Chapter 473 Asking For Advice

Now that Erza had agreed, Asahi naturally projected Erza's memory of Kagura.

A small village is projected, which is the village Erza lived on, before she was caught by the cult's members.

"This is the village where we used to live!"

Seeing this scene, Simon was stunned, and immediately realized that Erza was also from the village as them. Although there was no intersection between them in the past, they are indeed fellow villagers.

Soon, a little girl appeared in Erza's sight.

"I remember, it was you, you're the one who saved me back then!"

Kagura suddenly remembered, as this scene was too familiar, but she was too young at that time, and Erza's appearance was still different when she was a child and when she grew up, so it was normal for her not to recognize Erza.

In the projection, after seeing Kagura, Erza gave up on hiding herself, and pulled Kagura directly into the barrel.

Afterwards, Kagura was hidden by Erza in a big barrel. As for Erza herself, because she missed the best opportunity, she was captured.

Simon, who saw this scene, has nothing to say. This is called fate, and Kagura started to cry when she saw this.

Erza is her great benefactor, and because of her, the other party was captured, but she still helped her by distracting the cult's members's attention.

Otherwise, even if she hides in the big barrel, she may not be able to escape, so Kagura is very grateful at this moment.

She has always remembered about this matter. But before, Kagura thought that the person who saved her back then might have died in the Tower of Heaven, after all, there are not many people who ran out of the Tower of Heaven.

When she saw Simon a few years ago, Kagura also asked him about this matter, but because she couldn't remember Erza's characteristics, Simon didn't know who she is talking about.

It was only now that both parties figured out this matter.

"I didn't expect you to be Simon's sister. This is really surprising!"

After Erza smiled, her gaze towards Kagura became much softer, as if she is looking at her own sister.

"Kagura, it seems that we owe more and more favors to others!"

Simon smiled and shook his head. He didn't say too many words of gratitude, because he knew that it would be useless to say it.

It's better to keep it in the bottom of their heart and keep in mind that in the future, if there is a chance, they will help Erza as much as possible.

Of course, even if there is no such matter with Kagura, Simon will still do it, after all, Erza has protected them too much.

"Fate is indeed wonderful. But I have to say, these guys who built the Tower of Heaven are all talents."

"The people they captured back then, Erza, and a few of you, including the Oracion Seis's members, almost all came out of there."

"Think about it carefully. It takes a lot of effort for a Magic Guild to find an elite or a genius."

"But, the Cult of Zeref, who built the Tower of Heaven, caught a lot of geniuses. They are really amazing!"

Asahi sighed, and then the others' expressions became weird. Thinking about it this way, they felt that what Asahi said is true.

The other party caught so many people in one go, and then there are so many geniuses among them, which is extremely awesome.

"Forget it, let's not talk about it. By the way, Kagura, don't you want to thank Shodai?"

Erza suddenly said with a smile.

"There's no need for that. I also did it because Erza had something to do with that guy called Jellal."

Asahi said. There is no need to thank or anything, but Kagura still thanked him afterwards.

As time went by, after everyone got acquainted, they started to let go, and Kagura also drank a lot of alcohol, because she is very happy.

Erza and the others drunk alcohol too, but after drinking a lot of alcohol, everyone started to go crazy with alcohol.

Especially Kagura. Even Simon, who is the older brother, almost fell to the ground.

"Simon, are you sure that your sister and you are directly related? Why is she so crazy after drinking so little?"

Seeing Kagura doing all kinds of crazy actions, Asahi is speechless.

"I… I don't know that Kagura will become like this after drinking!"

Simon is also embarrassed, and he suddenly had the idea that he didn't want to recognize this younger sister.

"Relax, in fact, this is much better than her cold appearance!"

Asahi smiled and patted Simon on the shoulder. They went to the side, but soon, there are a few more people around Asahi.

"What are you guys looking for me for?"

Looking at the people around him, Asahi was a little puzzled, as they are the contestants from Lamia Scale and Sabertooth.

From Lamia Scale are Jura and Sherria. As for Sabertooth, all five of them are here, and there are also two cats.

"We are here to thank you. If it wasn't for your help, we wouldn't be able to have such an atmosphere now. In addition… I want to ask you about magic!"

Minerva spoke, and Jura looked at Minerba in surprise. It was obvious that his purpose is also the same as her.

"What do you mean asking about magic? It seems that there is nothing wrong with your magic. Also, Jura, you are the fifth among the Ten Wizard Saints. Is it necessary to ask me these questions?"

Asahi asked a little speechlessly.

"You still want to say it like that? Right now, my position as the fifth of the Ten Wizard Saints has become a humiliation!"

Jura said without tears. The fifth place among the Ten Wizard Saints was his pride before, but now, he really can't be proud by this, and even feels humiliated.

After all, the fifth among Ten Wizard Saints means that he is also the fifth strongest in Ishgar, but now, it means shit.

Fairy Tail's people. If you pull one out casually, they can fight him with 50-50 chance of winning, and if you pull out one of the contestants, they can beat him easily.

So Jura, the fifth, has also become a joke. What is the fifth? He can't even be ranked among top ten.

"Forget it, just tell me, what's the problem?"

Asahi also felt that Jura is very pitiful, and this time, he is really aggrieved.

"It's about Orga and Sting. Orga uses God Slayer Magic, but God Slayer Magic does not have a particularly complete magic inheritance, so we want to ask about the development of God Slayer Magic!"

Minerva said. After all, Asahi is more than four hundred years old, so he must know a lot of things. The same is true for Jura, as Sherria also uses God Slayer Magic.

But although this kind of magic is also a kind of lost magic, but without the right direction, they can only continuously strengthen their magic power, and the techniques could only be copied from the Dragon Slayer Magic.