Chapter 423 Four Hundred Years Ago

"What exactly is going on?"

Asahi was dumbfounded. This is the first time he had encountered this situation, but he also felt a trace of familiarity from it.

Soon, Asahi remembered that when he first used Ryumyaku, he seemed to have this feeling too.

It's just that this time, it seems to be even more peculiar, at least, his mind is still a little confused now.


Just when Asahi tried to figure out the situation, he heard a loud dragon roar, which was somewhat similar to Acnologia, but from the roar, it could be felt that the owner of the roar is somewhat different from Acnologia.

"Dragon Roar?! What the hell is going on!!"

Asahi didn't have time to think too much about it, so he directly rushed into the sky, and then, he saw a small town outside the forest.

At this moment, the town is being attacked by a blue giant dragon, and it can be said that the place has become a hell on earth.

"Dragon?! Could it be that I have traveled to four hundred years ago!"

Asahi's whole person is not good. At first, he thought that he came to more than four hundred years ago by relying on the eclipse gate.

After all, although Asahi is very powerful, his time ability is still limited to casual use, and he cannot travel through time and space casually.

So, he can basically be sure that he will use the Eclipse Gate to come to this time and space in the future, but he did not expect that this time, he had made a mistake. It turned out that the time attribute of the Fairy Sphere caused him to come to this time and space.

If Asahi didn't guess wrong, this time and space is indeed more than four hundred years ago, then, the peculiar space he entered before should be in a space similar to the turbulence of time.

Thinking of this, Asahi couldn't help but broke in cold sweat. After all, his consciousness was fully awake in there.

That means, such a place is extremely dangerous, but fortunately, he is still alive. Asahi swears that he will never touch time casually, at least, not touch things related to time.

He can just wait until he becomes much stronger. After all, this thing is really not something ordinary people can handle.

As for how to go back, Asahi has already thought about it. He can just use Zeref's Eclipse Gate, after all, even if he could only go back to Year 777, it will be much better than waiting in this place for four hundred years.

Time is so peculiar that Asahi can't figure it out. Of course, Asahi plans to find the information of this era. It happens that the people in that village and this giant dragon are the key for that.

Thinking of the tens of thousands of dragons in this time and space providing experience for himself, Asahi wanted to laugh at this moment.

It's just like blessing in disguise. After all, with the experience from tens of thousands of dragons, one-time harvesting would be enough for him to complete his current skill.

Without thinking about it, Asahi directly came to the top of this blue giant dragon, then activated the Soaring Spear that Strikes with Death.

At the next moment, large number of spears fell like raindrops. This giant dragon is obviously not very strong, and faced with the bombing of the Noble Phantasm, it was almost killed without any resistance, and it was directly nailed to the ground.

The dragon at this moment is also stunned, and he can't understand what happened to him.

There was a special attack suddenly, moreover, it's an attack he couldn't resist, so that he was nailed to the ground.

The severe pain from his body made him howl in pain after he came back to his sense.

After all, in this time and space, humans are very weak against giant dragons. Even a powerful wizard can only fight against low-level and intermediate-level dragons.

As for facing high-level dragons and dragon kings, all humans are not their opponents.

Dragons also did not exterminate humans, as they were kept in captivity like livestock, after all, dragons like to eat humans.

In this time and space, many dragons regard humans as food, and the reason this dragon rages in this small town, one is for looking for food and the other reason is for having fun.

But he never expected that he would be seriously injured by an attack that appeared inexplicably when he was just playing around.

"Who dares to attack me!"

The dragon's huge eyes glared at in front of him. At this moment, he could not move, but his arrogant personality made him very stubborn.

"Is there any problem with how I attack you?"

Asahi suddenly appeared in front of the dragon, patted his head with one hand and asked.

"Human! It turned out to be a human! You dare to attack a dragon like me! Do you want to die?"

When this dragon saw Asahi, he immediately growled angrily.

There are powerful humans that can indeed slaughter the weaker dragons.

But those humans won't suddenly attack dragons at will. It is because, once it is known by other dragons, this human will become the enemy of all dragons.

Dragons are very proud creatures, and they also take pride in themselves, so they would be angry if there are other creatures killing their kin, even if they are the weaker ones.

It is normal for them to be killed if they are weak, but they cannot let their compatriots tarnish their reputation…

Especially when the humans they regarded as food were the ones that killed the dragon. This kind of thing is not allowed to happen.

Humans can kill dragons, but once they are discovered, they would definitely die.

And in this time and space, humans also shows their bad nature. Someone fights with the dragon in order to save their fellow humans. However, after other dragons come to the door, those people who are saved will not hesitate to sell the people who saved them.

In this period of time in this world, the inferiority of human beings and human nature can be said to be very thoroughly expressed.

Just look at Irene's fate. As the savior of the world, Irene created the Dragon Slayer Magic, and she can be said to be a hero that saved the mankind, but the fate of this hearo afterwards is also very sad.

"Whether I want to die or not is not up to you. Now, let me look at your memory!"

Asahi directly read the memory of this dragon, and from the memory, he almost determined the timeline of this world.

During this time, some big things are happening between the dragon and humans. For example, the dragon has already separated into factions. One is those who are close to humans, and the other is raising humans as livestock.

There are hundred times different between the number of dragons in the two factions.

Most dragons are arrogant, and they hate humans.

Of course, there are some neutral dragons. They don't join any factions, but like to fight alone. In short, they are loners outside the factions.

Among them, Igneel is the most famous, because Igneel can be said to be the strongest among dragons, and there is no dragon that can compare to him.

Although he is only the Fire Dragon King, in terms of combat power, other dragon kings are not his opponents at all. But Igneel is an independent dragon, and he didn't want to be involved with the two factions.