Chapter 404 Lily's Noble Phantasm

"Yeah, Wendy, don't think too much, you are also very amazing!"

Carla and Wendy have been together for so long, and she has long regarded Wendy as her companion and best friend, so how could she just stay silent when she saw Wendy looked depressed.

Hearing Carla and Asahi's encouragement, Wendy no longer underestimates herself. After all, she still has her role as her healer.

At this moment, the members of several guilds has their combat power exploded, as they have figured out all of the enemies' abilities. Moreover, the opposite Oracion Seis's members itself is just Thought Projection. Now that their strength is greatly reduced, they can't do anything at all.

It only takes a few minutes for them to lose.

"Lily, get rid of them all in one go, they are just Thought Projection, their real bodies are not here!"

After Asahi saw the current situation, he asked Lily to take action. Lily's hand had the Noble Phantasm he gave, True Nine Lives: True-Shooting the Hundred Heads in the form of a big sword.

It looks like a very strange weapon, but its power is quite terrifying. Strictly speaking, Nine Lives can be said to be a skill-type Noble Phantasm, but the ones in Gate of Babylon is a weapon type that can change shape. The shape Lily is holding now is the same as the one made by Shirou.

Wendy and Carla were shocked when they heard Asahi asking Lily to take action. They felt that even if such a kitten has combat power, it will be very weak, but in the next second, their eyes widened in shock collectively.

Lily's body suddenly swelled, and he turned from a cute cat form to a devil muscle cat form in an instant.

His height is more than two meters, and the big sword on his back also changed along with him, and became a lot bigger.

But Lily doesn't care about this. He directly pulled out the sword on his back, and then activated the Noble Phantasm. His body disappeared instantly, and he shuttled among the enemies at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

After facing Lily's Nine Lives, the enemies couldn't resist at all. After all, Lily's Nine Lives can almost cut thousands of times in a second.

Everyone could only see countless sword lights flashing, and then the earth shattered, and a gap was torn in the forest behind. As for the Thought Projection of Oracion Seis's members directly disappeared after being chopped off.

The power of this sword is very destructive. And after using it, Lily also feels that his magic power has been consumed by a lot, but fortunately, he has Energy Source now, so it recovers quickly!

"Wow… Amazing, it's too powerful!"

The Fairy Tail's people didn't think much of it, after all, they had seen Lily's power before.

When he got this weapon, Lily also tried it in front of everyone, and the result was the same as the one everyone saw now.

But Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, and Wendy don't know it, so this scene can be described as too shocking.

"The power of Nine Lives is really strong!"

Elisa looked at this scene with some yearning. Of course, she was just yearning about it, as she had already obtained two Noble Phantasms, which was enough. However, she is an armor and weapon freak, so she still couldn't resist this temptation.

"Wait, the Oracion Seis were all bombed to pieces."

Ichiya suddenly realized a problem. These person are humans, so even if they are bombed, there should be still some traces.

"It's just their Thoughtful Projection. As for their real bodies, they are still in the sea of ​​trees!"

Lily retracted the Nine Lives, and then he also returned to his cute cat from.

From his current appearance, it is completely invisible to tell that this cat is the huge muscly cat just now.

Except for the Fairy Tail's people, the others just stared at Happy and Carla.

"What are you looking at? I don't have that ability. My ability is to predict the future!"

Carla was a little guilty, but quickly used this excuse to escape, so the eyes of others were placed on Happy once again, even Carla did the same.

Carla didn't understand Exceed, and thought that Exceed all had their own abilities. She can see the future, and Lily can transform, so what about Happy?

"I… I can do it too!"

Happy glanced at Asahi, and Asahi gave him a wink, then Happy's size began to increase rapidly, and he soon broke through three meters.

He stopped just a little over three meters, however, the enlarged version of Happy is like a huge toy, there is no such sturdy muscle like Lily, but he looks good.

But the truth is, Lily can also do such thing, but in order not to hurt Happy's self-confidence, Lily chose to be silent this time.

"Amazing, the cats are so strong, we have to keep working hard!"

Jura's face once became very serious. This is how this guy always be, inexplicably persistent.

Now that he saw such scene, he suddenly felt that he was not working hard enough, as the abilities displayed by these cats made him yearn for it very much.

As a human, he is not even as good as a cat, which is kind of depressing, so he plans to continue to train hard.

"As expected of Jura-san, no wonder that you can become the Ten Wizard Saints. I will also train hard after we go back!"

Lyon respected Jura, mainly because he was repaired by Jura, but now, he also knows that what he lacks is hard work. Jura is one of the Ten Wizard Saints, but he is still working so hard, so what qualifications does he have to not work hard?

He didn't even think about it, and planned to follow in Jura's footsteps, train hard to become stronger. Moreover, the others were also driven by the two's enthusiasm.

It can only be said that their focus suddenly shifted to other thing.

"Isn't the most important thing now Oracion Seis? Are you still going to fight against them?"

Even Carla couldn't stand it anymore. Of course, she also felt a little ashamed of herself. Although her ability is very powerful, she knew she couldn't control it.

She even regarded her vision as an order for a while, which is simply too shameful.

Just take a look at the other two. One has explosive combat power, and the other is not clear, but at any rate, he can control his own power, which is very good.

So she thinks it is better to transfer this topic decisively.

"Speaking of which, Asahi-dono just said that their goal is Nirvana, a forbidden magic item from four hundred years ago, which is sealed in this sea of ​​trees."

"But the sea of ​​trees is too big, so we can only separate temporarily!"

Jura said with a frown. They must separate to find the enemies, otherwise, the sea of ​​trees would be too big to search for them.

"Then, let's separate first. We need to at least find Nirvana first. If possible, destroy Nirvana to prevent it from being controlled by Oracion Seis!"

Erza also nodded. She knew that this magic item is not a good thing and must be destroyed.