Chapter 465 Makarov: Is It a Fairy Tail's Tradition to Borrow Other People’s Trump Cards?

Their score might be good, but the previous rankings were nothing, because there are so many powerful people in the back.

When it's Orga's turn, he directly threw a black lightning and scored more than 3,000 points. This score has almost never appeared in the Council, but it can only be said that the Council is indeed very trashy.

In his excitement, Orga started singing with his ugly voice.

However, after Jura appeared on the stage, he directly slapped Orga in the face. When Jura and Mystogan were fighting before, he wanted to use this move, but Mistergang used the magic staff with the earth attribute to directly contain it.

At that time, Jura seemed to collapse, but now, Jura finally caught the opportunity to use his technique, so he directly mobilized the power of the earth veins, and unleashed his strongest attack.

In the end, Jura left a score of more than 8,000 on this MPF.

This made Orga, who got more than 3,000 score just now, a little broken. But he is not very sad about it, after all, he is indeed not Jura's opponent.

In the original work, he was also directly defeated by Jura with a single move, which can be described as a tragedy.

But this can't be helped. Jura is the fifth strongest of the Ten Wizard Saints after all, The more than 8,000 that Jura got also caused the people from the Council to collapse collectively after seeing this scene. Orga's more than 3,000 are already extremely rare, but more than 8,000… That was really never seen before.

"Jura is indeed really strong, but this kind of competition is a bit problematic for Cana. Although Gildarts planned to teach Cana his Crush Magic, Cana already has her own magic, so she didn't learn it…"

Makarov is a little helpless. Cana's magic is Card Magic. Although it also has the type of attack power, but its power is not strong.

It can only be said that Cana's Card Magic is a relatively comprehensive kind of magic, it covers many fields, but none of them are very outstanding.

"Don't worry, Jusandaime, she won't let you down, after all, I did the same thing as Shodaime!"

Mavis suddenly said with a smile, and Makarov's eyebrows twitched. At this moment, he saw Cana pull up the sleeve of her right hand, and then a special mark appeared on her right forearm. But this mark is not the usual Fairy Tail's mark.

"This is… Could it be…"

Makarov immediately realized.

The Three Great Fairy Magics were all inherited by the Guild Master after Mavis, as she can be said to be the one who created it.

But because among the Three Great Fairy Magics, only Fairy Law has the least side effects, the others were never used.

Regarding Fairy Sphere, it can be seen from before. It took seven years to unblock it, and it is very likely that it will kill their own user.

As for Fairy Glitter, it needs a mark to be used, and it has always been kept by Mavis.

Of course, it doesn't mean that as long as you have a mark, you can use Fairy Glitter, as you must also have strong magic power.

Cana is Gildarts's daughter, and she has a very high talent to use this magic.

"It seems that our Fairy Tail has such a tradition. We all like to lend our trump cards to others!"

Asahi is a little amused. He lent his Noble Phantasm to Erza, and Mavis lent Fairy Glitter to Cana, it was indeed weird.

"It's indeed not wrong, but to use one of the Three Great Fairy Magic in this kind of game, isn't it bullying too much?!"

Makarov is speechless. Erza before was already very crazy. But now, Cana can use Fairy Tail's super magic, isn't this too much? However, at this moment, Cana doesn't know what Makarov is talking about, and has already activated Fairy Glitter.

A golden beam of light enveloped Cana, and then a large amount of magic power was gathered above the mark.

Immediately afterwards, a huge golden circle of light gathered, and Fairy Glitter turned into a beam of light and blasted out of Cana's hand.

The beam of light enveloped the MPF, and a terrifying explosion occurred, followed by a burst of white light that made everyone unable to open their eyes.

When they could open their eyes, they saw the tester had already disappeared, leaving only the huge number of 9999.

At this moment, the mark on Cana's arm is still wafting with strands of golden magic as if it is burning incense.


Seeing this scene, the members of the Council collectively swear. But they can't be blamed for this, as the scene is indeed too exaggerated.

They never saw this kind of effect with one move. When this MPF was manufactured, the upper limit was made based on the Four Gods of Ishgar.

This also means that only the Four Gods of Ishgar can achieve such exceptional scores.

But now, Cana has done it, and it's only because the limit of MPF is 9999, otherwise, it is unknown how many points Fairy Glitter will be able to score. Now it's not that Cana can only score this many points, but that the MPF can't keep up with Cana's power.

"Just now, the guest from the Council have collapsed. This score has never appeared in the Council before, so in this match, Fairy Tail B Team won again!"

The host is numb. He wondered what the hell is going on? Although every time Fairy Tail will overwhelmed everyone, but their method every time is beyond everyone's expectations.

You think that they can only deal with one hundred monsters, but they can directly deal with them in a second, and along the way, they also destroyed the independent space.

You think that they will score a high score, but the facts have proved how poor your imagination is, as they directly destroyed the MPF.

This time, even Jura almost didn't come back to his sense in an instant.

This is also because they didn't know that Cana used Faiy Tail's super magic, otherwise, their reaction would not be like this. After all, the reason why super magic is called super magic is like the difference between ordinary magic and forbidden magic in the traditional magic world.

So there is no need to think about the horror of super magic.

After lamenting the horror of Fairy Tail as usual, the usual one-on-one match began.

There is almost no suspense in this match, but even though there is no suspense, Asahi still intends to watch it.

Because this is the time Ivan will be exposed, and now, there are only three people Ivan can take out.

Kurohebi has already recovered after treatment, but even all five of them couldn't take out Laxus, let alone three 3.

But Ivan is probably still inflated, thinking that Laxus dare not do anything to him.

It must be known that Laxus does not consider him a family now, but treats all his companions as his families instead.

So his mouth will never be able to convince Laxus, as he and Laxus are already completely far apart.