Chapter 402 Happy's New Plan

"Natsu, Natsu, do me a favor!"

As everyone watched Hibiki's introduction about Oracion Seis, Happy suddenly spoke and pulled Natsu's clothes.

When Natsu looked at Happy, he found that Happy was actually holding a fish in his hand, which is the food that Happy left for him.

"Natsu, help me give this fish to Carla!"

At this moment, Happy's eyes almost turned into love symbols, and Happy is feeling love at this moment.

He found that he really fell in love at first sight, but Happy was too far behind Carla to be honest, so he could only be stalking.

In the later stage, Happy basically strike Carla again and again, as this is the advantage of being a stalker. There is no way to release his shining points in the first time, so he could only stalk and strike, and then use time to get the other party.

At least, this is the case with Happy in the original work. Because they often get along, he naturally releases some shining points that can't be released at ordinary times. These shining points are his best assist in striking Carla.

"Why gives fish?"

Natsu is different from Happy, as his head is full of muscle, and he has never thought about love at all.

It is basically only possible for this guy to get a girl if the girl is the one chasing him, as it is impossible for him to chase a girl.

"Forget it, Lucy, help me!"

Seeing Natsu's unclear appearance, Happy decisively left him and went to find Lucy. Then, he asked Lucy to help him.

"Happy, so you also know how to chase a girl, but I don't think the other party will talk to you if you gave her fish!"

Obviously, Hibiki's sound is still there, as he's still introducing the specific information about Oracion Seis, but now, the few of them have begun to talk about love.

"You… you don't need to help me, I'll go find Shodai!"

After saying that, Happy ran and found Asahi, who was sitting on the sofa drinking tea. Unlike the others, who are listening to Hibiki, Asahi didn't need such information, so he was drinking tea very leisurely on the side.

"Shodai, can you do me a favor?"

After Happy arrived in front of Asahi, he asked cautiously.

"Happy, what Lucy said is right. It's useless for you to give her a fish. You can see the character of the other party that she won't like fish. I can give you an idea!"

Asahi looked at Happy and smiled. If Happy gave Carla a fish like this, he would become a licking dog, and Carla also didn't like fish very much.

Because of her ability, Carla is much more mature than Happy, so as far as Carla is concerned, she doesn't think of herself as a cat, but thinks she is more like a human.

In this case, giving her fish will make her hate him instead. Moreover, being a licking dog is not a good thing.

"Listen well, Happy, after this time, Carla will definitely go to Edolas."

"Although Lily still loves that country deeply, he has already drawn a clear line. Therefore, in this case, Lily cannot take Carla directly back. You have already been there, so you can become Carla's guide."

"In addition, for this battle, I will give you a buff to boost your combat power so that she will see your charm and your bright spots will appear. Then, you can ask her to go out on a date and have a big meal."

"Of course, I also have one thing to warn you, you'd better strengthen your training as much as possible. Since you are just alone before, it's fine, but right now, your strength is still too weak."

"I can help you, but it is only limited to a few times. It is impossible for me to help you every time. You have to learn to become stronger yourself. If you really like her, then become stronger for her, don't let the other party look down on you!"

Asahi knows about Happy's situation. Happy really likes Carla, and he also puts it into action. He is a licking dog, no, he's a licking cat.

Happy is not bad in nature, and he is very responsible in many cases, but he is not very strong.

This is Happy's biggest weakness. Carla in the later period even learned the magic to turn into human in the later period, but Happy is still the same, so Asahi felt that it would be better to stimulate this guy.

What Happy cares most is companion, for the sake of companions, Happy, like Natsu, can risk his life.

So Asahi didn't mind helping him, but after helping him, he lectured Happy to grow stronger himself.

"I… I understand! I will work hard!"

After Happy said that, he put the fish away directly, as he decided that he must train hard. As a male cat, he needs to have his own sense of responsibility instead of relying on others for everything.

After being told by Asahi, Happy no longer intends to pester Carla, but intends to show his own excellence first.

"Very well, you have Energy Source now, which will make your strength grow continuously. You just need to work a little harder, maybe you can't catch up with Lily, but increasing your combat strength is not a big problem."

Asahi nodded. Now that Happy has also grown up, it is very good. Later, when dealing with Nirvana, he will make Happy become violent Happy again. In addition, with this guy's thick skin, it is not a big problem to win Carla over.

"We hope that you can find Oracion Seis's position, but don't alarm them, because we still have our trump card."

"Oracion Seis is very dangerous. Although the people here are not weak, we might suffer if we fight them head-on."

"Our Blue Pegasus has prepared a Magic Bomber. As long as we find their location, we can directly attack them with our Magic Bomber, so everyone, please be careful!"

After talking about the information of the Oracion Seis's members, except for Angel, who has been considered solved, everyone felt that the other is very difficult to deal with.

Moreover, some of their trump cards are still not clear at all, which gave them a disadvantage. Even for Erza, if she fights alone, she can't be certain that she can win.

But now with Ichiya's explanation, as long as they find the other party location, they can bomb them directly. To be honest, this method is indeed a good method.

But they didn't account of one important thing. That is, there's actually someone eavesdropping them from a few kilometers away.

"So that's the case. You plan to use this method? If so, then we will destroy your Magic Bomber in advance, and see how else would you deal with us!"

Although it was several kilometers away, Cobra's ears are very useful, as he completely listened to the plan.

Then, he passed the information to Brian and others. Brian and the others did not hesitate, as they directly used Thought Projection. As for their main bodies, it did not move. They felt that the Thought Projection is already enough, as it has half their power.