Oracion Seis's members were brought out from the Tower of Heaven.

It can be said that the original Tower of Heaven is indeed full of talents, as all these children have all grown up well.

However, there are also many who have gone down the wrong path. And currently, Asahi's words make Angel completely unable to control her emotions.

Just like Richard, which is called Hoteye now, who is looking for his brother, Angel is also looking for her sister, but there has been no news. After becoming the member of Oracion Seis, even after mobilizing all her strength, she still can't find her sister.

But now, Asahi's words made her panic, as she didn't expect the other party to know about her details.

What's more terrifying is that the other party also seems to know the information about her sister, so how can she not panic.

"You… You know the information about Yukino!"

Angel panicked, and asked somewhat stutteringly.

"Of course I know, but there is a price to get the information from me!"

Asahi looked at Angel and said.

"Just tell me where Yukino is, and you can do whatever you want to me!"

Even the most treacherous and evil people have their own weaknesses, and Angel is the same. She also has her own weaknesses, which is, finding her sister.

"Don't worry, I won't ask you for anything. I only have two conditions. First, hand over all your Celestial Spirit's keys and give up Celestial Spirit Magic. Of course, I will teach you a kind of magic that is more suitable for you. And second, leave Oracion Seis, and join Crime Sorciere!"

Asahi gave two conditions, With Angel's status, she is not suitable for joining Fairy Tail, so he asked her to join Crime Sorciere.

As for the Celestial Spirit Magic, to be honest, most people really can't handle it, as the Celestial Spirit Magic is completely prepared for Lucy. Even if other people can use it, its power will be greatly reduced.

"I… I agree, but I want to see Yukino first!"

Angel hardly hesitated, and Asahi didn't say much about this, then he activated the virtual screen.

In the screen, there's Yukino, and at this moment, Yukino is staying with Ultear and the others. After Ultear returned to Grimoire Heart, she had a chat with Meredy.

Although Meredy was the same as in the original work, and wanted to kill Ultear at the time, she still couldn't resist her inner emotions afterwards.

Just like Fried likes Laxus, Meredy also likes Ultear.

In addition, Ultear directly apologized to her and said that she would even pay it with her life, leading Meredy to forgive Ultear in the end. However, the two had not completely escaped from Grimoire Heart.

Currently, they are still the members of Seven Kin of Purgatory, but the Crime Sorciere has been established, and after Grimoire Heart is finished, they will directly join Crime Sorciere.

Yukino's position was also given to them by Asahi. If Asahi wanted to find someone in this world, it couldn't be more easier.

So Yukino had been taken away by Ultear and she taught her magic. Although she appeared to have joined Grimoire Heart, Yukino actually joined in Crime Sorciere.

The scene on the screen now is… where Ultear is teaching Yukino to use magic.

Yukino and Angel are blood relatives, so they have many characteristics, moreover, Angel will naturally not forget her own sister.

"I understand, I will give you all my keys, and I also have cancelled all the contracts. Now, tell me where my sister is!"

Angel had no other thoughts, and immediately canceled all the contracts.

Now that the contract has not been completely revised, she naturally doesn't know, but she is not like Karen. Although she is from a dark guild, she also knows that the Celestial Spirit will not betray her, so she will not target the Celestial Spirit.

But Karen is different. She actually used Celestial Spirit as a tool to make money.

"Crime Sorciere, this is the guild created by Ultear. This Lacrima is for you to contact her. I will also give the new magic for you. Find them, join them, and then they will naturally tell you what to do, and your sister is also there!"

After speaking, Asahi instilled Angel Magic into Sorano's mind with Archive, then he threw a Lacrima towards her and erased the backdoor left by Brain in her body.

In this way, she would not be targeted by Brain.

But because of this, one of the seals in Brain's face also disappeared at this moment.

"Angel failed. It seems that the enemy this time is a bit tricky!"

Brain didn't care very much. Regarding Angel's strength, only Gemini is good. As for Angel's pure combat power, it is almost negligible, so he doesn't worry too much even if she loses.