Chapter 552 Weapon Enhancement


Watching the projected images, they could only utter that word in awe. It can't be helped, as they really can't find other words to describe it.

Their astonishment couldn't be adequately described with words. After all, in this world, people didn't possess special abilities like those of the Campione World.

They had slightly stronger physical attributes and Breathing Techniques that enhanced their physical abilities, and the breathing method can only enhance the physical fitness a little, but the enhancements were hardly significant and couldn't compare to the gods of the Campione World.

In that world, even an entry-level magician or a novice knight was a force to be reckoned with here, and going a bit higher, they are practically invincible.

"Are all gods like this? Sure enough, for humans, gods indeed beyond our reach!"

Kagaya said and shook his head. He didn't particularly like gods, after all, the curse in his body originated from them. Or rather, not from gods themselves, as this world's Law weren't developed enough to give rise to high-level beings like gods.

The curse within the Ubuyashiki Family was actually a punishment from the world's consciousness.

The world's consciousness acted like an ancient emperor, and it would enact collective punishment whenever someone committed a transgression.

The Ubuyashiki Family had committed an extreme evil by giving birth to Muzan, and that's why they were collectively punished by the world's consciousness.

Yoriichi, who appeared before, was also born because of world's consciousness. Due to Muzan's immense evil, Yoriichi came into existence. Unfortunately, the world's consciousness was not complete.

Compared with a mature world's consciousness, this world's consciousness can be regarded as a program at best. Yoriichi, who is created by it, does have the strength to defeat Muzan, but he lacked the ability to kill him. After all, Muzan's primary skill is escaping.

Therefore, after Yoriichi couldn't completely kill Muzan, this program naturally couldn't continue to run.

The reason why intermarriage with the priest can weaken the curse is also because the priest serves the world.

The world is the gods, and the gods are the world. By absorbing the essence of the world, they received the blessings of fortune. So, after intermarrying with the priest, it somewhat alleviated the Ubuyashiki Family's curse.

However, Asahi was impressed by the Ubuyashiki Family. Even though they had intermarried, only a few members managed to live to thirty, even so, they desperately bore children to continue their lineage, which was truly unique and terrifying.

It was common for children to take on the role of the head of the Demon Slayer Corps to continue their family legacy.

For the sake of their families, they spared no effort.

As for Kagaya, he had several children already, and his relentless procreation left little room for comment.

"Oh, by the way, give me all your weapons!"

Asahi suddenly remembered. He felt that it would be better to upgrade these people's weapons, as their current weapons are really trashy.

The reason why Hashira's weapons didn't easily break was due not only due the quality of the materials, but also because of their skills. This explained why the weapons of others frequently broke.

It can be seen from Inosuke, who managed to chip his sword with a rock. Even so, his sword hardly breaks when fighting against demons.

It wasn't about the quality of the weapons, but more about the skill with which they were used. Their weapons are thin to increase their sharpness, but it also makes them brittle, lacking the thickness to withstand powerful blows.

When the others heard that Asahi wanted their weapons, they immediately handed them over. To be honest, these weapons were quite unique. Most people used traditional swords, but the Hashira had weapons that were unusual and specialized.

For instance, Iguro Obanai used a twisted sword that is similar in appearance to an Indonesia's Kris Sword. Mitsuri used an extremely thin, flexible, and long katana akin to a whip.

As for Gyomei, his weapon is unique and unorthodox. It's a one-handed broadaxe attached to a flail via a long chain. The appearance of his weapon made one wonder how he carried it around in public

These weapons are made of special minerals, Nichirin Ores, which is a special product of this world. Although are not inherently special, these ores contained a trace of the sun's aura, giving them the power to kill demons.

In fact, Asahi had always wondered why they didn't plant more wisteria flowers. Considering they could repel demons, why don't they grow more varieties of wisteria flowers?

With Demon Slayer Corps already existing for so long, simply planting wisteria trees and flowers would have been an effective defense against demons.

They didn't even need to take matters into their own hands, as hiring a few people to plant wisteria would have been sufficient to deter the demons.

However, the Demon Slayer Corps had not pursued this approach. Moreover, there's Mount Fujikasane as the example, planting wisteria wouldn't have been a problem at all. Given their centuries of existence, they could have effectively combated Muzan in this way.

Demons will not die unless they are killed, especially the Hand Demon, who has lived inside Mount Fujikasane for decades. With his ability, can't he dig a passage out? Is it difficult? Even without tools, with his ability, he can casually dig out a tunnel to get out of there.

In this case, the wisteria is indeed amazing enough to keep him there without being able to leave.

With the weapons in hand, Asahi carved intricate and robust glyphs on them. These glyphs had the power to manifest attributes and enchantment.

Similarly, it can also be used for adding enhancements or blessings to the weapons. Then, Asahi infused a tiny portion of his sun power into each weapon, causing the aura of the sun within them to increase significantly, almost a hundredfold.

As a result of this infusion, flames began to erupt around the blades. And if not for the added durability enhancements, the weapons would likely have been unable to withstand the extreme temperatures.

The final touch was placing a seal on each weapon, ensuring that the augmented power would only be unleashed in combat.

Now, each of these weapons can burst out with the sun's power. Moreover, there is no need to cut the demons. Just holding it in their way is enough for the demons to die directly. The same is still true for the stronger demons, as all demons' weakness is the sun.

"These weapons can now release the brilliance of the sun. Even if it is Kibutsuji Muzan, he will have no choice but to run away!"

Asahi pointed to the weapons on the ground and said.