Chapter 467 Locking Ivan Away

Facing the attack of Laxus, Ivan was like a weak chicken. He was defeated in an instant with one move. It can't be helped, after all, the gap was too big

Laxus in the original work has the strength to defeat Jura, and this Laxus has surpassed it.

After having the Energy Source, Laxus has reached the strength of Four Gods of Ishgar at this stage, and he might no less weaker than the normal Spriggan 12. If he is given one year, he might even be able to defeat multiple Spriggan 12 at once.

This increase in strength is not simple, so it is normal for Ivan to be overwhelmed easily.

After Ivan was defeated by Laxus, Asahi snapped his fingers, and Ivan disappeared.

If it wasn't for Ivan's special relationship with Makarov and Laxus, he would have eliminated this guy directly.

But now, because of the two, Asahi simply threw the goods into the hell prison.

And he used the hell chain to create a separate cage for this guy, so that he can stay in there for the rest of his life.

Makarov who saw this scene could only sigh and shook his head. He already knew how Asahi would deal with Ivan.

To be honest, this is already very good. As long as he doesn't die, anything is fine. And to be honest, Makarov also wants Ivan to pay some price for his evil, so he can't just let him go, so it's better to imprison him for the rest of his life.

There is a very good relationship between father and son, but Ivan doesn't think of himself as a son. Who has ever seen a son targeting his father all day long? Ivan is simply a white-eyed wolf. (T/N: white-eyed wolf means ungrateful person.)

It is not too much to kill this kind of person, but they still kept him alive. As for Kurohebi and Nullpudding, they can just leave them to the Council.

Asahi also didn't bother to capture these two trashes, since it was useless to store them, so he simply let them go.

At the end of the third day, no one can stop Fairy Tail, so there is no more suspense for the first and second places anymore, instead, the fight for third place has become very suspenseful.

Although Sabertooth is good, with Jura on their side, Lamia Scale is not weak either.

After the competition, Jiemma also disappeared. It is estimated that he ran to the Demon's territory like in the original work, to be reincarnated as a Demon.

But these… are not the point. After Fairy Tail becomes unstoppable, the next two days of the game are also very easy. Although Raven Tail's disqualification caused Fairy Tail's teams to merge, the score has hardly changed.

So they are still number one, and the only chance other guild has a comeback is the last day Battle Royale.

But unless the other guild's teams can defeat everyone else, there will be no chance of surpassing Fairy Tail at all.

This also caused the others to simply give up and compete directly for the second and third places, as Fairy Tail can only win the first place now.

"Fiore's number one guild has always been Fairy Tail, but they are all taking the elite route. Fortunately, they are not the same as Phantom Lord, otherwise, the other guilds won't be able to survive!"

At the end of the last day of the competition, Fairy Tail reached the top without trouble, and the people from other guilds all sighed with emotion.

"That's why they're Fairy Tail. Their guild is more like one big family!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Jura's mouth. To be honest, he had longed for a guild like Fairy Tail, of course he had only longed for it, and he was not envious of them.

Because he still has his own guild.

As for Sabertooth, although Jiemma has disappeared, while looking for Jiemma, Sabertooth has become more cohesive.

Their strength itself is good, and now that their cohesion has improved, they have become even more incredible.

However, after the final match, none of the guilds had time to leave, as the people of the kingdom have arrived.

And they told everyone about the dragon attack directly in the competition arena, which also surprised Asahi.

To be honest, he has modified too many plots, which makes it impossible for Future Rogue's prediction to be accurate, but now, this situation still occurs. He wondered what trick Future Rogue used. But Asahi let go out of curiosity. After sensing the current condition himself, he understands the specific situation.

"So that's the case, he directly controlled people, no wonder!"

After sensing the specific situation, Asahi also suddenly realized that both the minister and Princess Hisue were under control. Future Rogue has made several preparations. He can indeed control others, but he can't control them for several years.

So he first chose the role of a prophet, and after becoming a prophet, he used the power of the kingdom to create Eclipse Gate and collect magic power.

In this way, the kingdom followed his will, but because of Asahi's existence this time, there is a huge deviation in the plot.

Although Fairy Tail still wins in the end, the process is very different. Originally, Princess Hisui had already planned to give up, but Future Rogue can't let his plan ends prematurely, so he temporarily controls the minister and Princess Hisui.

Then, he proceeded according to the original plan, and quickly completed what he needed to complete.

Now, he just needs to wait for the Eclipse Gate to be opened in the night and it's over. As for these guilds' mages, he didn't care.

To be honest, this guy has been abnormal. He is very smart, so he should know that once he controls the dragons and wants to control the world, then these mages will definitely stop him.

So he should just make a move to kill these people here. But like in the original work, he only attached part of his power to the current Rogue, and even fought with Gajeel.

But this time, there was no suspense. He was defeated by Gajeel easily, and even this part of his power couldn't escape. It was completely wiped out by Gajeel's roar.

"How can there be dragons in this era, let alone 10,000 dragons… You must be joking!"

A large number of mages have absurd expressions on their faces. They have never dragons in this era. As a result, if someone told them that there will be 10,000 dragons coming at once, there's no way they can believe it.

But the kingdom's people are also helpless. They could only invite the wizards to the palace, and let the royal family to explain it to them afterwards.

In this way, the mages went to the palace, as for Makarov and others, they all looked at Asahi. After Asahi nodded, they became very excited.

To be honest, Fairy Tail is not very happy with the first place. After all, it is just like an adult winning against a bunch of toddlers. They haven't even used their full strength yet.

So facing the dragons later, they are extremely excited.