Chapter 485 Ruthless Zeref

In fact, when talking about Acnologia, Asahi couldn't help but sighed with emotion, after all, this guy is also a strange thing.

Before, when the dragons appeared, this guy just didn't show up. Even after Asahi let tens of thousands of dragons come out of Eclipse Gate, this guy did not appear, which made people very speechless. But Tartaros's action can actually attract this guy.

What Asahi knows is that Acnologia had deep hatred towards dragons, but this guy has changed now and doesn't hate dragons anymore.

He chooses to hate the darkness, and it is unknown what's wrong with him. He doesn't kill the dragon, and runs to places with more darkness every day.

Now, Igneel and the other dragons have appeared. With their children, they have gone all over the world to deal with Face.

It must be known that the speed of the dragon is really scary, especially the few dragons here. As one of them is beyond the ordinary Dragon King-level, and the others are also high-level dragons, so their speed is very fast.

There are only 3,000 Fez in the entire continent, and they all appear in places where human cities are concentrated. Although there are also some in the wild, they are very few.

So it was so easily dealt with by them.

"Igneel and the others have already come out. They might attract Acnologia if this continues. Let's come out too!"

In Sabertooth, Weisslogia and Skiadrum couldn't bear it anymore, and the two dragons also came out.

However, they did not bring their own Dragon Slayer this time, but still destroyed the surrounding Face quickly. The five dragons are all very strong, so they destroy all Face in just a few minutes.

"What's going on? Why does Face disappear directly?"

At this moment, at Tartaros, Mard Geer watched the Face disappearing one after another on the virtual screen. When the last one disappeared, he didn't feel very good. After all, he has done preparation for many years for this matter, but in the end, the Face just disappeared.

How long has Face been activated? Before the magic can be purified, they are already destroyedd.

"Dragons, it's dragons. Our members have seen traces of dragons. There are five of them in total, and it can't be ruled out if there are more!"

Keyes is the one who controls everything. At this moment, he is really speechless. Aren't dragons already extinct? The previous one also came out of the Eclipse Gate, so he wondered if there are some that slipped through the net and escaped.

He really didn't know what to say, but now that this happened, what can they do?

"Damn, damn, damn it, we are about to succeed, but it turned out like this. So many years of hard work were in vain!"

Mard Geer is so angry. He had waited for so long, and finally there's opportunity for them Demon to dominate the world, and even resurrected their Master, E.N.D.. But as a result, there's nothing left now. It will be strange if he is not angry.

"You have worked very hard. Although you have failed, you are only one step away from success!"

Just as Mard Geer roared, a calm voice came into his ears.

"I… my lord!"

Mard Geer's face changed, then his neck stiffly turned and looked in the direction of the voice.

After that, he saw a man in black clothes standing in a dark place and slowly walking out.

This person is naturally Zeref. At this moment, as Mard is extremely excited. He believes that his efforts have been recognized by Zeref, so Zeref appeared.

The purpose of their existence is to kill Zeref, but Zeref is also their creator and master, so after Zeref appeared, they are extremely excited.

They are eager to return to their Creator's side, but they also shoulder the responsibility of killing their own Creator.

It can be said that the Demon's existence is indeed quite contradictory, but what Zeref did afterwards made Mard Geer completely stunned.

He saw that Zeref snapped his fingers very simply, and immediately after, the other demons except him began to collapse, and then they were all turned into a book.

"To be honest, I admire you very much. You were created by me, and you are already on the verge of success."

"But E.N.D. is still not resurrected, so return that book to me. As for you, I don't need you anymore!"

After saying that, under Mard Geer's disbelief face, he also dissipated and turned into a book. At this moment, the books of the demons are suspended in the air.

As for E.N.D.'s book, it was taken by Zeref. After all, this is the body of his younger brother.

The other books are just his failed works, and Zeref has never been optimistic about these demons.

With another snap of his fingers, all the books floating in the air were directly wrapped in flames, then they were burned out and turned into ash and dissipated.

"You're really ruthless. No matter what, they're something you created, right? Others will usually cherish it what they created themselves. I really don't know what to say about you!"

After Zeref burned the book, Asahi appeared here. Asahi naturally knew the location of Tartaros's base.

It's just that Zeref is even more faster than him, and directly dealt with these guys.

"It's you… it's been a long time since I saw you. Thank you for nurturing Natsu. I have seen his growth, and I know he can easily kill me now, but after killing me, he will also die with me!"

Zeref glanced at the book in his hand and said.

"That's why I came here. Give me the book. There is still a connection between you and him. I don't care whether you live or die, but no matter what, he is still my approved companion, so I can't let him die with you!"

Asahi spoke and stretched out his hand, and Zeref was taken aback upon hearing this. His expression changed, and then he threw the book in his hand to Asahi.

"If you can take care of it, then I'll leave it to you!"

Zeref also didn't talk nonsense. If possible, he didn't want Natsu to die with him. Isn't that what happened in the end? He finally got rid of the curse, and Natsu didn't die with him, that's enough for him.

But now that Asahi is here, he doesn't need to take the last step. Asahi can handle all of this, so it is naturally not a big problem.

"I will help you with this matter. But after you die, the Western Continent seems to be useless for you, so how about you give them to me?"

Asahi asked with a smile. He didn't intend to fight the Western Continent, but it seemed good to recruit them.

"You have taken fancy to those… playthings? No problem, I'll make it clear to them!"

Zeref didn't refuse either. After all, he wanted to die the most, so the Empire was naturally useless to him.