Chapter 431 The Dragon Is Coming

After the creation of Fairy Tail, with Asahi teaching these people and opening their second origin, their strength has also increased a lot.

Asahi is just creating a magic guild, so he didn't create the energy source for them, but only opened their second origin.

But even these is enough to make their strength skyrocket. Coupled with Asahi's teachings, they have become master of magic.

After only a few years of use, many powerhouses have appeared on Fairy Tail. These people are all real combat masters.

Compared with the people of later generations, the training methods of people in this era can be said to be destructive.

They will even start a life-and-death battle in the training between the two sides, and they will only stop when they are in their last breath.

Under such a squeeze-style training method, it is difficult not to become a strong person. Even those with poor talent can be considered above average among humans.

As for those with good talents, they have directly stepped into the high-level combat power of human beings.

Of course, Asahi has not only been teaching students in the past few years. He has also done a lot of things himself.

For example, he became famous as a dragon hunter, and the number of dragons that died under his hands exceeded hundreds.

But 90% of these dragons were killed by him when they attacked humans.

The remaining ones are also very arrogant. In the past few years, Asahi has also met Igneel.

Because his huge reputation, Igneel has also come to his door. After all, although the dragon race is strong in power, it is not strong in fertility.

After so many years of development, the total number of dragons has only exceeded 10,000, and Asahi has slaughtered more than 1% of them.

In this case, Igneel, who is the Fire Dragon King, couldn't just sit idly by. After he found Asahi, the two fought, but there is no need to say more.

Igneel suffered a disastrous defeat. He is not Asahi's match at all, and was beaten by Asahi to the point of doubting his life.

But it's also because of this battle that the two have actually become friends instead. After knowing the situation of the dragons who Asahi killed, Igneel didn't care about them anymore.

He does not agree with the same kind to attack humans, of course, he will not directly stand on humans' side.

His attitude towards mankind is neutral, but those dragons finds trouble with others, and is slaughtered by others.

They provoke others, but don't allow others to fight back? Igneel disdains this kind of behavior.

It is normal for you to fight against the things you provoke yourself, and it's your own fault to be killed by them.

Because of this, Igneel and Asahi have a better relationship, and the two became friends. During this period, Igneel also introduced some of his dragon friends to Asahi.

Regarding the dragons who died, Igneel didn't care anymore. Since Asahi has already tell him his reason, Igneel wouldn't say more about it.

Because it was done by themselves.

The reason why Igneel wanted to kill Acnologia was mainly because of the face of the dragon race.

If a human has become powerful through training and killed a large number of giant dragons in human form, he wouldn't care.

However, the other party has become a dragon too, but he does not intend to let go of any of the dragons go, that's why Igneel wanted to kill Akunolokia, otherwise, it is estimated that Igneel will not be too nosy about this matter.

In the eyes of Igneel, it was no big deal for Asahi to kill dragons.

At any rate, everyone is not from the same faction. It's just like among human beings, when a heinous criminal is killed, what will other people say? They will only applaud and clap their hands, and they will not do anything else.

In the past few years, Asahi's reputation has also spread throughout the world. Almost everyone knows that there is a guild named Fairy Tail on Tenrou Island. Many people want to join, thinking this guild is powerful enough.

After all, the guild master of the guild is a peerless expert who has killed hundreds of dragons, so who doesn't want to hold his thigh.

But if they wanted to join, they must pass the assessment.

And the first test is to test their character using illusion magic. In this era, there are not many people who can pass the first test.

Therefore, there are not many people who joined afterwards. In this case, Asahi would rather be shorthanded than excessive.

However, after his reputation became too huge, he naturally provokes a lot of things, the biggest of which is the dragons.

These dragons all wanted to kill the murderer who have killed hundreds of their fellow dragon race. After his fame spread, they naturally focused on him. In fact, in the past few years, it's not that there are no dragons trying to seek revenge, but there is no need to say more about the result. There are only those who left, and no one ever return.

This also allowed Asahi to accumulate a lot of dragon corpses. These corpses were completely solidified with time magic and placed in Gate of Babylon.

However, he still left a few of the dragon's lacrima for the others in Fairy Tail.

Since the Dragon Slayer Magic has not been fully disclosed, these lacrima were also sealed by them.

None of the dragons seeking revenge can leave alive, which made other dragons start to think of other ways.

In the past, those who came to seek revenge basically acted alone, and at most, they were in groups of three or five.

But this time, the situation is different. The entire sky above Tenrou Island is full of dragons, and the number has reached hundreds.

"Master, what should we do now? There are too many dragons coming. Even you can hardly deal with them. Let us help you hold them back. You need to escape, and then avenge us later!"

As the First Guild Master, Asahi has long been regarded as the pillar of the guild because of his good character.

They also thank Asahi for teaching them magic and for everything he had given them.

But this time, there were too many dragons, so they already had the determination to die, to hold back these giant dragon, and let Asahi run away.

"Hahahaha, don't worry. These hundreds of giant dragons are no different from hundreds of ants in my eyes!"

Asahi shook his head. Who are they kidding? How can he be afraid of these weaklings? Regarding these guys coming over, except for sending him experience, what else can they do?

Right now, his experience is almost full, so he can use some of the powerful Noble Phantasms.

For example, Gungnir, Vajra, and the other Noble Phantasms at this level. After his experience is full, he can even release all the Noble Phantasms in the Gate of Babylon in an instant.

But for now, it's still not enough. Moreover, once it's full, he can extract new ability.

These Noble Phantasms are actually just for acting cool. When he really fights with those on the same level, he won't use these Noble Phantasms, but with his current strength, it is very difficult to find opponent on the same level.