Chapter 411 Gildarts's Injuries

"I'm finally back, it's really tiring!"

Because of Asahi's intervention, the guild was not destroyed this time, so Gildarts did not fail to recognize the guild.

Now that he recognized it, he also knew that he had returned home. This guild was indeed his favorite place.

"It seems that there are a lot of new faces, are they all newcomers?"

Gildarts, who was originally serious, entered the goofy mode in less than a second.

"Gildarts, how is your mission?"

At this time, Makarov asked, and the others turned silent. Lucy and others had also learned about Gildarts from Erza and Mira before, so they were looking forward to it.

After all, it is a mission that has not been completed in a hundred years, who knows how difficult this mission is.


"This, sorry, I failed, this mission is too difficult for me!"

After Gildarts scratched his head, he opened his mouth and said. He was also very helpless about this. In fact, if he did this mission normally, he might be able to do it, but he happened to meet Acnologia during the mission. However, he is already really lucky to be able to come back alive.

"So it's like that. I don't blame you, after all, this mission is indeed too difficult, and you are the only one who is able to came back alive after going for this mission. The others are already dead!"

"By the way, come here and let me introduce you. This is the Shodaime Guild Master of Fairy Tail. You can call him Shodai!"

Makarov gave Gildarts an introduction.

"Shodai, hello, I'm Gilda… Wait, Master, are you sure it's Shodaime Guild Master? How many generations is it from you?"

Gildarts, who was planning to greet Asahi, was stunned in an instant, and then he looked at Makarov with a confused look and asked.

"Sure enough, it's still like this!"

In desperation, Makarov could only introduce Asahi again, and Wendy and Carla also learned about it.

After all, they have just joined the guild. Before, they actually had some doubts about other people calling Asahi Shodai.

But they didn't ask at the time, and now, they finally learned about the truth. But even after learning it, they still felt that it is a bit too exaggerated.

"Shodaime Guild Master, it's really amazing. You have lived for more than four hundred years. Hello Shodai, I am Gildarts!"

Gildarts also introduced himself again, as this kind of thing can't be too sloppy.

This guy and Shanks are completely carved out of the same mold. Both of them are red-haired, both look like uncles, and they are usually unreliable, but are very reliable at critical moments.

The most important point is… both of them are crippled. It can be said that it is not too much to say that they are brothers.

"By the way, I'm a little tired after coming back, I'm going back to rest. Natsu, you should come to my house too, I have a gift for you!"

After saying that, Gildarts planned to leave.

"You really intend to just leave with that kind of fatal injury"

What Asahi suddenly said made everyone stunned.

"Ah, have I been seen through? But I can't help it, that guy's power is too corrosive. And it's fate that my life can be saved!"

Gildarts scratched his head and said helplessly. He was indeed miserable, but he couldn't do anything, as Acnologia was too terrifying.

Although he has the combat power at the level of Spriggan 12, but for Acnologia, defeating Spriggan 12 is as simple as playing, and even his human form can kill the other party in seconds.

"Gildarts, you are injured?"

Makarov and others were also shocked, immediately asked.

"I wanted to hide it, but now it seems that there is no way!"

After saying that, Gildarts threw away the cloak on his body, revealing the injuries on his body.

One of his hand and foot are missing, which are replaced with magic prosthetics, and there's also a lot of bandages wrapped around his body.

Moreover, there is also a dark and corrosive energy that can be felt in the bandage.

"I was very unlucky. During the mission, I encountered the world-destroying black dragon recorded in the Book of Apocalypse. In just an instant, I became like this. And the reason why I can survive is because he is not interested in me, as if I was just an ant."

"Just like humans don't care about ants, the other party's attitude toward me is the same, that's why I survived, but you have all seen the cost for my encounter!"

Gildarts said helplessly. The gap was too big, and he didn't even have the will to resist back then.

"Instant… It's a joke, right?"

Looking at this terrifying injury on Gildarts's body, Natsu couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. Gildarts can easily defeated him with one hand, but even he couldn't do anything against the black dragon.

"Black Dragon Acnologia… to be able to survive after meeting him, you are indeed very lucky."

"Everyone knows the name of the Black Wizard, Zeref, right? Zeref and the black dragon exist at the same level, but if we just look at the destructive power and combat power, even Zeref will is under the black dragon!"

Asahi shook his head and said. Acnologia's combat power is too strong. Even if he is killed by a forced plot, the protagonist party needed to separate his soul from his body, and then use the power of the entire continent to defeat this guy.

Even so, it can just be regarded as a plot kill. These two characters, Acnologia and Zeref, have been shaped too powerful by the author.

They are almost undefeatable existences, so there's only plot kills to defeat them, rather than being able to defeat the other party fairly.

"Shodai, you know this guy?"

Hearing Asahi's words, everyone looked at Asahi. But after thinking about it, they felt that it is indeed true. After all, how could Asahi, who is a 400-year-old monster, not recognize these characters?

"Of course I do. That guy is actually not a dragon at birth, but the first generation of Dragon Slayer Mage. He just trained with the Dragon Slayer Magic to the extreme, and finally turned into a black dragon."

"More than four hundred years ago, the dragons were destroyed by the hands of this guy!"

Asahi revealed Acnologia's background, after all, it's not a big secret.


The entire guild was shocked. The dragon is dragon, and humans are just humans. How can humans become giant dragons? They all thought that black dragon is a real dragon.

"Don't be so loud. The Dragon Slayer Magic itself is taught by the dragon, but you can rest assured that you will not become dragons. Even if you become dragons, you can change back. There won't be any big problems!"

Asahi comforted the few dragon slayers, as only Laxus could become a dragon.

Although it is possible for the others, the probability is almost equal to none after the antibody is completed.

Moreover, even if they transformed into a dragon, it is not that they cannot be changed back. Regarding the sequelae, maybe even Zeref can't solve it, but he can.

He has completely surpassed the limits of this world, and there is no need to worry about the sequelae of dragon transformation.